
The lone wolves

into the cold, a cold mission

kasenhoward200 · LGBT+
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1️⃣ the mission

the president has been kidnapped and taken to Moscow and hold prisoner, the Secretary of State pulled up at the headquarters and walked inside. " who is charged with this place. John and Mary walked up to them. " we are how can we help you? Asked. John, " the president has been kidnapped and taken into Moscow, Russia, every team we send down has failed. Please tell me that you have a team here and that they can handle this. he said. " we have multiple teams, but the ones we used for Rescue is our Lone Wolves, a.k.a Kristen Bell Alaska Grey Porter our team leader and sound surveillance, a.k.a Regina Tyler Salt and Desert Pepper Curving our gun tech, a.k.a Dawnson Dawnella swampy black Carson our mapper, a.k.a Alex Alice Winter snow Freeman our snipper, a. k.a Rachel Gloria Forest black Gabble our engine tech, and Sarah Tori Jungle Brown Henson our snipper number two. Said, John. " they can get in will get him and get him out. they are that d*mn good at what they do. said, Yonetta. " I want them there is no time to plan fancy, get them ready to leave now. Tom told them. He left as they walked inside, they walked inside of the confidence room. " the white house needs you to go in and bring back the president from Moscow, we do have time to plan anything gear up and ship off, and good luck. So they got everything and got on the jets. " we don't have time to scope or to get a visual, Black where is they president behold at, " an a mention just off the forest, we can get there through the railroad station, said. Dawson, " what we don't know we don't how many or if there are snippers, we going off code and pro-wolf mode Forrest scope for snippers do our snippers can get on point, we move for house Desert take the kitchen, what toys you got for us? Asked. Kristen, ¨ will I didn't have time to prepare which is unfair to us. Say hi to the Mas-45 mod-R goes great with what I call dead shots. She passed them out to everyone. ¨ I know, Black, take the kitchen and secure it, Forest takes the living room and secures it, Winter and Jungle the roof, we have one shot, wolves, let's wolf them and get the president and get him out. Said, Kristan, " (this is it wolves, we be monitored your movement so let's be careful and get it done.) said. "( ten four,) they said. they have arrived in Moscow, Russia, they landed in the woods they got jet and made to the mansion, Kristan scope out the mansion. " it is guarded it is going to be wild to get it. Said, Kristan. " I picking up wire sensors with an alarm, said. Dawson. " Let's get started, Black disarm the sensor and the alarm, go now, they move out. the wolf snippers take out their snipper. " (Black did you cut the power yet.) Asked. Kristan, (Salt what's your position?) "(I am at the back, we got a major issue here.) Said, Regina. ¨(it be a few minutes they got a firewall up.) Said, Dawson. " (Kristan, what is the hold-up?) Asked. John, " (what issues, can you get around the firewall Black.)-(" we on the move sir,) Forrest and Jungle get to your high point and now, take out their sniper spots. they got in the snow and slip down to the water tower, "(tanks, d*mn I am so unpaired for this. Said, Regina. " (that makes all of us Salt, power is cut. Wolves,) said. Dawson, they move in started to take them out, they move inside and got the position. " (i going for the president, cover me.) said, Kristen. As she walked into the living room, they came out firing at them. "(we are under fire! ) said. Gloria, " ( wolf them, wolves move in,) said. Kristan, they moved in and open fire on them. " (you are running out of time Wolves!) said. Donald, "(we are in position and moving for the president now.) said. Kristen. free the president and they walked out of the back door." ( wolves move up, Forrest gets the jet. I have the president.) they study firing at them. "( take them out wolves,) they line them up and take them down. she ran out of the house and into the woods and got into the jet and take off, as they were heading down to the woods. the tank fire at them, they got in the jet and they left. " (take us higher Forest, ) said. Kristan. "(on it,) they went out of the tank range and head home. " (we have the president we are home soon. ) choppers on their radar, " (we got company,) said. Gloria. " ( can you lose them Forest?) Asked. Kristan, " (i can try to hang on,) said. Gloria, she trying to lose them. But they still on her tail, "( i can't shake them, d*mn!) Said. Gloria.  Regina zip up her flight suit and put her artillery belt on. " 20 seconds Salt, then get back to the jet. Said, Kristen,  she put her airtime glasses on and shake her head.  She runs and drives out the jet, catching a flight, " Forest Winter get on your guns, get ready to ride. Said, Kristen, they got on their guns. She landed on one of the choppers and kick out one off the Gunners, " (leads have good hits,) she fires at the other gunner and dives out of the chopper. " (take them out, less than a second Salt.) Said, Kristen. They take out the first chopper,  the wind side sloped her a little, but she lands inside of the second chopper. They open fire on her, " (Salt!) She took them both out. And jump out of the chopper, " who are you, people!? They blast it down, and she slides into the jet. They shout at the sliding door behind her. " we are the Lone Wolves, sir, send down to get you and bring you home. Said, Kristen. They landed at HQ, they walked out to them as they got off the jet. " Mr. President, you okay? Asked. The sectary of state, " good job Lone wolves. Welcome back Mr. President,  said, John.  " good to be back, we just made an enemy now, this is not the end. He said they got in the limousine and left, " good job Wolves go get some rest and see you in the morning. So they all went home, meanwhile in Moscow, Russia, there is very upset unfriendly,  they are planning to hit American by putting a bomb in the mall. They came in the middle of the night,  took over the mall is set up the bombs on four levels of the mall, and took a hostage. Now it is morning cops went in got injured,  they are well set up, well plan, and armed and dangerous. At the white house, " what a mess this is, we need the Lone wolves again sir. Said, sectary of State.  So they pulled up at the office and walked in. " I want to speak with John and Yonetta. He said she page them. They walked up to them from, " we ready, come we heard the news about the mall this morning. They walked into the office, " Kristen is your team done practice? Asked. John, " yeah we are about to go over the plan, she layout the map of the mall, Salt what toys and gear do you have? You get the cops out of the mall, swampy you lock the entrance, Winter and Jungle set up the ramps and take out his or her team, so Forest can disarm the bombs, Desert get to the hostage and get him or out of the mall and get us a point exit, and I will take out the leader. Said, Kristen. " I say we blend in with the dark and use a UV lens to see. And the toys are what I call M-17 goes great what I call nightshade rounds. Regina said, " "you do awesome work Salt,  so they head out of the office. "Radio silence twenty-five minutes wolves get done, said. John, " and be careful and six of you all return in one piece. Said, Yonnetta. They shake their heads and got in the truck and head down to the mall. " can they do this? He asked. " a course they got you out of Moscow under 28 minutes left on the clock, (the clock is on with 69:34:90 second, get it done wolves. ) said, John. They pulled up to the mall, "