
12 River of confrontation

There is a stone,rock like .large ,black,strong.It was on the side of the flowing river.calm,quiet ,laminar flow of water.The stone wasn't moving.yeah,it was really strong and large.Time passed and passed.Yet ,the stone stayed at the same position.But the river continued to flow.Each second,it was failing in moving the rock.But what mattered was the river still continued to flow.The days passed followed by weeks .Finally ,one day ,the rock moved slightly.Then ,it stayed the same again.Days and weeks passed and the stone didn't move .It was another rainy day.The river was flowing .The rainwater filled the river.Finally,that day ,the stone had to move.

In the confrontation between the river and the stone,it doesn't matter,who is the strongest.All that matters is,who is the most persistent.

Daniel watched the interaction between the river and stone sitting on the edge of the bridge.He didn't know why he was there.It seemed like a dream.The river was so beautiful.He sat there.There was something calming in the river.He watched the flow of river.There was orange fishes in the green river.There was a small meadow on the bank of the river.The school of fishes travelled in a laminar pattern.It was really beautiful to watch.Sun was about to set.The orange sky gave the river an ethereal look.

Specks of white appeared in the middle of the river.It was as if there was something flowing in there.Daniel stood up from the bridge to watch what it was.Brown matted hair appeared in his view.It was a girl in a white dress.She was asleep.Daniel jumped into the river ,wasting no time.He brisked her away from the carrying arms of the river and made her lie down on the meadow with her head on his lap.The girl looked amazing in the orange light.She had a short white lace dress on.It was as if ,the girl fell down from the angels above.She was breathing.Her face was heart shaped.

She had a small cute button nose.Her lips were small ,pink ,and was shivering from the cold.Daniel covered her with his shirt and rubbed her palms and soles.She looked fragile.but somehow elegant.Even though, wet and dripping, her skin was so smooth.Her cheeks red.The tip of her nose and fingers turned red.It felt nice to watch her sleep.Daniel tried to call her.But it was as if the girl was sleeping in his lap.A very peaceful sleep.He didn't have the mind to wake her up.He watched her sleep.It felt bliss.The girl felt like magic.Soft waves beating on thier legs, evening sun becoming red,the cute little angel on his lap, Daniel thought it was the best dream he had in a while.

Cute little orange fishes came thier way.Thier scales were glowing in a rare combination of golden ,red and orange at the reflection of the red sun.They bite and played at Daniel's and the girls tangled feet.She mumbled something in her sleep and raised an arm to make her soft brown hair stay away from her eyes.Those hairs were fluttering in the slight breeze in the meadow.She smiled at the feeling of fish playing at her feet .

Daniel gasped.That was a killer smile.Daniel could not grasp his feelings.That smile alone could blast him into pieces of nothing.Who is this girl and why the hell would her smile make him feel like he was an infant who can only speak gibberish ? Nothing made sense.Not anymore.He was dreaming and this girl is his imagination.But if he could imagine that smile ,then his imagination is kind of fundabulous ,if that's even a word .A dream is making him,the prince of Atlantis go giddy.God,he must be hallucinating.

That's when she opened her eyes.They were dull green ,like the grass ,like the river ,like the forest ,like the green sparkles in Daniel's eyes when he opens it to light.But the gasp was let out of Daniel's mouth ,when she mumbled the first word after she woke up.It was " Daniel...!"

Her voice was symphony.It was like the first drop of rain on the land suffering from draught,the first ray of sunshine after months ,in igloo tents.It was like his own ,personal lullaby.And the voice was special because he knew it from some where.It was extra ordinary because that voice made him know that she knows him.

That angel from the river ,the girl who can make Daniel giddy with a single smile knows him.His ability to speak seemed to deserted him.He sat there with the angel in his front ,in the meadow ,by the side of the river ,both wet and dripping the river .Everything feels insane.,so surreal.

But the most insane thing is that he knows her voice.He knows that voice.He is damn sure of that.Only ,he doesn't know where from he have heard it before.

" Daniel..is that you?"she called out to him.Daniel was still in daze.How in earth ,is this beauty ,know him?"Daniel ..I wanted to thank you so badly."she told.

" Thank me...umm..why?"yeah ,Daniel speak about the first impression.you sound like a whale trying to swim for the first time.what? oh man...! Whale trying to swim .You are an idiot.

She didn't speak anything.She just looked at him ,like she was seeing him for the first time." Daniel,do you not know who I am? You helped me.You are always in my dreams."

" ugh ..lady ,you are the one in my dream."Daniel mumbled out.

" what .?" Lilith didn't speak for a bit ." That would mean ,you are real.umm..Are you real?like original?,ugh...this doesn't make sense."Lilith had a confused face.

" yeah,I am ugh..real.And this is my dream.Isnt it ?I think ,I have seen you before.I don't know where"Daniel too wore the same face.

" oh my god,that would mean.I know a real person through my dreams." Lilith couldn't control her excitement.

" wait,what does that even mean?how do you even know me?"Daniel was stunned of the revelation.

" okay,this would totally sound crazy.But you know me .I know you .oh...! that came out all wrong.But you may not know me ,but I definitely know you ,okay ,that is crazier .I think I saw you for the first time, when you fell down a rabbit hole.You were so young.Your hair was covered in mud and leaves.My hair looked like a chicken nest that day.Then I saw you , when you tried to save that little girl from the crocodile.You were injured.My knees were bleeding so badly because of you.

Once,you were playing in snow and a snow storm came .You were trapped in it .That day I had to clean my entire room , because it felt like I had a snow fall inside my room.Gosh...! saying it out loud sounds crazy." Lilith stopped her babbling.She was too nervous about his reaction.Its not everyday ,you have to explain,the man from your dreams ,who you might like a lot ,who you are.

Daniel stood there like a statue.unmoving." Daniel...hello " Lilith waved her arms infront of his face." hello ..are you there? are you still with me? Daniel?"He was still not moving.

Okay so your dream man,oops,man in your dreams can go into shock.

" umm...it ..it was you.you were there.It doesn't make any sense.But ,you wouldn't know if you were not there.

you were that person." Daniel mumbled still dazed out of his mind.

Lilith waited for him to complete.She didn't know what to tell him further.He looked lost ,like a small boy.

He turned to look at her from the ground.

" I think ,I know you.but I didn't know it was you.I know this would sound like I am out of my mind.But ,I knew there was someone with me ,each time I went into trouble.It was like ,I felt the pain initially.Later the pain would shift to someone,so I only have to bear half of it.It was like I had someone with me to share my pain and trouble.You were the one."

His look was penetrating.Lilith felt like she was burning in the sun.Her gaze into his eyes felt like ice,the most coldest ice you would feel.And then the river dissappeared.