
The Lost Princess of Vampire City

After struggling through many hardships in life, me and my best friend, Sadie, settled down into a little apartment. It wasn't big, and it wasn't exactly in the safest part of town, but it quickly became our home. One day, after being attacked in our home, I woke up in a hospital. A strange man had greeted me at my bedside, and he told me I'm a vampire. Not just any vampire, though. Apparently, I'm a Vampire Princess. I thought my life was crazy before, but crazy couldn't even begin to describe the events unfolded after that day.

niffyboo · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


Kay's POV

During the whole duration of the drive to my apartment, Sadie was bombarding Jay with numerous questions. It was like she was playing good cop bad cop with herself, but she was the bad cop and there was no good cop.

"What are your intentions here? Why are you suddenly interested in Kay? Do you only like her because she's pretty?" Sadie pressed.

"Hey!" I shouted, glaring towards Sadie who sat in the back seat.

"No, Kay! Sorry, I meant you have a great personality too that he might just be missing. I don't want people to like you for the wrong reasons. You're special to me and I just don't want you to get hurt." Sadie said, flustered.

"She is indeed special, that's for sure." Jay said softly with a mischievous grin on his face.

Hearing those words, my cheeks reddened. I mean, I know he's just saying that because supposedly I'm a princess or whatever, but it was still nice to hear.

"Hey, you better not be smirking like that for the wrong reasons! I can read people pretty well, and you just seem like trouble." Sadie shouted.

Jay didn't respond, and instead kept his eyes on the road, seemingly unaffected by Sadie's attempts to get under his skin.

"So, what do you do, anyway? For work, I mean. This car looks expensive. Why would someone with money like you be hanging around this part of town?" Sadie asked, continuing her interrogation.

"I'm simply an errand boy. My boss sent me out on a job nearby, and certain unexpected circumstances led me to become aquainted with your friend." Jay replied.

Sadie stared in Jay's durection with a look of concern on her face, and no longer spoke for the duration of the car ride home.

Once we got to our apartment building, Jay helped me out of the truck and was about to walk us back to our apartment when Sadie stepped in front of him.

"I can take her from here. You're a busy man, right? Besides, I don't feel comfortable with a stranger knowing exactly where we live. I know it's a little late for that since you have us a ride home and all, but I'd like the comfort of knowing that you don't know which apartment is actually ours."

Jay just nodded his head and got back into his truck, driving away.

"What the hell, Sadie? Why were you being so rude the whole ride home? And then instead of thanking him for driving us, you just drmand him to leave. He didn't do anything to you!" I shouted.

Sadie ignored my outburst and looked at me with a concerned expression on her face. She hesitated before speaking, and instead decided to walk with me back to our apartment. Once we were inside and comfortable, Sadie let it a sigh and approached me gently.

"Kay, are you sure you're comfortable with this guy knowing where we live? I mean, you said you just met him a day ago. This isn't like you at all." Sadie said. "You hardly trust anyone, and you rarely open up to anyone at all. It was hard for you to even open up to me when we first met."

I glared at Sadie, and just before I was about to get defensive, she started talking again. "Look, I can tell that there's something up. Are you in trouble? Does he have some sort of dirt on you? Is he some type of gangster or pimp or something? I know you know how difficult it is to escape from something like that, especially given what we've been through. Kay, I know you aren't being honest with me about all this. If you can't tell me what's going on, at least just tell me if you're in trouble."

I sighed, thinking about what type of explanation I should give her. Finally, I came up with an idea.

"He... He knows about my parents. My birth parents, I mean." I said with hesitation, trying to come up with any answers to the questions Sadie will ask next.

"What? How is that possible? How does he even recognize you? Didn't they die when you were like 5?" Sadie asked. "I feel like this has to be a trick. How was he able to find you? More importantly, how do you know you can trust him?"

"I can trust him because he's already saved my life!" I nearly shouted. "Look, you don't understand. He knows things about me that even I didn't know. I still don't have most of my answers, and he's the only lead I have to finding out what exactly happened, and whether or not if I even have a family left at all. Right now, besides you, he's the closest thing I have to a family, even though it's not exactly a normal relationship. Please, I can't talk about it, but just trust me on this. He is genuine."

"Why can't you talk about it? That just makes things even more suspicious! Kay, I know you aren't a gullible person. Something must have happened for you to believe him, but I still don't. I need to know the full picture of what's going on. Just like you said about me, you're the only family I have, too. I can't just let some stranger take you away from me!" Sadie shouted with tears in her eyes.

At that moment, I hugged Sadie with a right grip. Without realizing it, I hugged just a little too tightly, unaware of how to control my full strength just yet. Immediately after having this thought, I loosened my grip, allowing Sadie to breathe.

"I'll tell you everything when I know it's safe. Trust me, I'm not in danger, but apparently my family had dark secrets that other people can't get involved with. I don't want anything to happen to you. Just bare with me on this, please." I begged.

We both cried for a moment, but after calming down, we prepared drinks and snacks and started watching a movie to get our minds off the heavy topic.

During the entire movie, Sadie and I snuggled each other on the couch, wrapped up in my favorite quilt. It was a comfy feeling, and my instincts were telling me this was the last moment of "normalcy" that I will have as a part of my human life.

After the movie, Sadie went off to take a shower and do her night time routine, which left me all alone with my thoughts. For a moment, while watching the movie, I almost forgot about the chaos that happened in this very apartment the night before. Now that I was alone, it all came flooding back to me.

With every creak in the walls, down to the sounds of night time coming from outside, I became very jumpy. I stayed on the couch, carefully watching every corner of the room, expecting a person to pop out at any time.

After a torturing moment of pure anxiety, I decided to inspect my bedroom. It was a complete mess, but nothing out of the ordinary since my room was always in disarray. It was as if everything that occurred had never happened, and even my window was still locked shut. I looked in the closet, under the bed, and anywhere where a person might be able to hide. Finally, after my inspection was complete, I left my room.

At the same time, Sadie had just left the bathroom, wearing her robe with a towel wrapped over her head. We breifly made eye contact before Sadie smiled at me, walking towards her room.

As she walked towards her room, I followed her in there to inspect the place.

"Kay, what are you doing?" Sadie asked. "You're freaking me out."

"I just want to make sure it's safe." I said, double checking to see that her window is locked.

Sadie watched me as I inspected her closet and under the bed. Before leaving the room, I turned to look at her.

"This place isn't safe. I want to move out as soon as possible." I said, turning to leave the room.

"Hey, is this about how I found you yesterday?" Sadie asked. I nodded.

"What happened? Does it have something to do with that Jay guy?" Sadie questioned.

I shook my head. "There was an intruder in here. I don't exactly know what he did to me because I lost consciousness, but when I woke up I was in the hospital and my entire body was sore. I guess I just dont feel safe or comfortable here anymore."

When I left the room, I went back to the couch, cocooning myself up in my favorite quilt. I turned on one of my comfort animes, one of the ones I rewatch over and over, and eventually I fell asleep.