
The Little Mermaid and the Mighty Sea Serpent

The universe is a vast space full of mysteries and unknowns. We don't know what's lurking out there, more so trully knows what we believed is the truth and what we see is the reality. As science expanded their exploration, many truths will slowly uncover within. But is that 'truth' reality? What if, what we know is just the surface and not what it trully is. ... People all over the Earth were anticipating this unbelievably astronomical events that were currently taking place at their own Solar System. This is the first time in human history that a perfect planet alignments will be recorded with the complete evidence of its occurrence. Even more so, the one's in a lifetime total solar eclipse will be happening the same time the planets will align. Unknown to anyone that this phenomenon will result in multiple souls that died the same time to be suck inside a black hole that appeared in the middle of the black sun. Unfortunately, no one will know... ... ... ... Carrying the burdens of their death, Reed took a final look at his lover who was doing the same. Death by poison and then engulfed by the flames, Reed finally bid life within his beloved's embraced. Never would they thought that death was just the begin. ... The Chasm in the Sky... For them it was their chance to live again. To be together and love each other all over again. This is their second chance. And they will gasped this chance for each other to finally end this story in a happy ending. *** Note: some names and scenes will may or be familiar, since the novel will be using some scenes and names coming from different fantasy stories/tales and movies.

Aachiin0914 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter XVIII : Disturbing Dream

"Aaaahhh! S-save me!!"

"...Ngh! H-help..."

Wretching howling of pain and shrieking cries of struggling Terrans reached Reed and Levi's ears. They both looked towards the center of the village. Immediately, Levi carried the petrified Reed into his arms and rush towards the center.

Huge bonfire in the middle still ignited by blazing fire, people with pointy ears but skin colored like mud and hair light as a sand and gold– scattered all over, circling the bonfire.

Just looking at them, one would know that there was a celebration going on. But right now, instead of happy cheers and loud laugher, what these people screams were torturous agony and cries of despair.

People young and old, men and women, were all pierced and being tortured by tentacles. Blood splattered and formed pools of blood. Bodies pile up, some were still alive while the others were already dead with their eyes wide opened. Horror, terror, and disbelief could be seen in those dead eyes.

They never would had thought that their tribe will suffered such massacre just by eating someone's egg that they found accidentally at the sea.

They all thought that it was a gift from their god, Gaia. They were Terrans, the treasured children and the most favored race at the Realm of Gaia.

Their fellow tribes men came back intact and alive, when those brave and courageous men venture out the open seas. They went back. Back holding 12 precious eggs from a legendary monster from the sea. They were estatic, and thought they were really favored.

Those were Kraken's eggs! Legend says that eating them will grant them stronger bodies and access safe travel out from the seas. More so, eating them will gave them control and able to manipulate water at will.

Those eggs were treasures! Treasures given by the goddess, solely to their tribe.

Unbeknownst that it was a disaster instead of a blessing.

The 12 unhatched eggs were cut in tiny pieces, before it was thrown into the cauldron. Rare spices and thousand year old wine were used as a condiments for the special broth.

They all ate it with enthusiasm. Their dark brown eyes sparkled as they looked at their bright future after they are these eggs.

Who would have thought that it was their last meal.

Tightly embracing Levi from behind, Reed shivers terribly from the sight of horror she was witnessing. She clenched Levi's white robe and buried her face at his back. She can't watched anymore, it's just too horrible. This was the first time she witnessed death, and her first time was so...so extreme.

On the other hand, Levi observed the Terrans one by one with indifference and lazy look in his silver eyes. He just sighed and shook his head helplessly. His task was failed. What can he do? These earth born creatures ate those eggs themselves. They dig their graves themselves with enthusiasm and jump their with smiles beaming through their faces. Isn't it good? They died feeling that they were favored and rejoiced for momentary gain of success.

So, just giving them a glimpse was enough. Even if Levi saw some that were still alive and still have chance of survival, he just let it go. The moment Levi got to know that those eggs were already eaten, he treated his task as a failure.

It was their fault anyway, so just let them die. Though, explaining to the Red Queen was a pain. At least he didn't get to dirtied his hand nor stain his white robe from this dirty Terrans.

Not giving them much of a thought, Levi pull Reed from his back and embrace her from his from instead. He then, carried Reed in his arms like a baby, and Reed comply without saying anything. She hooked her arms around Levi's neck and buried her head between Levi's neck and shoulder.

"... l-let's get out of here..."

Reed was still trembling, her voice was soft and almost got carried away by the wind. Nevertheless, Levi still heard her. He rub her back in comfort and kissed the top of her head.

"Ok." As he responded, Levi vanished almost immediately.




Blop. Blop. Blop.

