
Chapter 58: Angry Pact

The first Twelve returned to Yuliah that night. They told her about the mark and ways to bind and control the power Aleric gave them.

Right, when the sun came out, Yuliah began to stir from her dreams. Drowning in a bed full of pillows, she slowly pushed up. Her eyes caught bits of light as it passed right through a pair of threadbare curtains then crept across the floor. Another Inn, perhaps? Ryas more than likely brought her here.

An old wooden chest with carved letterings sat at the foot of the bed. On top laid a knitted black top, red pleated skirt, and undergarments. Ryas, he must have left those for her. She slid out from under the blanket, then off the bed and made her way towards the chest.

The tips of her tender breasts were pink as rosebuds in the summer heat. Her bare skin cleaned and scented with lavender. He also must have bathed her in the night.

Yuliah slipped into the clothes he laid out. The black top clung to her curves and stomach a little too tight, more than she preferred, but free clothes were free clothes.

She pressed and massaged the lower part of her stomach when it suddenly hardened then dispersed. At least the excruciating pain disappeared.

"Does your stomach hurt anymore?" his hands came from behind her then cupped around her belly.

In his arms, that was her favorite place to be, and her body knew it. Yuliah fell back into his chest, and she wanted to enjoy more of his touch, but her pride wouldn't allow her to give in easily. After he abandoned her, then let his jealousy almost come between them. She forced herself away instead.

"You must be angry still," he said. "I'm sorry. I overreacted. Forgive me?"

Yuliah refused to make eye contact with him. One look into those piercing blue eyes and she might fold. When she didn't answer, he spoke again.

"It's not entirely my fault though," he said. "My Captains told me your horse went wild after you argued with Ward and bucked it too hard," he said.

Her emotions were heightened today, and Yuliah closed her eyes at Ryas' words and walked away. She would ignore him just like he did her.

"Don't ignore me," He put his arms around Yuliah. "I'm sorry," Ryas brought his lips to hers but turned and kissed her on the cheek instead.

Seriously? She saw it, as much as he tried to play it off. He avoided kissing her. Yuliah's eyes turned dark, and she shoved him. "You're disgusted with me now? Is that why you won't kiss me!" Tears pooled in her eyes. What's going on with her emotions today. They were all over the place. Yuliah took a deep breath.

He didn't answer right away, which made Yuliah's anger only worse.

"It's not that. Let me explain," Ryas took a step forward.

She backed away. "I saw it Ryas! Did you not turn away from me?"

"Yuliah, calm down." He took her hand.

"Let go," She yanked it away and headed for the door. Forget him and his excuses.

"Where are you going?" He suddenly stood next to her and had her by the waist. "You need to rest. I won't allow you to leave," Ryas raised his voice.

"You don't own me - Ryas!" she gave him the dirtiest glare, and he released her. Yuliah pushed him away when he didn't say anything and slammed the door. Not before swiping his blade.

She didn't want to be around him today. Yuliah huffed as she exited the Inn and onto the streets of Murai. The roads were small and crowded but filled with merchants and people. Yuliah stood outside and watched as everyone went about their day.

She felt a twinge of pain burst from the mark, and looked down. The indent it turned a shade darker today. She thought it only burned when she came across Nomens. Besides her, Ward and his men who were the only other Nomens in this town, but they were only half Nomens. The mark didn't burn for halfbreeds.

Where were they holding Ward? She would go and visit him. He was partly responsible for all her frustrations. At that moment, Lohan came out from the Inn. He looked about the same age as Yuliah but spoke with a dirty mouth. She smiled. He would know for sure where they were holding Ward.

"Lohan, right?" Yuliah tapped him on the shoulder. He's going to pay up. The debt he owed her.

"Yea," he jerked back.

"I need a favor from you." Yuliah took a step closer to him. "Remember when you used me as a shield and I took that dart for you? The one that saved you from becoming a Nomen slave." Yuliah's lips curled wide.

