
The LEWD Curse I

A strange curse is plaguing humanity, no one knows it's origin... A tale about fetishism, and more... = Mature Themes 18+ = p.s.: English isn't my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and phrases that don't make sense. Support me: https://patreon.com/_N16H7M4R3_

_N16H7M4R3_ · Urbain
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7 Chs


Nay wakes up, it's morning, she's on the living room, on the sofa. She looks around with her hand on her head. "What happened? I can't remember anything from last night...". As Nay starts to look around, she notices something on her pussy, as she looks, there is a dildo stick into her pussy, it's vibrating giving her a gentle pleasure. As soon as Nay take the dildo out of her pussy, a huge wave of pleasure rushes trough her body, she instantly start to orgasm, cum and squirt loke a fountain.

After a couple of minutes, Nay managed to deal with this pleasure, and get back the control over her horniness, being able to think straight once more. Nay went to the bathroom, and look into the mirror, she notices that her body has changed, she's more voluptuous, her boobs have the size of a melon each, her ass is about 2.5 times bigger, her nipples are now puff and 2cm long. She's looking at her new body and thinking: "Great... I'm a aberration... I'll never have a normal life now... And probably my boyfriend gonna end up breaking up with me...". Nay keeps looking, and notices that the stream of juices that comes out of her pussy is now like an open faucet, it's now a solid flux of juices that comes out, and, from her nipples comes out a solid flux of milk too. As Nay touches her pussy, ready to masturbate once more, she feels her pussy a bit different, it feels like it's swollen, bigger and squishier than she remembers. Nay shocks a bit, and takes a smaller mirror to look at her pussy.

Nay's laying on her bed, on her back, with her legs open wide, with a shocked face. She's looking to her pussy, not believing her eyes, her pussy is swollen, it's look like it's inside out, her pussy lips are swollen, meaty. Nay has a permanent bulge on her crotch now, her pussy is like a small pillow attached to her crotch, and Nay's clitoris is too swollen and a little bulging, about 1cm long.

Nay sighs deep, she's still lying on her bed, on her back, with her arms and legs spreaded apart, she's still squirting juices out of her pussy, soaking everything on her bedroom. As she starts to masturbate her now big swollen pussy, she talks to herself:

_ What I'm gonna do? - She sighs - I'm truly an aberration...

Nay keeps masturbating, she feels that her big swollen pussy is very soft and squishy, she still talking to herself:

_ Why this is happening to me? Why I'm turning into a freaky? Into a monster? A pervert monster...

Nay keeps talking to herself:

_ And why I'm producing milk? And why it's coming out my breasts without effort?

Nay sighs again, and says to herself again:

_ And why I'm still masturbating? - She sighs again, and gets up - I need to stop, and start to do my things...

She gets surprised, even though her pussy is massively big, it's so soft and squishy that she's able to stand normally and her big swollen pussy squeezes itself right between her legs. The juices that her pussy squirts flows down her legs, soaking everything around Nay, and leaving a big puddle of pussy juice under her, everywhere she goes.

As Nay looks, once again, to her new body, she notices that she's naked, again. She starts to get dressed, Nay first put a t-shirt, even though it's a normal t-shirt, it's a bit short for Nay, because of her newly enlarged tits. Next Nay starts to put a denim pants, she has a very hard time fitting her big enlarged ass on the pants, after some minutes trying, she lets the upper portion of her ass showing, popping out her pants, on top of everything, Nay's now big swollen pussy is popping out her pants as well, making Nay unable to close the button and the zipper of her pants. Since Nay's big swollen pussy is always pouring out juices, like an open faucet, her pants gets instantly soaked, and, since Nay's tits are now producing milk non-stop, it squirts out her nipples, soaking and spourting out trough her t-shirt.

Nay looks once more in the mirror, seeing her situation, and say to herself:

_ Nay... Focus! U gonna ignore this situation, and have a normal day, it's just some kind of allergic reaction, and it will soon wear off... This has nothing to do with the fake "magic curse" story... - She takes a deep breath, and start to do her daily chores.

As Nay walks, her entire body wiggles. Every step, every movement, makes her voluptuous body wiggles. She keeps trying to ignore, yet she notices the milk sloshing inside her breasts, she hears too, the sound that her big swollen pussy, her big boobies, and her big ass does, as shes walks and moves. She too, soaks everything with milk and pussy juices, even though, she always thinks: "I clean everything later, after all, if I try to clean now, I'll end up doing everything over and over again...".

