
The Lonely King.

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendingly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time writing something so don't hate it too much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might rewrite this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · Autres
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37 Chs

Another interlude: The princesses and the king

(Before Nix was arrested)

Walking down the halls of a beautiful castle, the princess of the elves walks down with her bodyguards.

She enters the throneroom and walks to the chair beside the king's chair, and sits down.

"Now that everyone is here, let us discuss what to do with the human that assaulted the guards." The king said.

"I say we do public execution! Not only did he kidnap the princess! He assaulted the guards that protect this city!" An arrogant voice says.

The voice came from a fat greasy elf. Which is unusual since almost all elves are clean and slim. The greaseball has green and brown hair.

"The human did nothing wrong! I led him on, making him think I need protection!" The princess says.

While the arrogant greaseball kept demanding death or life in prison, the king frowned and."ENOUGH! We are not discussing that human! If you listened to what I summoned you here for then you'd know what we are talking about!"

The greaseball lets out an excuse."But your highness, he assaulted the guards and kid-"

"ENOUGH! It was a misunderstanding! We are talking about the human currently in the dungeon! He fought and killed our guards! And all you can worry about is killing one because of a misunderstanding! Another word of him and I will personally execute you myself!" The king yelled out.

The greaseball gulped and looked down.

"Now onto why we are here. What does everyone here think we should do with him?"

(There was a mass vote to execute the human that killed the city guards)


But who is the human?


Another cliffhanger!

I enjoy doing this!

leave your thoughts here and have a wonderful day!

Also more bad puns!


Just kidding I can't torture yall with bad jokes anymore


no, I can't I'm killing myself vu writing down these terrible puns