He covered her mouth quickly. "Why do you have to say it like that?" He dragged Yuliah to the side of the building. "What do you want?"

"Where is General Ryas holding the prisoners?" She asked.

"You're going to get me in trouble with him. You don't know his temper." Lohan peeped over his shoulder.

"I won't tell him if you won't tell him."

"Why are you looking for the prisoners? Thinking about cheating on the General with that blonde?" His brow wrinkled.

Lohan let out a loud yelp as Yuliah's hand landed across his arm.

"I'm not a cheater. I'm going there to punish him," she smiled.

Lohan repeatedly rubbed his arm. "Why do you hit so hard for a woman," he glared back.

"Maybe your just too soft," Yuliah sneered. "Now tell me where he's at?"

"Why do you need to punish him?" Lohan's arms crossed.

"He did something wrong."

"For what offense?" Lohan asked.

"That's between him and me."

"You're fucken crazy like General Ryas. I don't even want to be a part of it," Lohan shook his head. "He's in the town jail. You'll have to go that way," he started to leave. "If you get caught you better not say I told you."

"I won't!" She rushed off.

Yuliah didn't know that Ryas followed her outside and listened to her entire conversation.

When she arrived at the town jail, Yuliah threatened the Captains with Ryas. Afraid to argue or cause harm to her the Captains let Yuliah in.

Ward laid stretched out on a little cot, tousled locks of gold hair fell over his face, and he rested peacefully.

Yuliah released the mark, "Get up Ward," she had a sadistic chuckle to her voice.

Ward bolted to his feet. "Aishhh," his head tilted back.

"I'm glad to see that your resting so well after causing all that ruckus for me," Yuliah raised a hand. "Now kneel."

Ward fell to one knee. "Couldn't get enough of my kiss from yesterday, huh? Is that why you're back for more," he teased.

She swiped the keys from the jailer on her way in and unlocked Ward's cell. Yuliah strolled inside and plopped down on his cot. "You must wish so badly that was the truth," she patted him on the head. "But no, I'm here to talk. To start over with you. I know you don't want to rot in a Southern prison for the rest of your life."

Outside the Captains scrambled to apologize as the General arrived and made his way inside the jail.

"And your point is?" Ward asked.

"First, I need you to swear that you won't ever harm Ryas or spite him again," Yuliah commanded. The last thing she needed was another fight between the two.

"NO. You're taking away my joy here. Your General is so wound up and serious all the time. I love seeing his panties in a bunch," Ward laughed.

"Swear it, Ward!" Yuliah demanded.

Sweat beads formed on his head before he finally swore it, "Yes. I swear it."

"Ward, why does everyone hate us so much?"

"You mean Nomens?"

"Yes, us Nomens. Why and especially the Geneoshi?"

"It's because of what we did, what Nomens continue to do, but they forget what they did to us though. We will never confine to their standards only our own, and the Purebreds hate us because we are parts of those who hate them.

"Let's build a new world order for Nomens. I'm the last surviving heir of King Baasa. I can do it," Yuliah said.

"You're one crazy ass girl. Do you fucken know that?" He smiled at her. "Nomens can't be controlled.

"That's why I'm going to use this." Yuliah lifted her sleeve and released the Mark. The blood veins coiled up her entire arm until it became a crimson red. With the Mark, she could control the Nomens and have them confined to a standard. Maybe not everyone's but one of their own and get the respect her people needed. The First Twelve showed her how to use the Mark. Yuliah was confident she could do it.

"Will you swear fealty to me or not?" Her lips curled sideways.

"Yes," he answered.

Yuliah knelt beside him, "Give me your hand."

Ward hesitated, "What are you going to do?"

"Just give me your hand Ward," she took the dagger she stole from Ryas out.

"Fuck, no!" Ward went for the blade. "I take it back!" He hurried away.

"Shhhhh. You asshole. I need a drop of your blood to bind our pact. You can't die or hurt me unless I permit you to."

