
The Lonely King.

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendingly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time writing something so don't hate it too much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might rewrite this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Autres
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37 Chs

Learning experience

It's been a couple of days since nix has entered the dungeon. There has been barely enough food and water just to survive.

Nix has been fighting monsters for these past few days. Only taking one day to let his body rest.

Nix has gotten used to fighting monsters. Even fighting a group of monsters. Now Nix wants to try and use magic while fighting.

Nix approaches a zombie quite similar to the first one he fought. But this one has both arms and its jaw is still fully attached.

Nix throws a rock at the zombie to provoke it. The zombie turns and looks at Nix.

When the zombie begins approaching Nix, nix uses his magic to create a shadow string. when the end of the string touches the zombie it explodes and wraps around the zombie. Nix then pulls the zombie towards him and cuts the zombie's head off.

'Experiment success. Since this worked I can use it and try to incorporate it into my fighting style. Now for the next experiment.'

Nix begins to walk around occasionally fighting a monster by itself or fighting groups of 3.

When nix finally sees another lone zombie he throws a rock at it to attract its attention.

The zombie charges at nix. Except for this time, nix doesn't send out a shadow string. He wraps his blade in a shadow and swings at the zombie.

The blade passes through the undead easier than expected causing nix to stumble forward.

'Experiment success. The blade is way sharper than I expected it to be. Now to fight a group while incorporating magic. But first, a 30-minute break to catch my breath and refill my mana.'

--------(30 minutes later)----------

Nix gets up and continues on his way.

Finding a suitable group of monsters nix attacks with his sword cleanly cutting off the kobold's head. When one of the kobolds jumped at nix, nix shoots out a shadowy string that explodes and wraps around the kobold. The third kobold attacked nix from behind with a club aimed at his head. Nix dodged the attack without getting hit and throws the kobold wrapped around in a shadow at the kobold that attacked nix. With both of them on the ground nix wraps his magic around his blade and stabs both kobolds killing them both.

'If I continue like this I'll be able to summon my scythe in no time. Time to rest for the night and save my energy for tomorrow.'

And with that nix finds a safe place to rest thinking about the challenge he will face tomorrow.


I think I've gotten a little bit better

I'm not sure yet cause no one has left any tips but hey I'm enjoying writing this story so far

leave your tips here and have a wonderful day