
The Letter O

Freaky_Witch · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Letter

I look at Renee and I can feel the anger fill from within my soul. The same anger that filled inside me when she and my own father came to the funeral and then the will hearing. When we all found out that I had been given everything that Grandma owned, they not only disowned me and said they were never coming back. At least that is what they said when I saw them last.

"Why the angry face, dear Melissa? I know we had a bit of a disagreement last time we saw each other last, but I came back to show you that me and your father have no bitter feelings towards you," Renee says as she stands by Chris' side, who is just the same as Renee; a greedy bastard. They had the nerve.

"I lost all respect I ever had for you when Grandma started getting sick because of you!" I scream at her. I felt Trevor's hand tighten around mine tight as he knew I was mostly in pain than angered by my parents standing before me.

"Chris, Renee- what do you want with Melissa?" Cain asks. Renee looks at Cain and sighs.

"We came to see how our daughter was handling herself with the gift that my Mother had given to her instead of me, which reminds me, how did you get into the pants of one of the three princes of the vampire race of hell itself?" my eyes widen from the shock. Trevor is of royalty?

"I guess you know my Mother, Liz huh?" Trevor says while shaking in rage. Renee smiles wicked as he asked that question. I turn around and looking into his eyes.

"You're a vampire prince?" I ask. Trevor looks away in shame

"Yes, I am and that's why I came to earth, so I can run from my family who shamed me after being tortured and experimented on by hunters so they can 'cure' me of my vampire traits that I was born with, after they were done I had scars that were impossible to remove so I asked a witch friend of mine to change it to something else," Trevor explains then continues on.

"Melissa, I'm the first hybrid, the witch had no choice but to turn me into it," says Trevor who then grew silent and disappeared into thin air.

"Hmm, I guess he couldn't handle being honest to you dear daughter," Chris says. Cain looks at all of us. Standing up, Cain walks to his desk. He opens one of the drawers and he pulls out paperwork

"I want you to know Melody that I never wanted to do this to you, but I know now that I have no choice but to tell you the truth," Cain says. Wait, why would Cain call me Melody when only Grandma called me that? Walking over to me again, he hands the papers over to me. I see the initials A.G. on the envelope. Opening it up I start to read.

Dear Melody,

As you know, I am no longer alive as you read this. But there is a reason for it. When we lived together, you knew that your Mother's' side with me in the family were entities of the heavens, while your Father's' side were people of the underlings. Your Father was not any ordinary entity- he was different- much different and for that you must stay far from him. Far back when I had given you the gift, I had given you something else as well. My life energy. One reason though: there are people besides your parents that you should worry about. Never wanting you to be in danger, I had died in order to protect you and the life that I have given to you. Never forget Melody, I will always love you and will always be by your side till the very end. Goodbye Melissa. I love you...

Love Grandma.

As I finished reading this, the tears fell hard and fast. Renee laughed as I was crying.

"Oh, why are you crying for? Let me guess, it's Prince Trey leaving you a breakup note for you?" Renee asks mocking me. Cain looks up and glares at her in anger.

"Your Mother never trusted you, even when she died, she never trusted you nor your husband," Cain says softly as he looked at Renee and Chris.

"How would you know Cain? Have you spoken to her from the other side?" Chris asks. Cain sighs and sits down beside me; he then took my hand gently and looked into my eyes.

"Melissa, I was reborn so I can guide you to the path of your destiny, never forget that I will always be here Melody, I will always love, respect, and protect you, forever and always," Cain says to me. What the hell does he mean by that?

"I don't get it, I mean only Grandma called me by that name," I say in confusion. Cain smiles at me and walks over to me then sits back down on the other side beside me. He took my hand and then held me in his arms.

"I'm your Grandpa my dear Melody, your one and only," Cain answers to my questions.

"You died though, when I was still a baby," I say to him. Cain just sits there and was silent for a moment.

"I never truly died sweetheart, dear Melody, there's many secrets that need to be told," he says then looks at Renee and Chris.

"Renee, I know what the future holds for everyone as what the gods have said to me whenever I took time to take care of my personal business with my kingdom," Cain explains. Renee was silent.

"I'll make you a deal Cain, I won't bother Melissa about the copy ability but on one condition," Renee says.

"And what would that be?" Cain asks Renee smiling small, the wheels in her brains are spinning and turning.

"If you cut contacts and rid of Prince Trey, then I'll leave the copy ability alone with Melissa," My eyes went into shock. Why would she want me away from Trevor?

"You're insane!" I yell out at her.

"Fine, I guess you don't want that power in your hands then," Renee says then continues.

"I'll see you around, dear daughter," says Renee then disappears with Chris. Whatever her plans are with Trevor, I will not let her go through them by any means necessary.

"Don't worry Melody, Trevor will be ok," Cain says to me.

"He's right honey, I'll be fine, and I'll make sure that no one hurts you either." Trevor says

as he holds my hand tight. I just hope so…