
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Mirror Mirror

"The fairy godmother needs glass slippers and Belle made another book order, and and make sure the magic mirror is in Snow White's castle" he listed to me, his tea sipping was starting to annoy my brain cells. 

"Why do so many characters loose their stuff, honestly I might as well be a delivery service" i huffed picking up the parcel box and key from the table.

Journeying through my day, i delivered the glass slippers and Belle's new book order, mentioning shell love the friends to lovers in the second book of his dark materials. I use the key again and finally reach the magic mirror, feeling like it drew me in. I didn't care, i was too tired. It's old banners, the brown hues of the edges as swirling patterns all go around it. Right at the top a beautiful image of a sculpted crown.

Noticing the magic radiating from in the mirror i could not help myself, i touch it, feeling its powers giving me a tingling sensation in my fingers, i remove my hand at once but it was too late. And i fell to the floor.

WAIT. I'm dreaming. Everything within eyesight was white, the only thing remaining was the mirror. What in the sleeping Beauty was going on?

"I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS" i shout into mid air. Annoyed and tired of the day i had. Annoyed and tired that the mirror just cursed me. Laughter filled the area, three specific laughters. Coming from the mirror, the blurriness fog filled it up. I step closer towards it.

"Mirror mirror on the wall how do i get out of this mess once and for all?" I state to it. 

"True loves kiss" the mirror replied as the fog faded into my reflection. I see myself.

"How the hell-: I interrupt myself realising what i had to do, i at least had to try. My whole life i found it hard to love myself, the flaws, the unachevement, the mental health of it all. I sighed letting the thoughts flow inside me, I brought my hand towards my lips.

"Don't let me down Ava" i say to myself and gave a kiss to my palm. 

There's not a handsome prince to save this maiden in distress. There's myself. The next thing i knew i felt really sleepy and hopefully not going deeper into this weird curse, I lay myself down next to the mirror and i fall asleep. 

I wake up with a uncomfortable feeling on the side of my hip. Picking out from my pocket as I get up realising a tiny diamond. I play with it through my fingers gingerly smiling as bright as ever. 

The professor walked in and started to congratulate me. 

"I knew you could do it" he teased. Happiness all drained from my face. 

"You mean to say that this wish" I shove in his face angrily. 

"Is because of you!" I yelled. 

"I wouldn't have sent you to the mirror if I thought you were not ready" he blurted quickly as trying to change my mood. And it worked. 

I went straight for a quick hug and then jumped up and down. 

"I've only read about these, can I really use it for anything?" I ask, the small diamond in my hand. The wish I can cast on anything. 

"Of course but you need to really think it through" he stated. 

"I already have" i reply closing my eyes and clench the diamond. I felt the first paper drop onto my face and opened my eyes. The whole kitchen filled with money. Papers and papers all fly from the ceiling to the floor. 

"Now this is magic!" I grin ear to ear, watching the papers fly around and into a neat pile. 

"But you already have all the money in the world" the professor looked confused. 

"It's not for me" i reply picking up a piece of paper money and showing it to the professor. He then understood. 

"It's for Sydney so he can be with Charlotte" i happy screamed like Anna from when she gave Christoph his new sled. The money suddenly went walk about and i ended up following it to my room. I see it sitting on top of my Sanditon Book. Then i see it merge all together.

I look at the diamond and feel its magic fade away leaving a normal diamond in my palm. I give another squeal and use my magic this time. Beaded strings attach to the diamond as the string of beads hang from my hand.

I place it around my neck and my thoughts wonder at the Book. Knowing i cant help myself i grab the key from under my pillow and use it. I quickly hide behind a tree. The moment finally came and i see them running up to each other, thats all i wanted, them running up to each other and knowing they had a lot to talk about too so i let the key take me home.

My actual dream has come true the fan girl in me was happy. Although the Librarian in me felt like something else was off today. The whole time i got ready for bed, fixed my hair, something was defiantly wrong. I decide to go downstairs to the kitchen, feeling hungry my stomach was after a midnight snack.

I stop mid stairs in the most shock I've felt in my entire life. The professor holding on the coffee table for dear life, i run to him to help him up from the floor. 

"Get up, please get up" i blubber but his weight felt too heavy. The emotions are too heavy. I knew he was slipping away from me and I couldn't do anything about it.