
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Chapter 37: Misunderstandings

"I see."

Amy explained her situation to me and thus cleared up my slight misunderstanding. I was a bit dumbfounded at first, not because she was a student there, but because she hadn't killed me because of my misunderstanding. Nevertheless, I asked her why she was there and she replied.

"I'm on break."

I did not know how to behave after that. It was awkward since I just threatened that she can't leave. We continued trudging through the forest, with the air stiff and uncomfortable. It was mostly me who was stiff and uncomfortable, while Amy had a relaxed atmosphere.

All of a sudden she opened her mouth and asked.

"Do you like me, Cosmo?"

"Of course, I like you Amy, you're a good person so why can't I like you."

Amy halted her steps and stared directly at me in the eyes. Her gaze seemed to be tearing a hole through me as if she was trying to see through me. In my opinion, she didn't need to do so, I found out that I was easily seen through.

"I'm asking if you like me as a woman."

What the hell.

Befuddled, I couldn't reply and just stood there with a gaping mouth. I didn't know how to reply to that, heck I don't even know how she got that idea. I may be a guy, but a girl isn't on my list at the moment.

She continued looking at me, not removing her gaze for even one moment. It took a few minutes but I was able to compose myself as I took a deep breath. Standing erect, I gazed back at her and said.

"Hell no."

Amy seemed startled, a confused expression plastered on her face. Why is she the one confused, I'm the one who's been asked that question. I like Amy but not the way she thinks so.

"Why did you stop me?"

She asked as she continued walking. I followed as I walked beside her. No, in fact, I already know the answer. I just don't know how to say it.

After thinking about it more, I said,

"It's because I'm weak. I'm a danger to be around. I don't know why I'm like this but what I do know is this."

I halted in my tracks, with Amy doing the same. I looked her in the eye and said,

"You hurt Amy. Because of me. Because of my own situation and because of my weakness. I'm sorry Amy, I am so sorry…"

I looked into the ground as the thought of facing her anymore pains me. It was already shameless of me to still be near her as I caused her enough pain, I even tried hurting Amy because of my own insecurities. I don't deserve this, I don't deserve the kindness they have given me.

"Idiot. We don't need protection."

Looking up, I saw that Amy had an annoyed look on her face.

"You seem to be underestimating us too much Cosmo. We are not your responsibility and it never will. Get it through your idiotic head."

Not knowing how to reply, I nodded and followed her as we strolled through the forest. The air seemed to have frozen, with the trees quietly rustling with the wind caressing them. A gentle breeze passed through us, with only the sound of the forest accompanying us.

There were no more words exchanged after that, only quietly strolling along the forest. Our every step is light and purposeful. Various thoughts ran through my head, as I felt that a heavy burden was being lifted off my shoulders.

Maybe Amy was right. It is not my responsibility to protect them, but it is my fault because they got hurt. And for that, I don't want it to happen again. Even if I have to risk my life in the process, I can't let them get hurt ever again.

I looked forward and was about to say something to Amy when I noticed that she vanished. My brain slightly froze, as I scoured the closest vicinity. In my panic, I used {Lightning Movement} and dashed through everywhere.

Looking through every crack and crevice, I even looked under a rock but she was nowhere to be found. I thought that she may have left me, but that was unlikely. Amy may sometimes try killing me for fun, but she would never leave me alone. I know because I always notice her gaze when I'm manning the bar.

The feeling of wanting to panic welled within me, but I suppressed it and pushed it down as I took a breath. I closed my eyes and slowed everything down, my perception of time, space, and even myself. When I opened my eyes, I felt my body relax. My mind was even more alert than usual.

I calmed down and thought of various scenarios, yet each one was more terrifying than the other. Since there was no sign of Amy for kilometers, then it means one thing. Mr. Samuel warned me of the monsters I should avoid.

One of them was a monster that if I ever encountered it. I am allowed to consider myself dead since the moment I encounter that monster, I won't even be given a chance to see it. He said that the only way you feel that the monster has set you as prey is the moment when you feel that there was no escape.

<Ilmantris> is what the monster is called. A monster that has a large triangular head with two bulbous eyes, allows it to see everything in its vicinity. A pair of antennae sends out a small psychic attack to incapacitate its opponents.

Mr. Samuel said that it uses Allusions to befuddle its prey, exhaust, and confuse its opponent in their own minds. Spend long enough time in their illusion and it's almost a guaranteed death. There's more information on them in the <Monster Codex> but Mr Samuel didn't give me one yet… I'll buy it later.

