
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Asylum Part Two

A while passed in this building and it felt like a old school or old library, they let us out for dinner. I got my food and sat in the canteen alone, I keep trying to see all the faces so I could find Elizabeth and Darcy, I decide to keep doing it whilst eating. I couldn't find them. Just as I was about to get up and put my plate away I see Darcy. A sigh of relief escaped my lips knowing at least if he was alive so was Elizabeth and that maybe I could have a chance to leave this world with them. 

I begin to walk towards to him trying not to be suspected by anyone, I give him a little nudge while i throw away my leftovers into the bin. I turn around. his face warms me up. I smile at him and he does the same.

". Hiya.." I use my magic to communicate with him instead of using my words again, he looked confused.

".. yeah i know its a spell l'm putting on so you know l'm not gonna leave you and Liz. I WILL find a way to get us out .."

"Good you both here" someone says behind me. I turn around still holding Will's hand. The lady I front of us looked and dressed like a head mistress, she is probably the head mistress and the head of whatever the hell this place is.

"Take them to the girl" she said as we both followed the head mistresses minions. Corridor after corridor. Wow this seems like a weird school. Why are people dressed and doctors and nurses. This cant be a school. We entered a room and Elizabeth's head shot up, she ran towards us and smiled.

"Hi" she said.

"Hi" I say.

"You okay Liz?" Darcy asked. But before she could answer we were interrupted.

"Enough jibber jabber, take them to the Doctor" 

The flip? One guard to each of us taking us through another corridor until we got into a strange looking office. What a strange case of events i tell myself.

"we have all your belongings and want to know what this key does, we know it has magic but not from this world" the headman says. Everyone else leaves and the door slams shut leaving us three with this funny looking man who yet hasn't turned his head round to show his face. 

Liz and Dar stay silent. They knew this was my battle. Oh look at that im nicknaming them too.

"I don't know what your talking about?" I lie, pretending to be unbothered. Then the man turned around, a scar on his face and didn't need to use my magic to find out who he was. I didn't need to use my Librarian senses telling me who he was. It was Mr Hyde. 

"Break it then?" He said smirking straight as me, gliding the key with his clean and unglued looking fingers. 

"It's just a key!" I lie to him looking away from those murderous eyes. 

"Fine ill do it" 

I hear those words and my ears shot up, my eyes widen. He didn't even give me a chance or anytime. He pulled out a bottle of whatever the hell was in it and pounded it all over the key. My key burst into pieces. The pieces went flying, i feel the magic disappearing. 

"Noooooo" I scream, my knees fell to the ground with both Elizabeth and Darcy in shock. Two guards came and took them away while now it was just me and a murderer. An evil murderer not a nice murderer like William in his dark materials.

I see my shattered key and thoughts chose up in me. What am i suppose to do now? How will we get back when Dar and Liz dont know how to open portals? I cant open them? Wait, focus on the positive Ava. My magic is stronger here. 

"If you tell me about the key maybe i can fix it" he said strolling up to me. I know for definite once a key is broken you cannot fix it. 

"Why would i tell you…" i get up. 

"ANYTHING" i say giving the best damn stare ever, sending swirling magic that just made Mr Hyde flying back. He slammed against the wall but got up from the floor like it was nothing. Another guard turned up into the room and grabbed my arm. 

"You'll be locked up with your friends forever" he casually stated as i was being taken away.

Noticing patients that I haven't before it hit me. This was an asylum. Hyde could actually keep us locked up forever. The steel doors of the room opened, the guard pushes me in, then i hear a lock. The Librarian ladies and gentlemen. More like The Librarian who gets locks up a lot. 

Time passes until one of us decided to speak.

"At least this time were together now" Liz states.

"But what we gonna do now, my key is broken, I haven't had any sleep for the past 48 hours, I can tell the professor to make another key but it takes like a decade to make" I say so fast and feel like l'm about to hyperventilate again. 

"Dang it!" I shout and gave a kick to the door, then slumped back down onto a bed, which none of us decide to use by the way. 

"Hey" Darcy shoots out, getting me attention.

"The coasts clear, if someone's got a plan i suggest now would be a good time"

I look outside the bars and look at Dar, then nod my head. Elizabeth looked confused but Dar and me had just a little chat in our minds. Good job we did, not even Hyde could hear our conversation. 

"We can use the portal" he mutters under his breathe to Liz, dear god please bless this kid always.

"We have to get back to the same place as before" i state. 

"Since my magic feels more powerful in this world, imma try something with the locks"

He puts his shoe back on and we team up towards the gates. 

"Ready?" He asks and we knew exactly what he meant.

"Ready!" Me and Liz say in unison.

I turn my head towards the bars of the door. The locks explode, loud enough to alert the guards but at least safe enough so we wouldn't get hurt from the specs of stone bursting.

And then we ran as fast as we could. Corridor after corridor, it was easy to find the exist, since it's an asylum the systems was easy to follow. The entrance door was open and finally we got out.

"GET THEM" a guard shouts from the building.

Uh oh.

"No stopping now!" Elizabeth mentions as we began to run towards some benches, Darcy in front, us just behind him, running as the guards were gaining. 

"Dar hurry" Elizabeth shouts at him, I use my initiative and try to send some of my magic to him, he finally open the portal and went in, followed by Elizabeth and then me. The portal closed itself, we were huffing and puffing.

"Finally home" I say as we caught our breathe.

"It's time to get back to your world, you've guys got a lot ahead of you" I smile.

Darcy easily opened up a portal and looked back at me.

"We'll see you soon" he says.

"You know thats the last time you can use the portals, they disappear when the timelines goes back to normal" i state. Giving my goodbyes to them they stepped though and the portal closed.

All in a days work i say smiling away. Then my smile faded. 

"Now I have to tell the professor about the key" i mutter moodily to myself.