
The Light that shall shine upon the Star Wars Galaxy

A StarWars enthusiast is reincarnated into the StarWars universe with a system. What will be the challenges our MC, Osiris Blight will face?

Unholy_Student · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter Five

[Now that you are free do you wish to view your other Tasks?]

"Other tasks? What other tasks?" I asked.

[As the system has said before, the host gets two kinds of Tasks, Daily Tasks and Random Tasks]

"So the new tasks are from the Random Tasks section?" I asked.


"Alright, show me," I told the system.


Random Task: Force Disciple

Gain a disciple with a grade of A or higher (0/1)

Rewards for completing the task: 10,000 SP, 5x Force Awakening Pills, Force Section of the store



Random Task: Take over the local gangs and form an illegal organization

Gangs Taken (0/5)

Organizations Formed (0/1)

Rewards for completing the task: 1,000 SP, Random Skill, and a random reward from the shop


"The disciple part I can understand, but why do I need to make a crime organization?!" I asked the system.

[Unlike most daily tasks you are completely free to ignore Random Tasks, but most tasks will be to your benefit]



Name: Osiris Blight

Titles: None [A/N: A title is just what he is known as, so if he was known as a Jedi he would have the Jedi Title]

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Physique: 45 (The strength and speed of your body)

Mentality: 82 (The strength and endurance of your mind) [A/N: AKA how long he can use the force and the strength of his force powers]

Spirituality: ??? (The connection between you and supernatural forces) [A/N: AKA the force and other forces that will be revealed in the future, also if you have a better description for this let me know!]

Skills: Expert Piloting, (E) Shadow Knight Creation, Shadow (E) Puppet Creation

Traits: Loved by the Force

[Open System Shop]

[Open Inventory]

SP(System Points): 18


"Huh? How did I get 10 more SP?" I asked the system.

[You gained 10 SP from killing the Murderer]

"I can gain points from killing murderers?" I asked the system.

[Correct, most people will only give you 10 SP for killing them but strong and important characters will give you much more SP]

"Huh...I see" I told the system.

Well, I know of a few gangs around here and the most annoying thing is that a lot of gangs have the same name which can get confusing sometimes.

For example, there were two different Wolf Gangs in this neighborhood with different leaders.

[A/N: I will not even try to come up with complex names and will just stick with modern gang names from earth Like wolf gang, turtle gang, tiger gang, etc]

Like any gang, they strive for more power, territory, and men.

If I remember correctly there are 12 Gangs in this area.

Although I say neighborhood there is no such thing, just many many areas full of buildings.

I put on my mask and began the search for the first Gang of many that would join me.


[???'s POV]

Sitting around a table were 4 men, each of the men looked like thugs with their bulging muscles and their fierce looks.

My name is John, I am the boss of a small gang called Turtle Gang. There are around 50 men apart of my gang and we rule over a few streets on this level.

We mainly charge a small protection fee to all of the people that live within our territory but unlike many gangs we are much more lenient in payment times, we know all too well how much credits the people can make on this level.

While I sat down in a small room that we use as our base of operations with my friends one of my subordinates rushed into the room with a scarred face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Big Brother there's a young...boy outside beating everyone up demanding that he sees you!" he told me.

"I'm sorry...did you just say a...child is beating all of you up?" I asked with confusion.

He quickly nodded with a fearful expression and told us "It felt like we were before a monster..."

"A Monster? You are calling a child a monster?" I laughed before getting up.

"Then let's go see this 'Monster'." I laughed thinking this was some joke.


[Author Note]

If you wish to show your support then, please comment down below or join my P4treon

Do Note that my P4treon is purely for monetary support and shout outs!

No matter what my readers shall all get to read the same chapters!

No pay to win to get ahead of everyone!

@P4treon.com / Unholy_Student

Discord: CMZm2uJ

Probably going to be the only chapter for a few days, I suggest yall read the other novel that I am writing along with this one, its called The Extraordinary Gaming Cafe