
Florida VS Valerie

Just as Valerie was about to respond, a laughter filled voice drifted over from behind the crowd, "I was wondering who the celebrity that had shown up among us, if turned out to be Valerie, the… star!"

The crowd's eyes snapped towards the owner of the voice, standing behind them was Florida, the one who had garnered the attention in the room before Valerie's arrival. She had left for the restroom when Valerie came in, so when she returned and found so many people surrounding Valerie, she grew jealous and salty. But as her gaze met Valerie's, she saw only a calm, collected demeanor, which seemed to enrage her further and she couldn't hold her tongue and threw more shades.

Florida's voice dripped with feigned innocence, "Why did you step down to the mortal world? Is the camming industry no longer lucrative enough for your tastes?" Her tone was sugary sweet, but those familiar with the backstory detected the razor-sharp edge beneath.