
The life of Eve Dark

In this novel we will follow Eve Dark. She's a beautiful girl, but has trouble finding herself. Left alone, she tries too find her own path. But she is in for a surprise, cause a small mistake will change her life completely. Will it be good or bad, we don't know. The only thing we do know is that she will not give up on life no matter what. I hope you will enjoy this novel and if you have a idea of what could happen next, then please let me know. It would help me a lot

TheBlackMaiden · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 8

Eve Dark pov

So yesterday I was told that I must go to court today. I'm still afraid to get punished, but I was told that when I tell the court exactly what I told Jack before and if all that I told was true and I did not let out anything, I will not get punished.

After I changed into the white dress that I got from Lucia, Lucia helped me go to where the court room is. I'm nervous, but Lucia told me that everything would be fine. After I took a deep breath, she brought me into the court room. Shortly after Lucia brought me to my place Derek, Jack and another man I hadn't seen before, entered the room.

"Derek please take your seat there and be quiet unless the court asks you something. The court members will be here every second now." Jack said, he seems to be angry about something, I just hope it is ot my fault...

Soon the court members entered the room.

" Hello I'm the head of the court and will be in charge of your dispute over the book that I have here with me." the head of the court started talking "First everyone needs to know, I will listen to everything each person has to say, if the story's are not the same you must drink a potion which will let you tell only the truth. If that were to happen we will see it as a crime against the court from the person who lied to us and the punishment will be worse. We will start with mister Derek please introduce yourself to us, tell us where you work and after that tell us what happened from your point of view."

"Hello my name is Derek and I'm human, I come from the kingdom of elves and becouse I am a servant of the house of Duke Kesto, I have no last name. I work for Duke Kesto and there I need to do what young madam Kesto tells me to do." introduced Derek himself. "On the day we are talking about right now, I together with my young madam, went to the Bookstore in town. We wanted to buy the book 'beginner magic', when we got there this thing there stole the book from us and when I tried to take the book back she dared to bite me and kicked me in my manlyhood. After I took a deep breath, I ran after that thing and when she fell I grabbed her hair. Just as I was about to take her back with me, she started screaming and brought me to this kingdom. I have no idea how she did that but I wish for that thing to be punished for this crime of kidnapping and hurting me", Derek finished and looked at me like I was his prey and was about to be killed for my crimes.

"Thank you for telling us about your point of view and now I would like to hear what miss Dark has to say" the head of court said without any emotions.

I took a deep breath and started talking "Hello and nice to meet you all. My name is Eve Dark I'm 17 years old and I am as far as I was told half elve and half human. Just like mister Derek I come from the kingdom of elves. But before I start telling my point of view, I would like to take the potion of truth. I have nothing to hide and I am willing to accept any punishment I would get, if I should have committed a crime."