
chapter 1 -The day we met

Walking down the roadside I noticed many people gathered like salmons during mating season all flocked around something I

shouldn't care but cariosity got the better of me as I got closer I could under stand why people where just standing I mean there was a beautiful man laying on the ground with no clothes on and did I mention beautiful with

those white cloud like wings and red crimson hair, and great face i could understand why everyone was just standing there I mean like

fuck he is so pretty but those thought dont last long when someone taps my shoulder I turn around it looks like they want to say something so i take off my headphones to hear them out.

"Hi do you who this man is" - unkwon person

hmm I think that if I leave him alone he will most likely be caught with the government and used as an experiment and that seems

like an awful thing so I just told them that it was my friend that got really drunk in a costume party we where having and I was looking for all morning because he disappeared.

The lady said ok and told everyone to leave that it was just a drunk man I feel sorry for him but nonetheless I grab him and start walking home


Just got home and let me tell you that this man is just *muah* so beautiful and don't get me started on that monster in-between his legs

I wait a while to see if he would wake up but...Im not patient so I fill my bathtub and grab him and throw him in their his head sticking out

I grab his legs and pull him down until his head is complety under the water. There was no movement at first but then I saw his hand move and then

*splash* "ugh sigh" *cough*

"You..who are you"

thats what I should be asking you sexy looking motherfucker.

'Im lucius some people found you on the ground in order for you to not become a test subject I told them that you are a friend of mine who got really drunk and past out naked on the street'

He looked at me whith his dark blue eyes and just sighed and asked for some clothes good thing I had some extra large clothes to give him otherwise I wouldn't know what to do.