
Chapter 20

The next hour turned out to be the most embarrassing of Harry's life as as soon as his mother Amelia and Sirius flooed over as Lily and James were in France as his mother had a potions conference there, he was embraced in a bone breaking hug by mom as soon as she saw the corpse of the troll and she said, " oh, my baby boy what the hell were you thinking taking on that troll, what do you think would have happened to us if anything happened to you? Harry, if you do anything like this again, I will spank your ass purple, bare bottomed and don't you think I won't do it, now give me a hug and return to your dormitory. All of us will be coming to your next quidditch match next week, there you can explain your actions to Lily who I am sure will spank you. "

Just as Harry was leaving Mcgonagall's office after hugging his mom and Sirius, Mom hugged him again saying, " I am sorry for shouting at you sweetheart but please don't do stunts like this again, " she kissed his forehead and bade him goodbye.

Harry returned to his dorm room feeling like crap for worrying his mom, but he knew that he would do it again if it meant saving his friends or family and Padma, Terry along with Daphne were his best friends, so there was no way he was going to sit back and do nothing if they were in danger.

The next day, Harry was beset by an angry Daphne who started berating him saying, " really Potter, fighting with a mountain troll, what are you ? a Gryffindor. Be sure Potter, if you pull another stunt like this I will break both your legs. " Harry was afraid that she would follow through with her threat because he knew that she only called him Potter when she was truly pissed off at him, it took Harry nearly a week to completely pacify. But as a result of the incident on Halloween he became closer to Padma and Terry more than before and Harry could usually be found with them when he wasn't with Tonks or practising in the Room of Requirement.

The morning of the second quidditch match which was Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor found Harry leisurely eating his breakfast while his teammates were nearly hyperventilating from nerves about the upcoming match.

Padma who saw how casual Harry was acting asked, " Harry how are you so calm, all the other players from both teams are all a bundle of nerves? "

"Its nothing special Padma, I know that worrying will not change the outcome of the match, so there is nothing to worry about, that's it, simple," replied Harry.

Harry headed out to the Ravenclaw changing rooms along with his teammates , and Roger Davies the captain called out for everyone ," Guys and gals attention please, we played excellently in the first game with Slytherin, but against Gryffindor it is a completely different game their chaser trio is excellent as well as their keeper and the beaters, the Weasley twins are brutal so I want our Beaters and Harry to disrupt the plays of the Gryffindor chaser trio and Harry, I want you to catch the snitch as soon as possible, we don't want an extended game with Gryffindor. Come on guys, we are going to win the quidditch cup this year. "

Harry and his team walked onto the pitch and Davies and Wood shook hands as Madam Hooch the match referee sternly said " I want a nice clean game boys, " as she released the bludgers and quaffle and the game kicked off when she released the snitch and it vanished quickly.

Harry immediately rocketed upwards as he wanted to end the game as fast as possible as Gryffindor had scored twice in the first two minutes itself, seeing the chaser trio of Gryffindor descending on Davies ,Harry rocketed towards them making them scatter and Roger scored an excellent goal taking advantage of the distraction when suddenly Harry dived almost fifty feet vertically.

In the background Harry heard the commentary of Lee Jordan. " Ravenclaw scores pulling back the score to 10 - 20 in favor of Gryffindor after their captain scores taking advantage of some excellent interfering seeking by their seeker Harry Potter, who has suddenly gone into a steep dive from nearly fifty feet and the Gryffindor seeker is in hot pursuit but Harry Potter pulls out of his dive just two feet off the ground and the Gryffindor seeker crashes at full speed into the ground. Ouch! I doubt if he is getting up after that. But what a fantastic Wronski feint by Potter, Gryffindor would have won the Quidditch cup if this Potter had also been sorted into Gryffindor, but alas the game resumes and with Potter interfering with almost every play made by the Gryffindor chasers Ravenclaw has managed to lead 50- 20 and look at that, Potter has redirected a bludger aimed at him into the Gryffindor keeper and as he clutches his stomach in apparent pain Roger Davies scores thrice making it 80- 20 in Ravenclaw's favor. And it seems that Potter is pulling another Wronski feint on the Gryffindor reserve seeker but he has not followed Potter, it seems that he has learned from his predecessor's mistake and Potter has pulled out of his dive and I don't believe it Potter has caught the golden snitch earning 150 points for Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw wins the game with 230 points to 20 points by Gryffindor and are in the lead for the Quidditch cup and a sad day for Gryffindor. " ignoring the shouts of Professor McGonagall in the background berating Jordan for his biased commentary.

Harry was caught in a mid air hug by his entire team as they descended to the ground and were mobbed by what looked to be the entire Ravenclaw house.

As Harry was being congratulated by his housemates, his family was watching his quidditch prowess dumbfounded. James and Sirius knew that Harry was talented on a broom, but this was mindboggling.

As Harry pulled off a Wronski feint, James exclaimed, " Padfoot, did you see that? Harry pulled off a perfect Wronski feint as first year. "

" Yes, I saw it Prongs, but I am still working on believing it. Not even professional seekers try that move, the only one I know who could perform that move perfectly was Wronski himself. " Sirius replied still in shock.

Lily and Amelia were both pale in shock as they watched Harry's reckless play while Dorea and Charles were watching it calmly as they saw Harry performing such stunts many times in the quidditch pitch in Potter manor and they enjoyed the shock in the crowd as they watched Harry flying with a smirk on their faces. Seeing the smirks on the faces of Charles and Dorea, Lily asked her in-laws, " you knew that Harry could fly like this didn't you? "

" Of course we knew, where do you think he practised those moves? " Dorea replied.

They abandoned their conversation as they saw Harry coming out of the changing rooms looking like he had taken a shower as his hair was wet.

He was immediately attacked by three missiles who turned out to be his sisters, they hugged him tightly saying, " Big brother you have to teach us how to fly like that. "

Harry was saved from answering by his mothers sternly saying, " no, he won't , it is bad enough with only him doing those stunts , we will have heart attacks if all four of you start flying like that. And you Harry, will not be doing those dangerous stunts on your broom or I will ban you from playing Quidditch . " Lily said but James calmed her down but she instead berated Harry for going after a troll and threatened to ground him from going to Hogwarts if he pulled any stunts like that and with both Mom Amelia and Grandma Dorea agreeing with her Harry wisely accepted defeat and after saying goodbye he went back to his dorm and went to sleep immediately as he was tired after taking part in the party in the Ravenclaw common room.