
The life of Eve Dark

In this novel we will follow Eve Dark. She's a beautiful girl, but has trouble finding herself. Left alone, she tries too find her own path. But she is in for a surprise, cause a small mistake will change her life completely. Will it be good or bad, we don't know. The only thing we do know is that she will not give up on life no matter what. I hope you will enjoy this novel and if you have a idea of what could happen next, then please let me know. It would help me a lot

TheBlackMaiden · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 22

Soon a lot of teachers entered and one of them came forward and said "Thank you all for coming today, I hope that all of you will be able to succeed in today's exam and will join our school. We will now give each of you a truth potion and ask a few questions, when you answered all of them and we find no problem with your answers we will hand out the exam papers. You will have to wait till all have a exam paper and then you will be allowed to start. For those who will get no exam paper we hope you will leaf quietly, without disturbing the others. Well enough talking let's begin. "

As soon as he finished speaking all the other teachers, except for the one who spoke moved forward. Each teacher stood in front of a student, they started at the first and second row. Then they gave use the truth potion and we all drunk it.

I had a female teacher in front of me, and as soon as I drunk the potion she started asking:

"Why do you want to study magic and why in this academy?"

"I want to study magic because I find it very interesting, to be able to repay the kindness of this kingdom and to be able to protect myself, the ones precious to me and the ones who can't protect themselves. I want to study here, becouse Sir Jack told me this would be the best school for me, where I would be able to learn the most.", I spoke truthfully without hesitation.

"If you see someone in need what would you do", she asked next

"I would do everything I could to help that person or animal in need, no one should suffer and if I can help them, I would love to help. I know that my kindness will not always be repaid with equal kindness and someone might have not been good before, but maby if I offered my kindness some of them will change and start to help others instead of hurting them", I answered her.

"Thank you for answering all my questions, here are you papers. Please do not start before we say so or we must not allow you to continue with the exam", she said, gave me my exam and moved to the next person.

While the teachers continued to question the students, some students stood up and left with sad faces. After one hour was over and all teachers stood in the front again, the teacher who never left his place spoke up once more

"Thank you all for being so patient, your servants are now required to leave the room"

The servants quickly left the room and the teacher spoke again "Beginn, you have 1 and an half hour", that was all he said and directly after he said that I and the other students quickly started to answer the question.

Zhe questions where not so hard to answer

-What is the most important rule

-> everyone is equal and you should never harm someone else

-What's the name of our king and what is his race

-> king Alexander Skulls, race dragon

-What can you do with light magic, give 2 examples

-> You can heal and purify (for example miasma)

This are three of the various questions they asked, all questions were about the kingdom or magic.