"Oh, I thought you were gonna cut off one of my fingers," he stretched his hands towards Yuliah but quickly retracted it back. "What do you mean I can't die unless you allow me too? That's some dark magic shit."

"It is. Do you want to escape or not?" Yuliah rolled her eyes at him.

"I guess it's better than rotting in a Southern cell or getting hung in the North," Ward gave her his hand.

Yuliah placed the blade to his palm and sliced. Ward didn't flinch, but his face paled and his fist immediately clenched. He brought his trembling hand over hers and squeezed a droplet of blood onto the Mark.

"One life. One blood," Yuliah spoke. The Mark burst into a crimson red, then blackened her entire arm. A pain that tore at her soul and etched itself deep inside, but Yuliah gritted her teeth and inhaled deeply. All the blood veins curled up, then off her arms and back into the crescent indent.

"Next, you can't ever touch me again." She knew he only did it to spite Ryas, but she didn't want him to kiss her again. It caused too much confusion between them.

"How the fuck is that supposed to work if I'm your Commander? What if I need to save your ass? Which I'll probably be doing a lot of." He gave her a confused look.

Yuliah laughed, "You're right. Nevermind let's forget that one. Now, as punishment. I command you to do three hundred pushups," Yuliah released the mark.

"You're so fucken childish," Ward dropped to all fours and began doing pushups. "What kind of fucken Queen even gives commands like that?" Ward cussed.

"Why do you want a more severe punishment?" Yuliah lifted her arm to him. "I could arrange for something more sinister," she smiled.

His breaths were heavy as he pushed up and down against the cold floor. "No. I'll do this. Why didn't you use that thing when those big ass Females were gonna turn us all into their mates?"

"I don't know. I forgot about it, and I thought you could only use it on the Males."

"Good Gods! We're going to fucken die with those brains," Ward panted louder.

"That's why I have you as my Commander. You're supposed to see what I can't see," Yuliah laughed at him.

When Ryas showed up in the hallway outside of Ward's cell, he could hear Ward's heavy panting and grunts along with Yuliah's giggles. She snuck off to come here to do what? He burst from the corner, "What are you doing in here!" His voice exploded into the cell.

Yuliah quickly jumped from the cot and cocked her head sideways, "Ryas! You're even spying on me now?" Her honey eyes were wide.

"No. There's another reason why I'm here. I don't need to discuss it in front of him or anyone besides you." Ryas answered.

"Ohhhoho," Ward breathed as he continued to do push-ups. "So there is trouble in paradise," he grunted loudly.

Ward's heavy breathing and grunting got to Ryas. Images of Ward and Yuliah together flooded Ryas' head as he tried to clear them from his mind. "Yuliah. Enough. Tell him to stop," Ryas demanded.

"NO. Ward's my Commander, not yours and I'm punishing him for his disobedience," She yelled at Ryas.

"Why are you so difficult all of a sudden! Why do you want to be around him so much!"

"Because he's like me. A halfbreed that no one gives a shit about. That everyone hates! He saved me when you abandoned me." She pushed Ryas away. "You wouldn't understand. You only see..." her voice strained. Ryas only saw the parts of her he wanted. Not her Nomen side. He could never fully embrace it. He hated Nomens. "Stop Ward," Yuliah released the Mark. "I'm done here and don't follow me!" She shouted at Ryas and took off. Why was she so angry and wound up today? Yuliah rushed outside and took deep breaths.

Inside Ryas stood there, unable to speak for the first time, wondering if he should run after Yuliah or respect her wishes and leave her alone.

"Good Gods! She's got so much kick in her! Don't you think?" Ward patted Ryas on the shoulder.

Ryas turned to Ward and stood right in front of him, they were face to face, and almost eye to eye but Ward stood a bit taller and broader. "The next time I see or hear that any part of your body has touched her in any way. I will personally cut it off myself," Ryas shoved Ward back onto the cot, locked the cell, and left.

Ward paused for a moment and burst into a laugh. "Fuck! I was hoping you'd forget about locking the cell so I could have escaped."

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