
The life of a grim reaper

Thanatos is a grim reaper who does his job perfectly. He is just one of many grim reapers who lead the souls of the dead into hell or heaven. He is a perfect example to all young reapers about how a grim reaper should be. A man who has thousands of deaths. Will now get accompanied by the grim reaper Morgana.

black_bullet_j · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Professor Shelra's unbelievable skills

Professor Shelra asked for gloves, which the smaller and slender man provided. He gave her a pair of gray gloves that were a little too big for the professor.

However, the size of the gloves was not a problem for her. The rubber of the gloves made an all too familiar snapping sound as Professor Shelra pulled on the rubber of her right glove, let it go, and snapped it against her wrist.

She had developed this habit after working for the reaping authority for a long time, where she often examined corpses.

"Tell me details about his life before he died." Said the professor with much enthusiasm. She never hated this work; it was exciting to know what you could find out about a person just by taking a closer look at their bodies.

However, this also gave her the habit of looking at people's bodies when she first met them.

Thanatos started and listed all the facts they knew about the man. Renmaru and the other three confirmed the information, and Shelra began to undress the elf completely. So far, the people have not yet stripped him of his underwear. They found it unnecessary and did not want to do it.

When the underwear was removed, Professor Shelra was the first to comment on what she saw.

"No wonder he was unmarried with that thing." Shelra had always been of the opinion that size didn't matter, and in her life, that had always been true. But the thing hanging down there was almost nonexistent.

"Yes, this is a big problem among elves. Female elves are extremely beautiful and have a high libido that is almost insatiable; male elves, on the other hand, are only handsome, have small genitals, and have an extremely low libido. That is why it is becoming more and more common for female elves to have sex with either other races or a huge number of male elves just to satisfy their sexual needs. Today it has even become pretty common for female elfes to reproduce with other races, which is possible but hard to do."

At Thanato's explanation to the others, they thought that perhaps they should have paid a little more attention to racial lore. At the same time, they felt a kind of curiosity towards the elf, especially the female part of them.

"Well, that's that. Let's get on with it. Watch this, boys. I'm going to show you a trick that saved me a lot of overtime back then."

Professor Shelra clapped softly with her hands, and her whole eyes glowed yellow. She came closer to the dead body and looked at each part of it. She scanned the body once up and then once down. This process took 10 minutes as her eyes stopped glowing.

"Hm, that's interesting." Is what she said after scanning his whole body. She tried to take off the gloves again, which was a more difficult task than she wanted. Since she had to pull so hard on the middle finger that he tore off. The professor had enough and tore the gloves with a few air cuts.

"What is interesting?" Thanatos waited until she was done with her struggle with the glov. He understood to a hundred percent how she felt; he sometimes had to wear these shit things and always hated everything about them.

"It is no wonder that you couldn't find out anything about him; what happened is too hard for laymen like you to find out. I can't tell much, but what I know is that he cracked his ankle at an Androg tree, and these are known only in the elfes world. The blow on his chest comes from a soft punch; the punch did not come from his enemy, which means that he first got the punch from someone else, fell over a tree, and then got killed and brought here. Whatever killed him at first killed him in the elfes world and then brought him into the woods. This is what I found out."

All five of them were shocked after what they heard and the same thoughts circulating inside their heads. 'How the fuck did she find that out?'

"How the fuck did you find that out, professor? You only looked at him; even if you used a specific death art, this makes no sense."

"Hohoho, well, then I will teach these little, nothing-knowing children."

With these few mocking words, Professor Shelra made the five of them mad. But they couldn't say anything against it because they had no idea what she did.

"This is a death art. It scans a body and takes the slightest details, like how the ankle looked or the little scratches that were on the ankle, and searches all my memories about something that could have caused this or that. And so I found out that he tripped over an Androg tree root, sprained his ankle, and then ten minutes later was killed and then shipped somewhere, but it takes quite a lot of strength and concentration to keep the whole thing upright. The slightest distraction can affect the death species immediately, and the information is littered with errors. I've been practicing this for years, and now I've mastered it perfectly, but I still get tired after using it again for such a long time.

By such a long time, I meant centuries; it has now been 500 years since Shelra stopped working at the reaping authority and started at this academy.

"That is all I could figure out, but even if you say that to the reaping authority right now, it should be impossible to find permission to go on the mission. But submit the data you know already by report and wait until someone answers you. But I have to go now; I have a few things to do."

Professoring Shelra turned towards the exit and went through without saying anything. Thanatos and Renmaru played scissors, rock, and paper to see who would write the report. Renmaru lost and had to write the report, a task no one in the room wanted to do. Thanatos left; he had nothing in particular to do; he just wanted to leave and do something else.