A story of reincarnation of an orphan boy of fifteen years who died due to cancer with only a vague idea of magic from watching Harry Potter movies once and reading one or two fanfictions being reborn as Harry Potter in an alternate universe to the Harry Potter universe.
Halloween proved Harry wrong in his belief as Mrs. Norris was found petrified near Moaning Myrtle's bathroom with Neville along with Ron being found at the scene.
Malfoy ran his mouth when he saw the message written in blood threatening Muggleborns and Harry silenced him with a flick of his wand as his mind was racing to find out who had the cursed diary and he came up with no clues as he wasn't paying attention to who was missing from the Halloween feast as he assumed that the events of the Chamber of Secrets had been averted but he had been proven wrong and Harry couldn't even go to Dumbledore as he didn't have any plausible explanation for his knowledge of the future.
The rest of the school went into a state of fear as the months passed and more and more people were getting petrified including Colin Creevey, Justin Flinch Fletchey, Nearly Headless Nick.
Harry didn't go home to Potter Manor for Christmas as he wanted to spend a Christmas at Hogwarts and his parents agreed as they had also experienced how beautiful it was during Christmas in Hogwarts and wanted him also to experience it.
It turned out there were not many students staying at Hogwarts for Christmas that year and with only 12 students and teachers staying Dumbledore had transfigured a big round table in the middle of the Great Hall for the teachers and the students to sit together.
Harry was sitting in between Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore when Harry turned towards Dumbledore and asked quietly, " so grandpa, how was my Christmas gift to you? "
Albus chuckled and said, " they are sone of the most comfortable and warm pair of socks I own and I especially liked the massive box of Muggle confectionary you gifted me. How did you like the book on Battlefield Transfiguration I gave you? "
Harry chuckled and said, " that book is very informative but most of those spells are beyond me at this point, but they will come in handy after I have advanced enough in Transfiguration and my magic has matured enough for me to use those high level transfiguration spells. "
McGonagall who heard their conversation just shook and said, " really Harry, you know how obsessed he is with sweets and you gifted him with such a large number of sweets, he already eats more than enough sweets for his age. "
She called him Harry as they were in private and she knew him since he was little as she his father's Transfiguration master.
Harry just smirked cheekily said, " dont worry Grandma Minnie he should be allowed to enjoy his life at his age, " calling her by her childhood nickname and she swatted the back of his head saying, " you are incorrigible just like your father and by the way where did you get the book on Transmogrification you gifted me? "
Harry just winked cheekily and didn't answer as he had bought the book from Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley through Rosey his personal house elf but he wasn't going to admit it was she would skin him alive if he admitted to it.
Harry was alerted to something in his treacle tart by his necklace heating up and knowing who was responsible he discreetly used the switching spell to switch his treacle tart with the one in front of the
Weasley twins and they erupted in feathers as soon as they ate it and Dumbledore who saw Harry using the switching spell winked at him saying ten " ten points to Ravenclaw for advanced spellcasting. "
All of them enjoyed the feast for lunch and everyone pulled the crackers and Harry had a massive snowball fight with the Weasley twins and Luna. He thoroughly enjoyed spending Christmas in Hogwarts and didn't regret it one bit even though he missed his family.