
The Living Wound

How can something dead be alive, something so little control a whole?? Who is that in James that is dead yet alive? Based on a true life story

Angela_Norm · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Face

"Dave", Dave's mum calls out and Dave diverts his attention to his mum's voice.

He leaves his room and sees her on the stairs

"Mom!!", Dave shouts

"I've been looking everywhere for you, where were you?" He continues

Dave's mum looks at him in confusion

"I was in the living room, love". She says and chuckles

"I saw you when you came in" She adds

Dave looks at his mum in disbelief

"But I didn't see you" Dave argues

"What are you saying Dave, you even said, 'mom, I'm home'

and I replied, 'welcome love', she says and gestures with her hands.

"Really, but," Dave says slowly but still trys to argue

"You seem to have had a stressful day, your food is on the table." Dave's mum cuts in trying to avoid the seemingly unnecessary argument.

Dave is confused, he hits his head three times and walks into his room. He shuts the door behind him and rests his back on it.

He starts hitting his head again.

He then feels a slight pain on his left arm and looks at it, the injury had really changed.

It seemed to have had a face, but it had no nose just a face, eyes were shut and mouth was shut.

He stretched his index finger in attempt to touch the wound.

"Don't try it!" the lips on the wound commands with its deep voice

"Ah!" Dave screams in fear

"Shh, you idiot, why are you shouting?" The wound asks Dave

"Why are you on my arm and why are your eyes shut" Dave questions the wound, while stile very much afraid.

"It takes, hmm, it takes time" The wound replies

"What are you?", Confused Dave  asks again

"The voice that has been calling you, Dave", The wound answers

"The voice that has been calling me?," Dave asks

"You heard me the first time" The wound answers with a higher tone

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I was crazy" Dave says in relief and relaxes a bit.

He starts breathing normally and then he suddenly realizes he is talking to a wound and he becomes very much afraid.

"Wait, what exatly are you and how did you appear to be my wound at first", Dave asks in shock

"I was limited on the other arm so i made a copy of myself right here." The wound answers and chuckles

Dave can not believe his eyes nor his ears, he is so confused.

"This is crazy!!! what did i do wrong, why can't you just go, I mean, I  just," Dave bursts out

"SILENCE, YOU FOOL!!!", the wound commands and immediately cuts in on Dave's outburst.

"Were you not warned, didn't you read the it!" the wound says in a very angry tone.

"What do you mean?" Dave asks slowly and squints his eyes

"You became mine immediately you opened that box..." the wound says and opens its eyes...


Such a bossy wound, instead of it to say 'please'

What do you think its eyes would look like though, and do you think Dave is hallucinating or what do you think is going on here???