For now, I need to find Amy, who knows what kind of danger she is in right now. I must save her. Without wasting any more time, thunder crackled on my feet as I dashed forward, leaving a blazing path of lightning and fire. Here I come, Amy.

"Did he follow you?"

A voice asked, its tone cold and unfeeling. The voice was indiscernible, unknown if it was a man or woman.

"No." The woman replied. The woman seemed to be talking to the dark, her clothes being that of a dark cloak that covered every part of her body. Her voice is that of any discernible quality.

"You know what to do. Hide for knowledge and let things play out. And whatever you do, don't interfere."


"No buts."

The voice cut her in the middle of talking. What soon followed was an eerie silence, with the wind slightly billowing the hems of her cloak. There was a mutual understanding between them yet the woman seemed reluctant, she wanted to voice her thoughts but she knew then to do so.

"Everything will make sense in the end. For now, this is the only thing we can do."

The darkness squirmed as if it came alive, and in a few seconds, it stopped. The woman tried sensing if there was any presence around her, and she came up empty.

She looked up, the sun was still shining in midday yet somehow it was not able to reach this part of the forest. As if this place itself was trapped in eternal nothingness. With no light or even life seemed to be in sight.

Various thoughts ran through her head, her doubts about the plan, the impact it will bring but also the part she played. She guessed, at night she knew that this plan would have disastrous consequences. After Effects that not even the voice does not know. Yet they were going to do it anyway.

She did not want to be a part of this, she resisted at first but when she listened to the voice's reasoning. It made logical sense, but what did not was the person they were doing this to. It was unfair.

"Amy! Where are you!" she heard a voice shouting in the distance. It was getting closer yet she did not move. The wind seemed curious as to who the woman was, as it sent a gust of wind that knocked down her cowl. Slowly but surely, it reveals her face.

Her appearance was made known, short black hair just above her shoulders, its coloring seemingly in tune with her surroundings. Her green eyes peered through the direction where the voice came from, and her emotions conflicted on what to do.

Her face twisted into a knot for a second but reverted back to her calm and collected face. She had mixed feelings about what she was doing, but she knew that there was no better way. She had no choice or voice in the matter.

Her eyes turned scarlet red, as her body was slowly wrapped in a cocoon of blood, and soon she was fully submerged in it, and in the next moment, it dispersed. Any trace of her seemingly vanished, drifted off by the wind as it flew through the forest.

A few minutes later someone passed by, and the person stopped in place and scrutinized his surroundings. His sapphire-like eyes glancing around as if he realized something, the person closed his eyes and felt around his surroundings. Extending his mana as he searched everywhere, that is until he abruptly opened his eyes.


His cascading hair gently swayed by the wind, as a serious look passed through his face. Lightning seemingly came to life at his feet, and in the next moment, he was gone as a blazing path of thunder was left in his wake.

"She was there, I can feel it."

I moved through the forest as fast as possible, with the sun still in sight yet apparent that it wasn't able to make its way here. The forest reminded me of my time in that forest. The only difference is that Amy isn't here. So where is she?

Time has become irrelevant as I've scoured the forest everywhere for her yet she was still not in sight. The only place I haven't searched was the depths of the forest, and even though Mr. Samuel told me not to come there, I have to in order to find Amy.

If she disappeared because she wants to play hide and seek, then it would really be mean of her not to tell me. I don't mind playing here, but it would have been polite for her to tell me. Yet I have a feeling that she's not playing.

Wherever she has gone, I have a feeling it's not good. The moment I used {Lightning Movement} again, I was displaced in another place and a tree was in front of me, and without panicking, I unsheathed my chokuto and cut it down. I don't have time for this.

I increased my mana output as I went faster and faster. The trees seemingly passed by me like my memories of childhood. It was unknown to me how fast I was going, but as long as it was fast enough, that was good.

Suddenly I stopped, the creepy and eerie dark forest sounded out with absolute silence. On the surface, there was nothing wrong, but I felt it. There was definitely something wrong here. I closed my eyes and used {Life Detection}. I flinched for a moment but I masked my reaction.

Opening my eyes, I took a deep breath and said.

"Come out. There's no point you know."

The trees swayed in response yet soon enough, the perpetual darkness squirmed as if something was contained in it. Soon there were people coming out of it, people clothed in dark cloaks their eyes were red as blood.

No bloodlust was leaking yet the apparent hostility was clear to see. Then a person stood above all of them, he stepped out and pulled down the cloak hiding his face. A gruff face with dark hair and brown eyes. Shock overcame me as I realized who it was.

There was only one person I knew and liked that had that appearance, and the constant assassins followed him.

"Hi, kid."