
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

221B Baker’s Street

So today I need to deliver a letter to 221 B Baker's Street, where the highly functional sociopath lives. The professor told me to just deliver it and go home. Like THATS gonna happen.

"Before you go here a little present!"

"Ah thanks Grandad!" I reply (even though he's not my grandad and just acts like one l've gotten use to the idea that he might as well be my grandad) receiving a bracelet he's putting on me.

"It's to dampen your powers, you won't need them in your job today anyway" he states as we exchanged goodbyes with a hug from me saying thanks. This gift is a really beautiful bracelet, l'm so mesmerised by it and the tiny diamond engraved in it too.


Oh hey, I used the key right this time!

After all this time.


(Quoting Harry Potter in my mind) another Book that us Librarians can never go in. 

Lol but not always I guess. Can't believe I actually used the key right! I guess practise does pay off. I'm here officially at Baker's street! Now let's see where exactly Im at. I look around, I'm near his house too, wow practise must be paying off! 220, I walk, 221 A and ah yes 221B. I take the envelope out and open the post slip. I close it back as I knock on the door instead. I want to meet them in person.


Hey the doors unlocked ooooo my lucky day! I let myself in and headed to the stairs. The second door was fully open this time so l decide to barge in.

"Hi I have a letter for Mr Sherlock Holmes" I say, I close the door and look around and notice everything was the same as I knew it would be, mess everywhere, two comfortable chairs and Sherlock playing his violin in his pyjamas, totally ignoring me by facing the mirror. I know its him because of his pyjamas and long cardigan. 

And my magic telling me so. 

John puts down his mug and gets up as he sees me.

"Erm hiya" he says as he shook my hand.

"Hi, here" I give him the letter.


"Unusual activity here" special agents approach me, they grab my arms and i finally see Sherlock's face, he turns around and tells them not to take me as he will have her in his care instead of a cell, he can see it would effect my mental health a lot if i went to a jail cell, he was right. I was spiralling last time I was in one of those.

"shell be under house arrest, in my care" 

later Sherlock convinces Lestrad to take all my belongings and search for anything connecting me to any cases that are up.

"Excuse me!" I throw all the attitude I had into those two words. 

Night came and I followed John so he could give me pyjamas and toothbrush.

"You'll be taking Sherlock's room, erm you know where everything is right?" His awkwardness intensifies.

"Er yeah thanks" I say.

"Where's Sherlock going to sleep?" | ask John before he leaves.

"Oh he's on high alert, he's not sleeping today" and then John leaves. I look around. So this is Sherlock's room. Nice. I quickly, brush my teeth, change my clothes and get into bed. I just want this day done.


"What the" I jolt out of bed but decide I'm to sleepy for this shitokimushrooms, especially since I know it's Sherlock just being bored. I close my eyes. 



I've had enough. I get up and run into the living room.

"Sherlock what the hell! Stop shooting the wall, why are you shooting the bloody wall!" I scream.

"Bored" he says in a ordinary tone.

"I'm not gonna bother with you right now" I say putting my hands up and went back to bed. At least he stopped using the gun. Well after another hour of it. 

The next day i yawn and go to fridge to make tea. I close the fridge door straight away. did i just? i open the fridge door to check if I'm not seeing things, give myself two blink before realising i wasn't seeing things. I smack the door close.

"Figures" I puff out, slumping myself on the couch. Just then John walks in doing his tie. He looked a bit stressed. Who wouldn't, l've been living with Sherlock for one night and am about to loose it.

"Erm you haven't by chance opened the fridge have you?!" he asks me.

"Too late" I say, slumping myself into Sherlock's chair..

"Ah i really should tell Sherlock not to leave dead heads in his fridge when we have company" he states as he gives up doing his tie and leaves the flat. A moment later Sherlock comes in. I get up about to do a whole speech.

"Hey Sherlock, look I really need my key back, I mean if you could just talk to them it'll be great and" I get stopped. 

"There's nothing tying you to any cases, you'll have your professors key back tomorrow" he states getting his violin out from the cupboard.

