
The Lonely King.

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendingly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time writing something so don't hate it too much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might rewrite this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Autres
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37 Chs

Interlude: Fresh meat

Back at the prison, we can our trio of misfits that have lost any chance at having a family.

"Boss, if we ever see that guy again, please, ignore him."

"Yeah boss, the guy beat all of us without his hands!"

The leader looks at his two comrades in arms."We will never even approach him. It still hurts down there. No way I'm even gonna approach him."

While the three misfits were talking, a guard opened the door to throw a prisoner in."Fresh meat. Make sure to let him know about the prison for me boys!"

The man that was in the prison got up and looked at the three prisoners. When the light showed his face, it was Ardi.

"Well hello, there boys, from now on I'm the boss around here. Got that?!" Ardi said.

The three misfits looked at each other and nodded their heads. Before Ardi could question them they were already holding him down.

"Hey wait what are you-"

Before Ardi could finish speaking a foot landed on his face.

"Well boys, we might not be able to enjoy ourselves like usual, but we'll still have some fun beating this guy up!"


And this is how Ardis's days continued in prison until...


Another cliffhanger!

Since this chapter was so short I'm gonna put off a list of reeeaaaally bad puns

leave your writing tips here and I'll see yall next chapter


viewer discretion is advised


What did the horse say after it tripped?

Help! I've fallen and I can't giddyup!


Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

Because the "P" is silent


What do you call a well-balanced horse?



What do you call an angry carrot?

A steamed veggie


Where do polar bears keep their money?

In a snow bank.


How do you make an egg roll?

You push it!


What would bears be without bees?



What do you call a pile of cats?

A meow-ntain.


Why do cows wear bells?

Because their horns don't work.


Why did the bicycle fall over?

Because it was two tired.


What did the triangle say to the circle?

You're pointless.


RIP, boiling water.

You will be mist.


Time flies like an arrow.

Fruit flies like a banana.


I ordered a chicken and an egg online.

I'll let you know what comes first.


Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer?

She kept running away from the ball!


What do lawyers wear to court?



What do elves learn in school?

The elf-abet.


Where was King David's temple located?

Beside his ear.


What did one toilet say to another?

You look flushed.


What lights up a soccer stadium?

A soccer match.


What does corn say when it gets a compliment?

Aw, shucks!


What's red and bad for your teeth?

A brick.


What has more lives than a cat?

A frog, because it croaks every day.


Why was the fish's grades bad?

They were below sea level.


What did the tomato say to the other tomato during a race?



For anybody that died reading these, I died while writing it