

What would you do if you were the last Christian on earth? David Heringer, son of two renowned pastors, grew up surrounded by all the affection and attention of his parents, in the same way that he grew up under the shadow of the tragedy of his brother's death, which he never managed to overcome, thus abandoning his faith and finding in music and in the love that only the beautiful and talented writer Ivy Johnson, daughter of the most powerful and richest man in the world could give. After marrying Ivy, David skyrocketed in his music career, reaching the highest possible rank of stardom, winning numerous awards and on the day he would be the best of his entire life, tragedy took his wife's life forcing her facing a new reality, a world where there is no love a thousand years in the future, the future that his father-in-law, William Johnson designed. With the creation of the Omega Virus, deadly to almost all human beings, William Johnson wants to create a world in his own way, a world where only the chosen will survive, two thirds of humanity will be decimated and the way we live will never be the same. . With a turn of events, not even the President of the United States of America, Jennie Heringer-Wilkinson will be able to change the future that David wakes up a thousand years in the future. The reality we all know can change from one hour to the next, and the world as we know it will never be the same, it is not the beginning of the end, just a new beginning for all humanity.

Rafael_Zimichut · Histoire
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THE PHOTO OF OLIVIA CASANOSSA was on the cover of every morning newspaper on that fateful Thursday morning. Her suicide quickly became the news of the moment, not because she was famous — on the contrary, no one had ever heard of her — but unfortunately nothing interesting was happening in the world at that moment, and this event suited the journalistic world like a glove. from New York. Reporters were so lacking in news that strangers overnight became celebrities, the media had the power to raise heroes or villains overnight, one such victim of modern/social chaos was Juanes Casanossa.

It was almost seven in the morning when Juanes woke up, enraged to the sound of numerous car and ambulance sirens in front of the building where he lived with Olivia.

Juanes went to the open window of his room and saw all the movement of people around a body stretched out on the floor.

Do these people have nothing else to do? — He thought, annoyed with all that... after all, in his limited mind, all the problems in the world were solved on a bed with a beautiful company...

When Juanes realized who the dead person was, first; he felt a chill run down his spine, then he heard someone knocking on his door.

— Well, no… — he said as he opened the door for the policeman.

— Are you Miss Olivia's husband?

— Yes... has something happened, officer?

— Unfortunately, yes... — he took a deep breath before continuing — his wife was found dead in front of the building, apparently she threw herself, or, they threw her...

Juanes accompanied the policeman and made the reconnaissance, unfortunately...

Fortunately for him...

It was his wife Olivia.

Juanes did not mourn Olivia, on the contrary, he went to a nightclub the same day and spent almost all of his salary on two luxury prostitutes, the most beautiful in the house.

According to him, that had been the best day of his entire life, and he deserved to be celebrated accordingly.

As the days passed, the media swooped down on Juanes like a vulture watching the carrion lying in front of him. Everyone relentlessly accused him of killing his wife to enjoy a life of luxuries and pleasures at her expense.

For six months, this martyrdom was almost a ritual, Juanes running away from the relentless paparazzi, until something a little more interesting happened...

The kidnapping of your world — famous friend was showing on all the live television channels...

David Heringer...

The car weaved through the traffic at high speed, the climax of the program was the moment when the car flipped over and no one believed it when the thief opened the passenger side door and walked away calmly, as if nothing had happened, the bastard had not suffered a single scratch, maybe if he were close, he would realize that not even getting his clothes dirty had soiled.

For two hours they tried to get David out of the car, and when he got out, he went towards the kidnapper to talk to him.

It looked like a movie scene...

The two hugged for a short time and exchanged a few words until the kidnapper was taken to the police station.

After that, no one remembered Juanes anymore, mainly because of another accident parallel to the previous one, that of David's wife, Ivy Johnson Heringer.

Ivy's funeral was also a major New York City landmark, and most amazing of all, no one even saw the shadow of David Heringer.

The media didn't talk about anything else, and the next day, when David was seen entering the building where he lived, the issue escalated even more.

