
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Asylum Part One

Knock knock. I hear.

Who's there? I wonder.

"Erm Hi" I open the front door and hear these words.

'Darcy?!" I ask. Obviously I know it's him. I just feel like the "WHAT" anime face right now.

"What are you doing here?!" Yes what is he doing here when he should be wooing Elizabeth, NOT HERE.

"You see there was this portal, Liz and I were in the cafe, next thing i know she went to the ladies and didn't come back" he blurted out. 

"Come in!" I say, more like I grabbed him into the house, realising that their timelines went out of place and Darcy must have fallen out of the Book. Tea time!

I placed the teapot I made on the table and sat next to him.

"So howd the portal appear ?" I ask sipping my tea.

"Well I was getting worried and then heard a scream in the alleyway, i see a portal knowing Liz she must have gone through so i followed her, ending up here" he sighed, cupping his mug in one hand. 

"Well knowing Elizabeth she must have" | reply.

"How do KNOW her?" he asks. Knowing damn right I haven't met her. Well not in real life anyway.

"Nevermind" I brisk the question away with my hand.

"The thing is the portal appeared after i arrived at the alleyway" 


I freeze. My eyes widen. Oh no. This is really bad. My Librarian senses are tingling all over! I run out of the room and come back in a speed of light. Darcy's face looking very funny as he gives me a look.

"We have to get you back" I say, gesturing to use the key. He tilts his head, even more confused.

"OK hold this part of the key and mention this TO NO ONE NOT EVER" | tell him and he listened.

"Wow" he blurts out as we reappear near the London cafe we he first met me. I give him a warm smile. We look towards each other, he pointed at my key.

"You know your key is quite like how i travelled here"

"Your right!!" I smirk like a crazy person. Then look around where I am. Taking a few steps to take it all in. 

We walked up at the cafe place he and Liz were in. The perfect time to tell him portals only appear in stories because Books are trying to get help from other universes. This only happened when timelines start to break.

A moment passes, I close my eyes and try to summon as much as my librarian powers as i can to find Elizabeth. 

"Liz is in London!" I blurt out.

"Wait what " Darcy said.

"One more thing, at the same time she's not"

I turn my head to look at Darcy.

"It's your timelines so only you can shift a portal to her direction"

"I can try" he said, scrunching his eyes until they started to make him see stars and pour all his thoughts into one word, his beloved Elizabeth.

"This one seems to be fighting back, like someone's done something to it" he states.

"Try harder!" | yell.

He jolts a little but still focusing on the Elizabeth and the portal as it opens.

"You know your just like Liz"

Did he mean that as a compliment or is he trying to say something at me? I shake my head and focus on seeing the other side of the portal.

"Its working, well done" I say patting his shoulder a little, then wasting no time we go through. Apparently were outside some sort of glass building, there's benches and a beautiful sort of earthy environment. We both hear a funny noise and turn around.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"The portal shouldn't close automatically," I says but I notice him walking away from me. Oh great!

"Liz?" he questions into mid hair.

Then I realise its not mid air as a young girl is sitting on the bench a metre away from us. I could only see her back leaning against the bench but Darcy knew. The young girl turns around and a massive cute smile comes across her.

"Dar!" she shouts running up to him as they both hug.

"Its so good to see you!" he says undoing the hug and just smiles at her.

"This is Ava" he blurts out.

"He he hi!"

"Shes the one l've been talking about, she helped us find you!"

It has been 20 great minutes since Darcy left us to look around for food. He was right! Me and Elizabeth are quite the same, we've been enjoying each other company since we first met. And talking about this new world. It was new to me and them. And somehow my magic feels stronger in this world too. The funny thing is that my Librarian senses were tingling and wouldn't stop. 

"Im just happy I finally got to meet you!" she smiles at me. I feel so grateful I smile back.

"Ha ha me too!" I laugh out, knowing l've been waiting years for this moment. As shes been only waiting for a few weeks. Time just went ticking and finally we see Darcy walking to wards us from afar the greenery.

"Your kidding i loved your story since the beginning, your the original enemies to lovers troupe Duh" I proudly smirk. Darcy overhears and both in unison disagree. 

"Believe me we've had plenty of fights" Elizabeth mentions.

"Believe me you'll have a lot more" I reply.

"Our families meet up now and then trying us to get married" Darcy protests.

"But Liz here wants to finish her studies, i did tell her there's no need when she has me" Elizabeth gave a stare at Darcy, a stare only she could give him to make him shut up. 

"So where exactly are we?" she says getting up, looking at the white sky.

"Seems like an alternate universe of London, like Alice's London" I reply noticing shuffling sounds from behind them. People dressed up in guard uniforms. 

"Grab them, we already have the boy!" one shouts as Darcy disappears. Me and Lyra had only a few seconds and went back to back! The men in white come closer.

"Self-preservation is the only way" I whisper. I realise it's now or never. I turn around facing Elizabeth and blocking out whatever was happening to us right now.

".. Elizabeth l'm giving you something so I can communicate from afar, there gonna put us in different areas of the building here but ill find you and we leave together or not at all!.." I emphasis on the not at all because I wasn't leaving until I had them BOTH in my care. They were children compared to me, they were my responsibility as a Librarian and a human being,

One guard grabs my arm and another grabs Elizabeth. She didn't say a word. They were separating us and then I finally hear her speak. I think she finally got the idea of what I was doing.

"YOU WERE USING YOUR MIND TO TALK TO ME!" she yells back whilst being dragged away.

". Ill find Darcy and do the spell too.."

". dont worry .."

Then just like that. We went along. And were both taken prisoner.