
Chapter 14

when they set up for the First ever C-Rank Mission they were excited.

Their mission was simple protect the escort.

Seeing the excitement of the team Yamato Prepared the diamond formation

That was 7 Days Ago


You know, I thought we were due for one of these," Hoshiro thought out loud.

"One of what, Hoshiro?", Shouji asked with a frown.

"An obscenely dangerous mission," he replied with a frown. "I mean, it's been months since our Graduation, so… I've actually been getting kind of antsy."

"Yeah, me too," Yagami admitted.

"Same," Shouji nodded. "What's that weird feeling between boredom and nervousness? That's what I felt."

"oh, I just wish we could meet some terrible bandit ready to steal the cavern", Yagami added

Hearing the talk of the Genins, the Client was visibly Frightened

"GUYS, Can we not have this conversation now?", Yamato said with his eyes twitching.

His Team is the worst in the history of making, Seriously, They have not completed a single Mission Till now, and to think that those missions were D-Ranks, Something that even Civilian kids could do

And from the looks of the Client, He is ready to run away from this psychotic team

He has not completed a single mission as the team Leader, becoming the running gag in jonins... he will complete this mission and get rid of this stain forever...

"Seriously, in front of the Client?"

"Sorry Sensei," They all apologized at once.


Another week later, The entire food on the wagon is on the verge of being gone

And the paranoia and fear of the client is getting more and more outta hand.

Yamato sighed, where has he gone wrong in teaching these brats, for them to become such psychotic friends.

But seeing them laughing and eating together a smile formed on his face, the team is definitely the most bonded team, no matter how anti social two of its team members are.



Hoshiro felt something

"Look out!"


More than 10 Outlaws came out of the woods, ready to steal...


The noise of battle is distracting...

An outlaw wearing a blue turban is charging toward Hoshiro, his long spear leveled at Hoshiro heart.

Hoshiro looking bored, and Remain still, his hands behind his back, and at the moment the outlaw hit Hoshiro, he circle the outlaw's spear away and shift himself away from the strike...

The Outlaw momentum sends him stumbling forward, frustrated but unhurt. He spins around to face off against Hoshiro, but Hoshiro insights shows him a moment of doubt: he didn't actually hurt the bandit, after all. But as though he feel enlightened, as his use of the Buddha-nature gentleness evoke

Hoshiro pivot around behind him and lock him in a sleeper hold.

He falls limp in Hoshiro arms, and he let the bandit fall on the ground before turning to see other foes.

The outlaws continue toward him and his teammates, flashes of blue catching his eye against the greens and browns of the marsh surrounding the path. It is hard to imagine that only moments ago, the four of them were making their way back on the simple assignment of escorting a wagon lord of supplies home.

He squeak like a little girl, this is finally he was looking for, the excitement, the moment he was preparing for...

As the Outlaws came

A sword hit his heart


The Sword Broke down


Another One Came from the side Slicing the saber to Hoshiro Neck.


Another Saber Broke...

He just stood there till there are more than 4 Bandits trying to hack himand with a speed faster than able to react for these bandits, a beautiful Staff appeared in his hand with a poof!! of smoke

He Stabs his staff into the ground before him, and with a holy and pure aura, the entire ground began to break down in a circle, creating cracks on earth all around him.


He opened his eyes, with Lotus in his eyes and... he held his staff

Buddha's Fury

He Spin about and hurl the wooden staff, to create a vortex, and then immediately throw the spinning staff towards the Central location, and summoning up a twister in that location, causing all the nearby bandits to get attached and sucked in it.

Seeing the fancy move of Hoshiro; Yagami competitive spirit rose, as she made the hand signs.

"Ice Release: Breath of Innocence"

The mist suddenly came and covered every bandit, freezing them in the matter of seconds.

Water Release: Water Vortex

The giant Water vortex destroyed everything in it's path.


Yamato was standing with the client in order to protect him.

He let his Students take part in battle in order for them to gain experience

They... did successfully Defeated the Bandits but... Why the hell is the cavern destroyed in the process.

He had no tears to cry anymore...

He thought he will complete his first mission being the team leader

He thought he will completely remove the stain on him

The mission failed... and he has to pay the client for loss as well.

Truly, the worst team in history


Hokage sighed for the Upteenth time as he read the Report of the Mission

"Yamato, You have the most Talented team in the Genin batch, with one member Hoshiro Senju even surpassing his Ranks... Care to tell me, how the Hell did you fail the Simplest C-Rank mission"

"S-Sir, It wasn't my fault I---


Hokage slammed the table


"Sensei", came the Voice of Tsunade



When Yamato came from Inside the room, he saw 3 of his Students Laughing Together.

"Sensei", they saw him and stood up cheerfully

Yamato eyes twitched, "Other than Hoshiro, you two can leave"


"I am Sending him to Kiri, to search for his most dangerous mission", said Hokage

"I don't agree to this"

"He is so strong Tsuande. Imagine how strong he would become without the baggage of his life in Wave country to hold him back." The Third squeaked out

Tsuande narrowed her eyes, "I don't buy it sensei, that plan doesn't sound like something you would come up with. It seems more like an idea that Danzo would think up."

"That is because it is my idea." Danzo said walking up to the two. "I also suggest you put the Hokage down, sensei or not what you doing is considered treason."

The blonde stalked over to the aged war hawk, "What the hell gives you the right to decide when and how my son faces those demons?"

"Me, nothing I simply suggested it to the Hokage and he agreed. Isn't that right Hiruzen?" Danzo asked

Tsuande turned to her sensei with a look of betrayal, "How could you?" She asked her voice soft

Hiruzen sighed, "Caspian is not your son Tsunade, he is an Orphan--


"Tsunade, that's not up to you", said Danzo

"If its like that, Then I will take Shizune and Hoshiro to leave this Village"


"Don't forget Sensei, they will leave the Village with me, none of the two will ever question my judgement"

Hokage eyes narrowed


After waiting for an Hour, Hoshiro looked as Tsunade came out.

"Auntie", he ran towards her

Tsunade eyes moistened, as she buried his face in her boobs

Mmmmpphhh... mmmmppgghhh

He separate his face from her Giant Breasts, "Auntie, I am a Growing Teenager, you don't do---

Tsunade eyes widened, "How did you", her eyes narrowed down, "Hoshiro are you reading Jiraiya books again?"

He shivered, "I-I wasn't?"

"Are you asking or telling me, Give me those books now"



He gave her the books and watched it getting burn right there

Tsunade bit her nails with a tick mark over her head, 'That perverted toad has corrupted my son, He will pay for this, But with the way things are going, I think its best time for the Talk'


That Night, Hoshiro and Shizune blushed Furiously as Tsunade told everything about bees and birds to both of them.

That was the Most Horrible night ever


Next morning, Hoshiro was Ready for another mission, as his team with a tired Sensei are ready for advancing to Hokage tower.

But before they could go Tsunade meet them in Between

"Auntie, What are you doing here?"

She cheerfully smiled, "Nothing just wanted to tell you, If you Fail this Mission, We will have double the Training"

Hoshiro shivers uncontrollably, Is his Aunt Trying to kill him


With a shaking hand, and an incredible seriousness on his face, he received another C-Rank Mission.

This Mission can't be fail, if he ever wish to live