"Are you still angry with me?" Levi asked. He looked down towards the little mermaid that refused to let go.

They were already back underwater, and Reed was now in her original form. She cling into Levi's white robe tightly, her hands wrapped around Levi's, and her face was buried on his sturdy chest.

Reed shook her head in denial, but her hand clenched Levi's Tobe even tighter.

Sighing Levi apologies. "Sorry. I know you're afraid of them, but I just can't help it." He continued to comfort her, rubbing her head and back gently. "I thought that, if good memories can't be triggered back, why not try making you experienced things you don't like and hate. I thought it will trigger anything."

Hearing Levi's explanation, Reed turned her head to looked at the man. Her aquamarine eyes were teary, crystals tears dropped and disappeared from her eyes. She looked wronged and bullied, she stared at Levi with eyes full of grivience. But what could she do, she can't here the man. Burying her face back into his chest, she ignored Levi.

Shaking his head lost of what to do, Levi just shut his mouth and just continue comforting his lover.

After the long silence, Levi finally heard his little Mermaid speak to him. But what she said somehow pierced his heart deep. A pain which he didn't like very much.

"...Levi are you sure I'm really that person?" Reed hesitantly asked. Her voice quivered, when she blurted what's on her mind, she immediately regretted it. Nonetheless she still continue. "That person, named Reed. Are you really sure I am 'him'? I don't remember anything. You did everything you could but I still can't recall anything from that world."

Pained from his lover's doubts, Levi pull Reed out of his arms and swiftly caught her mouth to stop her from speaking hurtful words again.

He didn't let go, Levi bite her lips until they bled. He ravaged her tongue and plundered her breathe.

Levi don't know what to feel, but he was angry. He knew the dumb little Mermaid didn't have her memories from her last life. He can still forgive her for forgetting, but doubting her identity and questioning his instincts and recognition. That's going too far.

Their race lived for a very long time and can lived until millennium. He already endure a thousand of year, and although he was not the same person from their previous life. He still can't help but wish for his Reed to come back.

Separating his lips from hers after a long time, Levi looked at Reed. From her blurry and confused consciousness, Reed still.manage to noticed Levi's sad and melancholic emotions. She wanted to say something, maybe apologize but before she open her mouth to do so, Levi beat her.

"I know your doubting yourself. But please don't say such things anymore." It was a sad tone. Levi's deep magnetic and overbearing voice was reduced to a lonely one. And listening to them hurt Reed deeply that she regretted being impulsive.

But this regretted lasted not even a minute, when Reed felt something was wrong. The water fluctuates and trembles in visible rate. Its like a storm brewing and it is going to be a tremendous and destructive one.

Anxiously, she turned to look at Levi. Only to be shocked, seeing him smile creepily like he was planning something bad. Reed opened her mouth to speak but because she panicked somehow words can't formed, not even sounds came out of her lips. She was feeling ominous, she didn't know why.

"It's fine." Levi assured. "You were always curious why you're so afraid of those things right." Smiling, Levi affectionately caress Reed's cheek. His eyes gazed at Reed, but Reed was sure that Levi was not looking at her.

That looks in Levi's eyes, Reed loved and hated it. She was anxious and scared whenever she saw those eyes.

Not letting her think much more, Levi push Reed away. Levi's action was light and he pushed Reed gently, but Reed was shocked and surprised by that move.

However, she didn't have time to feel hurt from that when she suddenly fall.

Right, she was falling.

She was confused, as well as terrified. She closed her eyes, yet for a long time she never feel hurt from colliding at something. In fact, she was not falling anymore?

Opening one of her eyes, peaking and checking her surroundings. Reed gasped in scepticism. She looked around bewildered.

She was now sitting on a chair in a table with four chairs in total. She turned her head to looked at the person beside her. It was a woman she can't recognize. However she was very familiar with her. Then she looked at her hands, a hands that were familiar yet different from her own.

Slender, long white fingers that were shaped by calluses from practicing many different instrument. Nevertheless, the smooth and tenderness never left these hands and it stays beautiful.

Then, from the corner of her eyes, she saw something that will released her from all her confusion.

A large yet empty theater hall. Lines and lines of red chairs could be seen below. And like a door being opened, Reed now remembered that she was dreaming. And right now, her dream shifted into something else?

She looked around and observe her surroundings. Seeing things around Reed was certain. She finally recalled where this is and what happened here, and she can't help but cursed internally.

She shifted her sight towards the woman beside her, she knew her. This was Echo and her identity right now...was Reed– the man from Earth.

And right now, she and Echo was in some kind of restaurant somewhere in South Korea. They came here after after her concert to celebrate. She suggested this place. Reed was still young at that time, she was curious and she was itching to know about many things.

