
The Letter O

Freaky_Witch · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Meet the New Character: Lucas Blackthorn

As I drive back home, I start to see Grandma sitting right beside me.

"How are you dear Melody?" Grandma asks. I smile at hearing her voice, it makes me feel like she is alive still. What would I actually do to see her and be held from within her arms again.

"I am doing ok, what about you when it comes to the other side? Any cute guys there with you?" I ask winking at her. Grandma huffs and then laughs a bit.

"I'll always stay by your Grandfather's side even till when we become one with the source or should I say the Mother." Grandma explains to me. I smile as I pull into the driveway and I get out and into the house. Walking inside, I see Trevor sleeping on the couch and opening his eyes a crack to see me. Trevor smiles and stretches his body nice and slow. He rubs his eyes and checks his watch to see that it is past my bedtime, I walk over to him and I take his hand. Trevor stands up tall only to make me feel like a floor mat.

"Sweetie, you're no floor mat!" Trevor says then stops and presses his lips onto mine.

"So, this is your mate," a voice calls out. I look by the front door and me and Trevor see a man with an expensive suit on his eyes were a pale green and his dark brown hair was combed back and slick like he had hair gel in his hair, then finally his skin was porcelain and extremely pale. I turn around and looked at Trevor who is baring his fangs at this mysterious man, who is this guy?

"Trey, I told you that she was going to use you, no wonder Mother sent me to get you and bring you back to hell," the man says giving out a short sigh of irritation. Ok how am I using Trevor? What is going on here?

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I ask this man. He looks at me once then turned to Trevor.

"My name is Lucas and for you it is Prince Lucas," he says like he was expecting me to bow down to him.

"Lucas, you leave Melissa out of this!" Trevor shouts out in rage. Lucas smiles small then looks back at me.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you," Lucas says then disappears. Trevor looks at me and sighs.

"I'll be staying with you for a long while, my brother is pretty violent and I just don't want you to fight him," he says to me. I nod and I take his hand, Trevor looks at me and smiles.

"I'm glad we can be with each other for eternity," he says as he pulls me into his arms and rests his chin on my shoulder. I feel happy too, but I feel that there is something with Lucas that we might see in the future. The question is: what will it be?

Today's Monday and work is slow. Sad, I know! As I look through my paperwork and finish my final copy of the latest screenplay that I have to send over to Cain, I hear someone knock on my door. I stand up and walk towards the door, I open it up slow and to my surprise-

"Well hello my dear Melissa, how is work?" Lucas asks as he stands before me.

"Lucas, what do you need?" I ask feeling irritated by his personality and the way he came in with entrance. Lucas' eyes darken and he bares his fangs subtle.

"What do I need from you, dear Melissa Frank? I need you to stay far from my brother, that's what I need from you," Lucas says, revealing his fangs a bit more. When I was about to say something, I see Cain walking toward Lucas from behind him.

"I see Trevor's brother, Lucas is back in town," Cain says looking straight at him. Lucas turns around and smiles.

"Oh, hello Cain, it's nice to see you after all these hundreds of years," Lucas says, sounding irritated.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I ask him. Lucas turns sharp back over to me and stabs me with a dark look from within his eyes. It was so dark and unnatural that it seemed that he was the term of evil itself.

"Watch yourself half breed, I can easily snap-" Lucas said but was then sent flying into my desk. I turn around to see Lucas being strangled by Trevor.

"Melissa, I believe it's best that we leave," Cain says as he whispers into my ear. I nodded and left with Cain, knowing that this was not going to end well with this fight.

Me and Cain were sitting in his office, just in utter silence. After ten minutes of sitting there, Cain broke the ice on this.

"I told Trevor in telepathy that Lucas was with you so he came by as quick as he could, everyone knows that he'd do anything for you honey, anything," Cain says to me smiling warm. I smile back at him, knowing that this was all too true for those words. My obsession for Oliver turned to dust when I met Trevor. Everything changed for the better when it happened- when I fell for him, I fell hard and fast. Now I know where my life is meant to lead into the future. It is meant to lead to Trevor into the future of my life.

"And there he is," says Cain. I look up and I see Trevor with cuts on his face, a bite mark on his neck, and scrapes and blood on his fists. I can feel the flames rising from within his body, his anger was there- but not out of control.

"I'm glad you're ok," Trevor says quietly, who was then walking over and sat right next to me. I took his hand and I held it tight, I know I should not be worried because Trevor is in complete control of his emotions and his inner vampire.

"What happened with Lucas?" Trevor is quiet- too quiet. In fact, it seemed like he was lost in words on what happened between the two of them.

"It's complicated," says Trevor, then became silent again.

"It means he lost the fight, dear," familiar voice calls out from out of nowhere. I look around and I see Grandma by the window smiling at me.

"Grandma?" I say in telepathy. Grandma nods and walks over to me. She sits down and took my hand.

"After all these years, I finally see you happy, but I have to forewarn you on something dear, your Mother and Father are going to be here quite soon," says Grandma. My eyes widen in utter shock and rage, those bastards are swinging back into my life? Why does this have to happen?

"Why Grandma? What do they want?" I ask her in distress. Grandma looks at me and then at Trevor, who is looking at me and his words are unclear to me.

"They're going to take the gift, the gift I had given to you before I died," Grandma says. I cannot believe it! This cannot happen! The gift is something that can change everything in the heavens, if someone takes it, they could rip through the gates of time and space and corrupt everything including the caster themselves. It was the one power that can copy other people's powers, if placed in the wrong hands- the world could be in danger.

"Go back to Trevor, he's getting more worried over this conversation between the two of us." Grandma says to me, then immediately disappears.

"Melissa? Are you ok?" Trevor asks in concern. I look at him in worry, Lucas is not the only problem here.

"Trevor, we got more problems than just your family. My parents are another problem, but they make your family the least of our problems," I explain to him, then continue.

"My Grandmother had given me a power from the first child of earth and of the god and goddess. It's the copy ability and this power is said to be the one thing that can either save humanity or destroy it, my parents wanted to take it so they can destroy all werewolves in these worlds," I explain to him. Trevor sits there in silence and he then responds.

"What can we do Melissa?" he asks me. Then a familiar voice breaks the air of this room.

"There's nothing you can do, dear Prince…nothing whatsoever," says that familiar voice. I turned around and I see them, my parents. After all these years, they have the nerve to show their faces in front of me.

"Dear Melissa, I'm so happy to see my own daughter again!"