David Heringer's new song was hitting radio stations around the world, not only because the melody was excellent, but the lyrics were true Shakespearean poetry.

Juanes got tired of making love to prostitutes with the soundtrack of "A love for a lifetime".

With the media far from the case of Olivia's death, Juane's trial went in his favor, acquitting him for lack of substantial material evidence to convict him.

In the newspapers, only a small note appeared without much value, the topic of the moment was David's early retirement, which no one imagined would happen so soon, after all, he didn't have that much time in his career to afford to abandon everything. who had fought so hard to win.

Everyone could understand the pain David was feeling, but they wanted to help him, there was nothing better than the warmth of the audience to help him get out of that pit of bitterness he was in, maybe even one of his fans was left. in her place.

But David knew...

No one could take Ivy's place in his life... it was like covering the sun with a sieve...

David Heringer's new CD broke all possible records up to that point, won numerous awards, which David's producer received, which made him even more controversial in the musical and journalistic environment.

JUANES DIDN'T KNOW WHAT to think about David, both had lost their wives, the difference was that he was happy with his life and David was not.

Juanes didn't realize it, but deep in his soul David was happy, for him, living a minute with Ivy was worth more than a lifetime of solitude, and that no one could ever take away from him, no matter where he was, David knew Ivy was there... she would always be by his side, that was the deal...

As with everything in life, there is a good part and a bad part. The good thing about Juane's life was that he had gotten rid of Olivia once and for all, and he'd still had her apartment, which was relatively good, easily enough for his basic needs, and he'd even been acquitted at trial without much fanfare from the media, which had everything to put an end to his miserable life, if David Heringer hadn't once again appeared on the scene...

The bad part was that for six long months his image had been exposed to ridicule for the whole world, and for ninety — nine percent of the viewers and readers of the most famous newspapers on the American East Coast, Juanes remained a cold and calculating killer, an opportunist in search of new victims.

Over time, Juanes Casanossa's life returned to normal, but David's sudden death shocked him much more than he had expected.

Juanes went to the funeral and without realizing he was crying for his friend's death, he didn't even imagine that David was someone so special.

There were crowds of fans singing their countless hits. As insensitive as he was, looking at the Heringer couple in that situation made him very bad, he knew that David didn't deserve that, he was a nice guy, and another, he wanted to be able to have a coffee at his friend's expense that day, after all, if he was married to the woman of his dreams, the least David could do was buy her another coffee...

Juanes left that place and walked aimlessly through Central Park, completely idly. Until he saw what he called:

The girl of your dreams...

Her name was Silvia Reys, a fantastic blonde, with a body sculpted especially for sin, and best of all...

She was married...

The two stayed talking until Juanes found an opening to take her to his apartment.

That sounded so good in that moment of glory...

Silvia was unhappy with her husband, and everything in her life was a true Greek tragedy, her dream of a happy life with the perfect husband was falling drastically, and as much as she tried to save her marriage, her husband didn't even care. endeavored to destroy him, it was almost naturally that he did so.

Juanes took her to his apartment without much effort.

'Would you like something to drink?' — He said as they entered, trying to create a romantic atmosphere — I have Whiskey, beer, Martini...

— I want Vodka, but I'd like to make it, I want to see if I'm approved by a bartender as experienced as you.

Silvia prepared the drink and the night was long for both of them.

Juanes hated the New York winter, perhaps because he came from a Latin country...


As he liked to say — he loved the tropical heat of his native country, nothing in the world would make him trade that wonderful climate for that cold, unfortunately his father... Juanes didn't even like to remember those damn days with his father...

That night, Juanes dreamed of Olivia trying to warm him from a cold he had never felt in his life, it wasn't a cold in his body, his soul was frozen in an arctic desert, it felt like his heart was inside the freezer, incommunicado with the world outside that chest.

That was the first time Juanes had dreamed of Olivia without it being a dark nightmare.

WHEN JUANES WAKE UP, he was lying in his bathtub, covered in ice, only his head was sticking out.

Juanes tried unsuccessfully to get up, his body was completely numb. He started to take the ice off of him and when he looked at his belly, he started screaming desperately.