
159. The Odd Sky

While Evan was being treated in the emergency room, Fiona sat outside with her head bandaged and slightly soiled clothes. The fingers on her hands intertwined in front of her face. Her eyes closed. She performed a ritual that the inhabitants of her planet often performed in such situations. She focused her mind on Evan, wishing her the best. Perhaps, it can be equated with prayer as humans do on earth.

"Excuse me, Miss. Do you have a relationship with Evan?" A man with dark skin and thick lips stood before the girl.

Fiona slowly opened her eyes. "I'm his girlfriend, sir."

"Ah, introduce me, I'm Anderson." The man stretched out his hand. "I'm Evan's relative."

"Fiona." The girl felt strange shaking Anderson's hand and getting acquainted like this. The two of them had met when Fiona was still a synthetic warrior.

"Don't worry, we've taken care of everything, Miss. He'll be fine." Anderson smiled kindly. "Then, for you...."