
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

~Chapter 10 1/2 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 10 ½ Blaze's POV~

I opened the door and left my house. I lock the door everytime I leave even though I know no one will find my house. I took out the piece of paper with the address on it and put it into my GPS. When I parked my car and got walked out of the parking lot. People started staring at me as I walked past them.

They probably thought something along the lines of "Why is the Alpha of the Moonstone Pack here?" When I first started getting stared at I was kind of nervous that they were all interested in the new Alpha. I soon then realized that all the stares from the elders were watching me; waiting for me to make a mistake.

The one thing I hate about being the Alpha of the pack is that when I have kids they will have to act proper and not be able to be as carefree as other kids. I opened the door to the apartment complex and looked around for the elevator. I think the floor is most likely the second floor. I hit the second floor button and in a couple of seconds I heard a ding telling me that I had arrived at my destination.

The floor had a sign that said apartments 96-120 to the right. I turned down the hallway to the right and started looking for room 105. I started counting the room numbers in my head until I reached apartment 105. I knocked on the door and a few moments later a man opened the door.

I man spoke in an annoyed tone "What do you want?" Yikes he isn't that nice no wonder Dustin doesn't like his parents. "Hello Sir. I'm here to pick up your son's belongings. He isn't feeling well so he couldn't pick them up." I was trying my best not to get mad at him for his tone. "Still having others do his work for him I see. Well whatever his stuff in the corner over there."

When I walked over to the boxes I realized they were covered in dust. Then I heard footsteps walk across the floor. "Dear the Alpha of the Moonstone pack is in our apartment complex." A woman said I assumed it was Dustin's mom from the fact that she called "Him" dear. I chuckled a little bit from what she said.

"Wonder why the high and mighty Alpha from the Moonstone pack came here." He said in a condescending tone. "Why don't you ask the high and mighty Alpha of the Moonstone pack yourself. Seeing as he is in your apartment right now." I had a smirk on my face and let out a bit of my pheromones to show dominance. The Moonstone pack is more strong than the Midnight pack.

The only reason the Moonstone Pack didn't wipe out the Midnight pack back when our ancestors were alive was because the Moonstone Alpha's daughter fell in love with the Midnight Alpha's son. There is a legend that says every century when a pack Alpha is born he will meet his fated mate. The legend also says that it doesn't matter what secondary gender or gender the fated mate is. They will be able to bear children. It was a legend most parents told their kids when they were younger a silly tale about star crossed lovers. The legend also states that since the couple never got to be together. Once they met up in the afterlife the woman said "We will give an Alpha and their mate a chance at love we never had at love."

The legend has a bittersweet end. My childhood memories came back in a flash and went out in a flash. "Well thank you for all your help 'Sir." But I have to get back to my mate with his stuff." I said as I started to pick up the boxes. "You may want to change your attitude towards your son soon. Since he will be my mate and help me lead the Moonstone Pack soon." I told him that in the same arrogant tone he had earlier. I saw all the color drain out of Dustin's "Mother and Fathers" faces.

Just to make him a bit more scared and annoyed I said "If you change your attitude I may allow you to see your future grandchildren." Not a single word came out of his mouth as I walked out of the room. I sighed when I put the boxes in my car. This will be a long journey for Dustin and I to take.

~The End Of Chapter 10 ½~