
The life of Eve Dark

In this novel we will follow Eve Dark. She's a beautiful girl, but has trouble finding herself. Left alone, she tries too find her own path. But she is in for a surprise, cause a small mistake will change her life completely. Will it be good or bad, we don't know. The only thing we do know is that she will not give up on life no matter what. I hope you will enjoy this novel and if you have a idea of what could happen next, then please let me know. It would help me a lot

TheBlackMaiden · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 13


Magic ranking:

100%-80% genius

79%-60% above average

59%-40% average

39%-20% below average

19%-0% not usable


Light, nature - > poitive

Taming, water, ice, space, earth, steel - > neutral

Darkness, fire - > negative


"Miss Dark, you have in every element at least the average talent and in most above average talent or are even a genius after prober training. But lord Tyto will check your body if there is something wrong with your mana flow. We must do this becouse there is definitely something that is not correct, but right now we don't know if this will hinder you or not. After lord Tyto checked out your body we will know more.", after lord Lordos finished, lord Tyto came to me and checked me up with light magic. When the light magic entered my body I felt calm and after a minute lord Tyto was finished.

He looked troubled and started explaining what he found out "As I can understand you can use your magic without problems. You have a lot of mana but you can not use all of it. There is some barrier within you, that I can not break without risking to harm you. But even with the barrier you can still use more mana than me. So you will have no problems with your training. But when you feel like it becomes harder to get your mana to work like you want, get tired or anything else changes while using mana you need to stop or you could harm yourself. From what I saw you already harmed yourself one time luckily you could recover, but next time the damage could be permanent. Sir Jack I have a letter for you, if you could please wait a few more minutes for me to finish writing it, it's very important."

Jack looked suspicious but nodded his head. It was also good for me, in the time we are waiting I could calm down more and try to understand all the information I got today. After 5 more minutes Jack got the letter, I got my magic power results on paper and we went down to the carriage. Inside the carriage I sat on the opposite side of Jack, he opened his letter and his face turned dark for a split second before returning to normal.

He looked at me and said "Today must have been a hard day for you. You should better go directly to your room and sleep. I will be in my room if anything should be bothering you, please come and I will help you understand or solve it if it is something I can." I nodded in response and when he brought me to my room Lucia helped me change and I soon fell asleep.