
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

A Normal Librarian Day

So this weird thing happened last night. I woke up in the middle of the night, had this weird nightmare and woke up with a shivering jolt. The nightmare was about my grandma passing before I was even born so I did not know her. I do wonder sometimes, she could have been a really nice grandma but sadly didn't have the chance. Poor dad I thought, getting out of bed and decide to look at the night sky through my bedroom window. A star went by. I closed my eyes and make a wish.

"I wish to learn more about my family" I sigh and went back to sleep.

Why is my damn wrist so itchy?! I'm half sleep so I don't care as I go downstairs like a drunken weirdo. It's now morning as I make my second cup of coffee in the cold kitchen. Yes we take our heating off at night! Got a problem with that?

"Hello dear, I have some news" the professor just came in and told me to sit down as he did. I did what I was told.

"Check your wrist" he said.

"What do you mean?!" I said itching it like crazy now.

"What the" a small black moon appeared on the side of my wrist. My left hand feels so special now. I'm in shock. How did that get there?!

"Coooooooweeeel" I sound like Hilda saying cool in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, when she's all happy and excited.

"Stop smiling this isn't a good thing!" His voice all rusty.

"Why, what's going on?!" I ask leaning on the table, giving him my whole concentration. He sighed.

"You have powers, more than the normal amount when I hired you to become a Librarian"


"You tell me now that I have powers, when l've had them this whole time!" | get up, giving him a stare.

"I'm old, I make mistakes" he says.

"I'm not listening to your excuses" I turn around as I fold my arms, I don't want to look at him right now.

"Please" he said apologetically.

"Becoming a librarian would mean you've always had power, only a little though"

"I had the same dream" he added, my eyes open wide.

"How?" | ask softly as I turn around.

"Your grandmother was my friend from long ago, she didn't have powers but told me of her distance relative many years ago who did, a Librarian too like you, your powers skips generations at a time you know"

"I'm still angry with you" I puff out an angry baby face and sit down.

"But I want to know more" I add. Learning about family is the softest thing for lost souls, so calming and soothing, when I'm learning about my past with the professor sometimes I feel like I actually belong somewhere.

"Well that distant relative was a keep to herself type of person, a strange one, kept looking at mirrors like something was there, it was 1899 so they had her locked up at the madhouse, she died a few years after"

"Oh" I reply.

"She went on amazing adventures before that though, your grandmother was a little mysterious herself, when she told me she saw something in the mirror"

"What!" I say eagerly.

"It was a young woman, it was you!" I smile, my heart fluttery.

"Maybe it's a good thing you have powers after all"

"I don't have much otherwise I would have blown the house down years ago" I joke. He gave me a a smirk.

"Tell me more" I say. And he went on. Telling me that my grandma saw our distance relative in the mirror too, that her name was Sara, that she went on to fight pirates and demons. That she once held magical materials too the philosopher stone, the wish, Maleficents staff, so I just sit and listen.

I finally feel I belong somewhere. Somewhere special. That shooting star wasn't your ordinary shooting star it was magic. My magic. My legacy Magic.