
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


Sly allowed Hazel to cry to her hearts content before pulling out a kerchief from his pocket and giving it to her . Hazel who now realised that she had bawled her eyes out in the Lord's arms pulled back and quickly apologised"I apologise for-"but Sly cut her off with his gaze and wiped her face . He leaned down and kissed her forehead ."I'll be going down there to check what exactly happened "he informed and walked out if the room .Hazel touched her forehead and felt her face burning .'Ehy did he do that ' she thought and He didn't have to tell her where he was going she thought but didn't say it out loud.

Back at the hall the chairman of the high house who is a demon made his way to the mansion after alighting from his carriage when Ronald approached him . Even though it has not been that long since the massacre happened , news of what happened have already reached the ears of people on the land and the chairman of the house was not spared from it. "Greetings Mr Jael "Ronald greeted with a bow and the man nodded. "How is the investigation going so far "he queried walking with Ronald into the mansion ."We're still looking for the possible clues of what might have happened"he answered. He also knew of the portion but didn't find it right to tell the chairman since they didn't have evidence to prove it and also they didn't know who the real enemy was. Following behind him was a Duke who Ronald had failed to notice , it was non other than Duke Richard Gibbs who was a werewolf . Ronald gave him a polite nod but the man ignored him and they entered the mansion. Lenard approached them and gave the Chairman a polite nod before explaining what they've gotten so far ."With the remains of the bodies we collected it seems that once the infected person sink his fangs into that of the other , the person also gets infected. Apart from the neck any other part of the body only leads to either that part of the body being ripped off or it wouldn't be of any use "Lenard explained. Jael just nodded and walked off to inspect some things himself .When he was far from earshot Lenard turned and was about to walk away when Duke Richard stopped him . "Do you perhaps know what caused this " The Duke asked and Lenard arched a brow questionly but didn't say anything. "I don't think this is a time to look down on anyone when we're all looking for a solution "Duke Richard muttered and Lenard held in the urge of rolling his eyes . "For someone who's supposed to be solving a case at wonderland I wonder what you're doing here"Lenard chided . Duke Richard smiled and said "I never knew you were keeping an eye on me , but I'll be going to wonderland tomorrow instead something came up ". Lenard didn't waste another breath on him and approached Sly when he saw him . "Have you found anything relating to the witches "Sly queried with a lowered voice that only Lenard could hear . "Not much but I found a body which didn't look like it was killed by one of the rogues , I'll investigate it and bring you the report"he assured and Sly patted his shoulder before walking to the chairman. Sly trusted Ronald and Lenard because just like himself theyvete not ordinary vampires but with hidden abilities which people belief to be myths .

The other councilmen who were ordered to search the rooms for any possible clue entered a room and saw a guy with pale lips who seems to be holding unto his dear life . "Who are you and what are you doing here"one of them questioned and approached him . Martin who had been waiting for Hazel opened his eyes slightly and saw the silhouette of two people entering the room . He heard them asking him a question and opened his mouth to answer but no word could escape his lips because his throat was parched. "He seems to have lost a lot of blood "one of the men commented spotting the blood on the floor which had turned hard . "Take him and send him to the hall , at this moment everyone is a suspect"he ordered . Martin was brought to the hall and added to the number of servants who survived. "Get one of the physicians to look after him "the man who brought him told a servant and walked away. Sly who was discussing the investigations and also assuring the elites who were pricked with fear noticed a familiar man being looked after by a physician. He cocked his head to one side and the conner of his lips pulled up.