
Nobility is in Short Supply

"I understand what you're saying. But it's the monarch who sets the tone of his people." Lucas asked. "If we raise Gabriel to be a man with morals and principles, don't you think he can change the direction of his court and eventually his country?"

"I suppose." 

"You suppose? Come on, my love." Lucas grinned at her. "You're going to have to sound a bit more convinced than that."

Celia didn't want to laugh. It was too serious a matter. Yet seeing Lucas's roguish grin made her crack a reluctant smile. 

"Your own grandfather was a fearsome king, wasn't he? Your father will likely build a strong reputation of his own." he said. "I'd like to think our son is capable of the same."

"But you don't understand. The weight of the crown…well, it's a fucking heavy burden to wear!" she protested. "I've seen how kingship drained the life from my grandfather. How tired and frail he has become in his twilight years."