It's early evening, Nay is laying on the sofa, her legs spread apart, she's using her cellphone with her right hand, and she's masturbating with her left hand. She's on a video call with her boyfriend, he's saying:

_ Hey, sweetie, don't worrie, it isn't that bad...

_ It is that bad! Even worse! - Replies Nay - Look at me, I'm a aberration, a freaky!

_ For me u still cute and hot... - Says her boyfriend.

_ How can u still like me? - Says Nay - I soak everything with pussy juices and milk, being honest I don't know how I didn't dehydrated yet...

_ Well... - Starts her boyfriend, but Nay interrupt him.

_ My entire apartment is smelling like my pussy, and look at this - Nay swirch the camera and film herself masturbating - I can't even stop masturbating...

_ And on top of everything - Continues Nay - My boobs r weighting a ton, because of all this milk, and if my tits, ass and pussy keeps growing, soon I can't wear clothes anymore...

_ And what's the matter? - Asks her boyfriend.

_ What do u mean? - Asks back Nay a bit mad.

_ Well... - Says her boyfriend - I dont mind anything that's happening to u, I love u for what u r inside... And, being honest, I'm liking ur new looks...

Nay don't know how to react, she's feeling mad, shy, and in love with her boyfriend right now, she blushes deeply, and say:

_ U promise that u never gonna breakup wit me? No matter what happens to me?

_ I promise - Answers her boyfriend.

_ Even if I turn into a pervert monster, that can only think in sex, pleasure and being fucked all the time? - Asks Nay.

_ Even so... - Answers her boyfriend - Being honest, if that happens it will be even better!

_ If u were here, I would punch u really hard... - Says Nay smirking - Then, I would cover u with kisses, and then we were gonna fuck hard and wildly forever and ever!

Nay went frenzy again, she masturbates hard and wildly, she's squirting extremely hard, cumming over and over, always making sure that her boyfriend is watching, Nay's milk is spourting heavily from her nipples, After a couple hours, she recover her senses, and instantly regret what she done.

_ See? I'm a pervert... - Says Nay sad and shy - I'm a freaky... A fucking whore... U should breakup with me...

_ Nah - Answers her boyfriend - I'll never breakup with u... If u r a pervert, I'm 10 times more... Being honest, I'm loving u like this...

Nay gets really angry and finishes the video call abruptly, and went to watch something on streaming. After some minutes browsing, Nay end up watching porn videos, it's an almost unconscious decision, yet Nay spent some hours watching porn videos on her TV. As she keeps watching porn videos, she keeps masturbating, cumming and squirting. After about 4 hours, Nay decides to send a text message to her boyfriend, saying:

* Hey, I'm sorry for getting mad with u earlier... U r being cute, and u r supporting me, and trying to cheer me up... And I end up being a total jerk with u... So, Im sorry, I love u, u r the best boyfriend in the world... *

After sending the text message to her boyfriend, Nay lays on the couch again, and get back to watch the porn movies and videos.

Nay is laying on the couch with her legs spread wide, she keeps masturbating her big swollen pussy that keeps squirting juices like a fountain, Nay keeps cumming again and again, and from her nipples a constant flow of milk keeps spourting. After about 4 hours and a half, she falls asleep.

The next morning, Nay, once more, wake up feeling weird sensations all around her body, she's a bit dizzy because of all the wet dreams she had during the night, she recover her normal senses after about 15 minutes, now she finally can think straight again. Nay looks around trying to make sense of her surroundings, her vision still a bit blurry, but she notices that she's on her apartment's living room, on the sofa, laying on her back with legs spread apart, both hands on her pussy. As she reaches to scratch her eyes, she spills pussy juices all over her face, and end up licking her fingers to clean them, Nay doesn't know what, nor why, but there is something on her pussy juices that makes them very tasty, very sweet.

Some minutes pass, and Nay says to herself: "Nay, stop... get up, and see what's happening...", while she press the sides of her face with her fingers. As she do that, Nay notices a splashing sound, like a open faucet leaking on the floor. She notices too that her couch is soaked, "Why everything is soaked?" Nay thinks to herself.

As Nay start to move to get up, she notices even more things, there is something heavy over her chest, like two big balloons filled with water. As she seats on the sofa and looks down, she sees, the splash sound she's hearing, it's from the stream of juices that flows out her pussy, that's now bigger and more swollen, and is squirting heavier, resembling a fountain, that ones that can be seens on parks. Nay is still looking with shock and terror, and see that the "balloons" that are on her chest, are actually, her breasts, they're now bigger, softer, and she feels like there is some liquid, sloshing inside them, and from her nipples, that now are about 5cm long, milk is pours dripping.