"TOMORROW! YOUR THE MOST ANNOYING PERSON IVE EVER MET I CANT LAST ANOTHER DAY NEVERMIND 5 MINUITES!" i scream at him and he pulls his pathetic blank face at me. Ugh that's really annoying too.

"Wait" I say, something just clicked.

"What did you say about my professors key?"

"Lets just say me and your professor have met"

"I wanted to see if you were good handling pressure"

"WHAT" i shout at him.

"You never know you might come and join me in one of my cases one day"

"Really" I say as my mood changes.

"Just need a DNA sample"

"Why?!" I fold my arms at him.


"fine" | sigh, giving in his weird request.

"Let me see your finger" I do as told. Sherlock spins around to face me with a needle and pricks my finger.

"Ouch" Im here in awe as sherlock doesn't even care that I'm just a tinsy bit angry or bleeding on his floor, he just turns around and scoops up some blood from my finger with a microscope dish with one hand and puts a plaster on my finger with his other hand. 

"Have some breakfast downstairs, Mrs Hudson made a great omelette for you" he says putting on his scarf and coat.

He leaves with a "I'll be back soon"

So l go on about my day in 221B, keeping myself on low profile, John gave me something to read but I haven't seen Sherlock all day. He finally comes in the evening but I don't bother him and he doesn't both me I guess. I just sit and

read. As the detective and doctor go through paperwork, conversations, phone calls. You know it seems like a admin department here but with just two people. 

Time passes and l'm so excited for my key back that it was the last day

in no time. I decide to slip into my Clara Oswald cameo I had paid over 100 pounds for this outfit. Damn copy outfits from tv shows are expensive but honestly worth it! I mean I feel like Clara! I come out the room as I do my hair in a bun. No one home.

"You writing is so beautiful Sherlock!" | say as I notice my name on a piece of paper. Just my name written on it. Weird. Then I hear the door creak.

"It's not Sherlock's writing but thank you" I hear those words and knew who they belonged to. I look up cautiously.

"Moriarty" I mumble and swallow softly. 

"Hello" his voice sounds whole, stern, terrifying.

I quickly grab a knife near the fridge and point it at him.

"Keep... away from me" a whisper came from me, I knew I was scared but I had to do something.

"Oh I don't want you, I'm just waiting for Sherlock" he says, swinging his body like a bored child waiting for their next turn in line. I swallow again. 

"But we don't want you to get hurt do we" the way he says those words made my hands tremble. Moriarty ran towards me loosens my hand (why does it feel like everything was happening too fast like in the movies?) he takes the knife and pushes me into a wooden chair. My breathing turned more heavy as my eyes flicker at the knife he pointed at me.

The doors burst open with Sherlock and John.

"Ava stay calm" Sherlock ordered and I try my bed to stay calm. Moriarty quickly put the knife right next to my stomach and just smiled.

"Finally your here, let's have a chat about your new friend!" He said in his squally voice.

"You said this is got nothing to do with me" I shout at him. Tears straining my eyes as Moriarty put the knife closer to my body.

"Hey Ava it's going to be fine" John stated.

"Let her go and we'll talk" Sherlock looked straight into those demon eyes, like they were communicating without talking.

"I don't think so" those were the last words I heard when the knife was buried into me and I fall off the chair. My body on the floor as I see Sherlock running towards me, holding my head. I see John running after Moriarty but it was too late. My eyes feel heavy.

"JOHN GET ME THE SYRINGE" I hear sherlocks voice echo. 

"Ava everything's gonna be fine" was the last thing I hear. 

Then my eyes close. 

Everything's black.

I don't know when or how. My eyes start the flicker open and I see Sherlock worried. I'm on the couch still in the room. Head killing like a mother. 

"So you do care about people" I gather a cough as I try to get up.

"Ava" he smiled at me, this time looking right at me. I think he noticed because he turned around. Something feels funny. I look down. There's no wound, just a scar. 

"Sherlock did I dream the last 2 hours or didn't I?" I ask.

"John is off to get your key and no you didn't dream it" I just look at him confused, he turned around.

"Remember the DNA sample I took from you?


"Experiments" he states smiling.