
143. The Helicopter

The alien soldier fired a hook from the gun he was holding. The hook hit the helicopter's fuselage, causing it to wobble.

Even though he was wearing a seat belt, Evan felt his body still being thrown back and forth.

"Shit!!! Braces for impact!!!" The pilot shouted. He was desperately trying to keep the helicopter flying and not crashing. "Fuck!!! Looks like that bastard's weapon hit the fuel tank!!!"

T.A started climbing the rope towards the helicopter door. Evan, who was in the shaking helicopter, could feel as if the soldier was getting closer to reaching him, even though he couldn't see the captor himself.

Jon started pointing his gun at the helicopter door. "Evan, I know you never liked me, but everything I did was for good. I want to save a lot of people. I don't mean anything bad at all, although the methods I use are sometimes questionable."