Never would she thought that Reed's choice at that time would cause her permanent damage that she would hate any sea creatures and refused to eat them.

Deflating from her frustrations, Reed gazed at Echo and pondered about the even that would transpire here later.

Do she have to eat them? I just came from a dream where I witnessed gruesome death from that creature. Isn't this opening a wound that just healed? Maybe I will develop trauma over that creature now, instead of just refusing to be closed to them.

Ahh! F*ck! I want to wake up now!

How do I wake up?! Reed was freaking out, but she can't control her body. This is different from all her dreams where she was not aware that she was dreaming after she jumped towards that dream.

This was frightening! Reed wanted to wake up now!


"This is where you wanted to eat?" Echo asked one more time. She looked at Reed with full doubts, but she swallowed them. She didn't want to kill Reed's enthusiasm.

"Yeah! One of my colleagues said that food here was great and I will surely love them."


"Yeah...No, I'm here for that octopus. That colleague said that it's delicious. I wanted to try it." Reed speak out excitedly, but deep inside she was protesting.

'No! No! If you eat those I will die! I will die! You hear! I will dieeee!'

Nodding hesitantly, Echo ordered their food and they both waited. Reed told Echo many stories as they waited. Though, Echo rarely responded, Reed knew she was listening attentively. Reed talked and talked until their food arrived.

A full raw octopus!

Seeing that, Reed wailed hard. She was brawling wanting to wake up. Nevertheless, the male 'Reed' was excited and curious about this peculiar being. It was still alive, but It can be eaten. Reed was not a fun of eating exotic dishes, but this one made 'him' really ponder.

Echo was the first one that took a bite. She slice off one of its tentacles and dipped it into the sauce at the side, then eat it. Witnessing that series of action, Reed grew brave. 'He' copied Echo. Reed slice off it's tentacle and took it using 'his' chopsticks. However, Reed hesitated.

The tentacle was still wiggling, 'he' already slice it off but it was still moving.

Witnessing her boyfriend's act of hesitation, Echo chuckled. Hearing Echo's laughter, Reed put the tentacle down 'his' plate and turned to look at Echo.

"Why? Hesitating?" She asked. Her face looking the same. Not much emotion displayed in them but her eyes were filled with amused laughter.

"...how can you eat it? It looks freaky."

Reed inside was agreeing. She nod her head like her neck was dislocated. She really didn't want to eat them.

"It's fine. If you can't eat it, then don't."

"No. You already ate it. Then I want to eat it too."

"Oh." Staring at Reed, Echo's eyes flash. "Then, eat it. I will let you control our time tonight." She suggested while strongly indicating the word 'time'.

With ears perking up from Echo's words, Reed eye his sweetheart suspiciously. "No suddenly intent of sexual acts?"


"What's with that pause?! Are you lying to me?"


"Then, you will not push me down immediately just after we arrive at the hotel?" 'he' spoke slowly. Reed's suspicion still etch with 'his' words.

Nonetheless, here Echo's swift response unlike the first one. Reed shoo off what 'he' was thinking and just divert 'his' attention down the wiggling tentacle on 'his' plate.

'Shit! No! Don't eat it! Don't eat it! Don't eat it! Don't eat it!!!!'

No matter how she protest, shout and cry, 'Reed' can't here her. Witnessing how the wiggling thing slowly going closer to her mouth. Reed wanted to vomit.

Reed dip the squirming tentacles to the soy sauce and swiftly put it inside 'his' mouth.


In 'his' mouth 'he' felt the wiggling tentacles, 'he' almost panicked and directly spat the wiggling thing, but thinking how rude it was for the other customers. 'He' hold out, put 'his' hand to 'his' mouth to stop 'himself' for spitting the thing out.

'He' tried to swallow, but 'he' can't and it somehow got stuck on 'his' throat, still moving.

'His' face pale and 'his' eyes let out beads of tear hanging at the corner of 'his' eyes looking pitiful like bullied dog.

'He' felt terrible, the tentacles still moving and it somehow wanted to down his throat. Reed went stiff a litte scared.

And what's more, 'his' mind became very uncooperative and made 'him' recall something 'he' watched at science discovery channel many years ago.

Octopus can regrow back it's tentacles, like starfish. Ignoring other points, Reed focused on star fish.

Slice off arm of a starfish will grow into another starfish.

Yet from Reed's perspective, she thought about her the dream before this one. Pictures of grotesque and gory moments from that certain memory was resurfaced. People that ate the Kraken's egg grew tentacles on the stomach and pierced their body out.

And feeling the wiggling tentacles on her throat. Reed couldn't help it.

...she passed out from...a dream.

At the same time–


Male Reed stood up and run off towards the restroom.

Behind 'him' Echo's soft laughter could be heard.