A story of reincarnation of an orphan boy of fifteen years who died due to cancer with only a vague idea of magic from watching Harry Potter movies once and reading one or two fanfictions being reborn as Harry Potter in an alternate universe to the Harry Potter universe.
Harry took a deep breath as the train stopped at Hogsmeade station and after placing his book back in his backpack he followed Hermione out of the train. A half giant that Harry easily recognized as Hagrid led the first years across the lake in small boats with four passengers per boat. Harry was sitting in a boat with Hermione, his cousin of sorts Susan and Hannah Abbot who was a friend of Susan's.
Harry got his first look of Hogwarts after rounding a bend in the lake and to say it was astounding was an understatement. Hagrid led them into a hidden cove and left them in the hands of Professor McGonagall who looked like a no nonsense person, she introduced herself as the deputy headmistress and informed them about the four houses Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin and about the house points system and made them stand in a side hall and to wait for her to call for them when the sorting process began.
As soon as Professor McGonagall left them standing in a side hall, Harry found himself surrounded by whispers of all sorts ridiculous things students were rumored to be made to do to get sorted like for example how Ron Weasley was going on about wrestling a troll naked, when McGonagall returned and informed Ron that there was no need for him to get naked and the house ghosts which had arrived in McGonagall's absence wished them good luck as they were led to the entrance hall and Harry was awestruck looking at the roof which was enchanted by Rowena Ravenclaw to resemble the outside sky and he heard Hermione telling anyone that would listen about how she read in History of magic about the ceiling being enchanted. It was truly a spectacular piece of magic.
All the talking ceased as the sorting Hat began to sing a song describing the virtues of each house and telling the students how it was going to sort them. After the song finished McGonagall started calling the names of students who one by one went up and and sat on a stool and McGonagall placed the sorting hat on their head and it called out loudly the name of the house they were sorted into. First went Hannah Abbot who was sorted into Hufflepuff to massive applause from the Hufflepuff table. Harry only paid attention to the sorting of the names he recognised: Susan Bones , Ernie Macmillan, Zacharias Smith and Justin Finch- Fletchey went to
Hufflepuff, Terry Boot, Padma Patil, Lisa Turpin, Mandy Brocklehurst, Anthony Goldstein were some of the students in Ravenclaw, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnegan , Dean Thomas , Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown were sorted into Gryffindor and
Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Parkinson, Zabini, Greengrass and Davis were some who were sorted into Slytherin.
Harry's own sorting turned out to be a hatstall as it couldn't seem to decide which house to place him in.
As soon as Harry placed the hat on his head he heard a soft voice in his head and was shocked at how easily his Occlumency was bypassed, but the hat replied saying, " while it was an excellent Occlumency defense Mr. Potter only a level seven Occlumens can keep me out, now let us look at where to place you and don't worry about people knowing your secrets I have been enchanted to not reveal anything I see in a students mind to anyone. Interesting, the hat mused looking at all his memories, a reincarnated soul huh, I could easily place you in Gryffindor as anybody who seems willing to take on Lord Voldemort to protect his family would qualify to be a Gryffindor but you are not the type to rush into danger only after careful consideration and planning would you rush into any situation and you don't believe in the concept of light and dark magic, you could easily be in Slytherin but you would murder anyone who insults your mother and sisters and it would be in benefit of Slytherin house as a whole if I don't place you there. Oh! what is this, Knowledge is power, is it, there is no doubt Mr Potter you belong in, " Ravenclaw the sorting hat shouted out loudly surprising many people as Harry was apparently the first Potter by birth not sorted into Gryffindor. Harry walked calmly to the Ravenclaw table and sat beside Padma Patil as the sorting ceremony carried on.
- flashback end -
As soon as the sorting ceremony ended the Headmaster started the feast and Harry enjoyed the different varieties of food on offer while chatting with Padma about the different classes. Harry was happily gobbling down a bowl of treacle tart when the feast ended and Dumbledore stood up and made some announcements warning students that the third floor corridor was out of bounds this year to anyone who did not wish an unpleasant death and also warned students to stay out of the forbidden forest with a pointed look towards the Weasley twins. After singing the school song all the students were led to their common rooms by the house prefects. Harry and his housemates were led to the Ravenclaw dormitory in the North tower by a male and female Ravenclaw prefect and they were led to a door with an eagle knocker which when knocked asked a riddle in a musical voice and the prefects informed them that the only way to enter was to answer the riddle or wait for someone who knew the answer. Harry answered the rather simple riddle whose answer was fire and they entered the Ravenclaw common room which had a beautiful marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw and a small library and some tables and couches. The prefects told them that each student had his own separate room in Ravenclaw and sent them to their rooms after informing them about the curfew timings for first years which was from night 8:00 p.m to morning 6:00 a.m. and told them that they would get their class schedules tomorrow from their head of house Professor Flitwick. Harry went to his room which a plaque with his name on it on the door and immediately called Rosey to arrange his stuff from the trunk the Hogwarts house elves had placed in his room from the Hogwarts express. After Rosey arranged his wardrobe in the closet and books in the bookshelves Harry bade her good night and dismissed her and as soon as he changed into his pajamas he collapsed on the bed and slept peacefully as he was exhausted from the day's events.