


"W-What is that!?" A Paladin-class player asked, standing ahead of the party. 

A single, giant lizard of some sort, with spikes running down the length of its back and a sinister grin on its face, slowly approached them. 

Level 7

MP: 20/20

"That thing looks dangerous for just a level 7 enemy..." A Thief-class girl added, holding her dagger in front of her with trembling hands. 

"Don't sweat it," Charlotte told the others. "It just looks scary. Treat it the same as you'd treat any other monsters here." 

"Um, right, you're right," the Paladin nodded, stepping forward. 

For some reason, Charlotte couldn't quite feel the same tension as the others. It wasn't like she was some experienced huntress or anything, but the time she'd spent out in the streets, watching monster outbreaks happen right in front of her, made all of this... bearable. Routine, at the very least.