

'My name is Sung Han Ji, I never had the best life and it all just got worse when J entered this world of madness made of od many non-liminal spaces and many creatures that are beyond anyone's imagination though I didn't have any real skill I happen to get a system that allows me to level up and increase my abilities and my goal is to get strong enough to escape this hell hole with my friends well currently we are in a pinch…'

"Dude how can you be so dumb!?" DRC yelled at Han Ji's face in utter rage,

"How can you be Asian and have the intellect of a blonde!?"

That was Bella.

"Excuse me…?" Han Ji countered well, it didn't matter much since he was already the one at fault.

"Don't you 'Excuse me' us!" they both yelled in unison.

Leo just lay in the corner using his arms as a pillow and Chad sat next to him with a slight frown.