
chapter 12



Tsunade was sitting in her room and threw the book out of the room in frustration

"Shisou... what happened"

"No information, there is practically no information on summon in grandpa's records... guess he kept some secrets to himself in fear of it getting into the hand of enemy"

"huh? but aren't you and Jiraiya San good at summoning"

Tsunade shook her head

"You are not getting it Shizune, Only handful of summons can teach him the senjutsu arts... but the main problem is, Grandpa's summons were different... sigh, I wanted Hoshiro to sign the summoning contract with Grandpa's summon... I guess I will ask Jiraiya to have him contract with the toads.




Suddenly nearly everyone in Konoha felt the disturbance in the air

But the Disturbance came from inside the Senju Compound, and thus only Lady Tsunade and Shizune were able to make it towards the disturbance

All the way towards the Secret Library of Senju


"W-what's happening to him", asked the bewieldered Shizune

"Tch, I don't know", she bit her nail for she is afraid that he will be hurt

Only through endless meditation, can one achieve the teachings of Buddha

He was sitting crossed legs meditating, and rotating the natural energy subconsciously, when Buddhist wheel emerges below him, and a huge wave of Buddhist powers endlessly engulfs him

Tsunade and Shizune kept seeing the changes to Hoshiro

They couldn't comprehend what's happening

A faint pure aura gradually formed around his body. Hoshiro's face was peaceful, and it looked so holy. The Natural energy kept rushing at him

Hoshiro's consciousness is blurred, and it feels that at this moment he understands a lot of things, he involuntarily clapped his hands, and mutters holistic Chants, and suddenly Three faint lotus appeared above his head floating there.

At this moment and he is giving a pure holistic vibe


(At some Unknown Place)

In the blank space with nothing; At some Unknown Dimension, there sat an old man in the meditative position, he has two horns on his head...

This man is the strongest Shinobi ever lived on earth, the famed Sage of the six Paths

The Old man opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

"To think someone was able to attain it... After me, I never thought that there would be any soul alive that would be able to attend the holy aura of Buddha... "

A faint trace of smile formed on his face, as he remembers his two sons Ashura and Indra trying to learn the Holistic arts but failing to attain it

That's Why he sealed it inside a chain... Madara was right, these arts are only meant for the successor of Sage of Six Paths, it was his legacy and no one, not even his sons managed to learn how to attain it.


Hoshiro slowly opened his eyes from his prayers, there were Lotus Images on his eyes, the Holiness chakra spread everywhere.



She picked Shizune by her collar and ran, she ran with all her might...

Suddenly his wood Chakra creates a dense growth of trees, The trees life force is immense enough to split the earth as they sprout and further pierce through any other obstructions they encounter. This growth is also fast enough that it can capture targets before they have a chance to escape.

But Tsunade Still managed to escape out of senju compound, dragging Shizune with her

Tsunade and Shizune looked up to see, the trees warping up, interlocking and merging to form 5 wooden giant Buddhas

Auspicious and pure chanting resounded out, from no where. Bringing peace to all who listened, and gave them the urge of holistic and Purity.


(In the Hokage Office; Next day)

"So what happened", asked Hokage

"Tch, That brat seems to be in the process of creating some technique", Said Tsunade feeling pissed, Hoshiro that boy destroyed half the compound... the repair fee is quite too much

"Well, considering, Hashirama sama created all those powerful wood Release Techniques on his own without a single help, the explanation of Hoshiro creating a wood Release Technique is quite high as well"

"If there's nothing else, I will leave", She is quite pissed off... she was so pissed after hearing the price of Repairing she grounded hoshiro in the Library for a whole week, for destroying the Compound.

In face of her angry face, hoshiro could only hung his head down and there were slight tears in his eyes... it nearly melt Tsunade but she didn't give up in the end and manage to Successfully give the Detention

Shizune and Hoshiro were quite surprise for she actually managed to hold on, despite seeing the tears.

For entire weekend, she and Shizune saw Hoshiro getting better and better in controlling the holy chakra.

In just 7 days, entire Senju Compound becomes the center of Purity and Holiness, in fact, Tsunade was thinking of creating a temple nearby, People will come like Bees comes to honey, she will be earning so much money from it...

Hoshiro told them only through the holistic Chakra, can he control the 5 Buddhas using the natural energy

Both the Lady's were Shocked, to think the little brat is creating the Senjutsu arts on his own, Just Like Grandpa did, but even he didn't managed to do it at being 13 years of age.


(Few weeks Later)

[I am not writing about the D-ranks]

Team Four," Yamato greeted them as they stood in front of him to receive their next mission. "You have managed to fail every single D-Rank mission we have. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"That takes... talent?" Hoshiro volunteered.

"Hoshiro," Yamato said sternly.

"I think he is right... I mean have you ever tried to fail at some of those?" Shouji shot back.

"How did we manage to fail at finding Tora?" Yagami asked. "Since we did, in fact, find Tora."

"That cat hasn't been the same since you brought it back and, from what I hear, practically has a panic attack every time it spots one of you," Yamato pointed out.

"That's very strange," Yagami said neutrally.

"Yea it sure is", Hoshiro nodded his head agreeing with the Cold Princess of the Team

"I'm sure it is not. You can't babysit because the children invariably insist on throwing stick 'kunai' at the people around them for 'moving target practice.' You can't go shopping in a neighboring village because you compete to see who can get the cheapest deals and so end up haggling all day. You can't help with farming because Shouji's clones eat all the food. You can't help paint fences or buildings because that would start another paint war," Yamato recited. "I have had enough, you guys currently hold the record for most D-ranks failed ever in the history of making"

Hoshiro beamed. "I knew we had it in us. Besides, if you think about it, it really takes far more effort and creativity to manage to fail so many consecutive D-rank missions."

Yamato sighed. "Hokage sama said that, for the protection of the population you guys will have C-Rank missions"

"YATA", all cheered, for they won't have to do these mundane tasks

"Then I guess that means it's time to graduate to C-rank missions," Yagami said brightly.


She was shocked... did she just? is she happy that they will do the C - Rank, she berated herself, she is not happy, she hates Konoha and will destroy it one day, and betray her team mates but... seeing the grinning Hoshiro and the happy and excited Shouji... she can't bring herself to do it

"Failing C-rank missions are a bit more serious than failing D-ranks," Yamato told them seriously. "As your Jounin instructor, I have the right to know that you all will take these seriously."

Shouji nodded. "Absolutely."

"Hn," Yagami grunted in agreement. She was trying to sound it like she was not interested in it, but the excitement beats her to it.

"Dibs on any mission and we will complete it without a problem Sense," Hoshiro called.