
Vol. 10 - Chapter 5: Meeting with Alexandria

Part 1 – Puritan Defense HQ

Uriel and Johanna arrive at a small building located in the south side of the city. The building is located between two large skyscrapers. The building is gray-colored with some windows in each side; it has a small door at front with three stairs.

"We have arrived, the Puritan Defense Main Headquarters." Johanna says to Uriel as they knock at the door. A man with white skin and white hair opens up and says:

"Welcome, how may I help you?"

Johanna takes out a badge and says; "I am Johanna Gomez, Agent of the Supernatural Intelligence Agency. I was assigned to escort Lady Deborah to the airport."

The man opens the door completely and says; "Welcome, you may come in."

Uriel and Johanna enter the building, the building looks abandoned, and they walk through the hallway that has pictures of what they appear to be people from the organization. They arrive to the last door that is in the end of the hallway. The man opens the door, Uriel and Johanna walk inside the room. Uriel sees that the room is larger that it appears and that there are at least 10 people there. Sitting in a large desk is a woman that smiles and welcomes them:

"Welcome, my name is Deborah Williams, the last head of the Puritan Defense."

Deborah Williams (Age 40) is a mature woman with white skin, white tone hair and blue eyes, she has a slim body, she is a wearing a business blue suit with a skirt and a jacket with gloves. She is the last descendant of Edward Williams.

Johanna vows her head; Uriel does the same following Johanna´s orders. Johanna shows her badge and says:

"Lady Deborah, my name is Johanna Gomez, and I am here to protect you. The white which is after your life, and we want you to head to the SIA headquarters with us, there we will keep you safe as a sign of friendship the past leaders made with us."

Deborah nods in agreement; she looks at Uriel and asks:

"And who might this handsome young man be?"

Uriel tries introducing himself, and Johanna stops him saying; "He is Uriel, an apprentice of mine and he will be joining me in this mission." Uriel looks at Johanna´s eyes and agrees vowing his head.

"I see, well then nice to meet you." Deborah says to Uriel. Johanna and Uriel sit in two chairs in the desk where Johanna begins to explain the situation:

"The situation is the following; Alexandria is heading this way, we don't know why but she is targeting you, Deborah. Our mission is to get you to our main headquarters located in Capital City. We must get you to the airport located outside this island before Alexandria gets here."

Uriel listens to Johanna's explanation and begins to think of Nemesio's words about how she was a good person at first. Johanna continues to explain:

"Right now, the SIA has its agents surrounding us at this moment keeping a watch if Alexandria gets near, however as you may know; she is one of the 5 great witches, meaning that none of our agents will engage in battle."

Deborah smiles; "So, what you are saying is that Alexandria were to come, you will leave me to die?"

"Unfortunately, that is correct; we of the SIA will not engage in battle, we specialize in tracking and silent operations when it comes to the supernatural." Johanna replies with a serious tone, Uriel begins to think:

"I see, that explains why Johanna never participated in the past battles."

"Very well, I guess we have no choice here. If it were another time, we would have turned you down but as you can see, the people here are the only ones left of the Puritan Defense. This means that we are powerless. I need to speak with my subordinates alone, please wait outside for a moment." Deborah says with grim smile, Johanna stands up and says:

"Very well, we shall leave in 10 minutes, get yourselves ready."

Uriel also stands up and begins to walk with Johanna to the exit, he looks around and sees that only 12 people were present in the room and asks himself; "Are they all the members of the puritan defense?"

As they walk in the corridor, Uriel asks Johanna:

"Hey Johanna, how come there are only 12 members of the Puritan Defense, weren't they suppose to be a powerful organization as well?"

Johanna looks at Uriel and begins to explain:

"At the beginning, when they arrive to America. The Puritan Defense was the strongest organization; they fought against the natives and conquered these lands. For more than 400 years, the Puritans ruled the east coast. However, in less than 100 years, the members suffered from illness, they did not agree to accept outsiders, so the linage has been reducing. They also have a branch on Area 5X but there is only one member there, only 12 members survive after all these years."

"I understand, that is a bad situation they are on. I wonder what they will do in the future." Uriel says to Johanna as they leave the building.

In the room where the 12 members where located, Deborah begins to speak:

"I, Deborah Williams, have decided to end the Puritan Defense Organization. You are all dismissed; please go live the rest of your lives free from guilt, form families and die in peace when our lord decides."

Low voices of concern and discomfort are heard in the room. One of the members steps forward and demands explanation:

"Lady Deborah, why do you want us to leave your side? We swore to protect you until the end."

Deborah lowers her head crying:

"You don't understand, Alexandria wants to kill me for what my ancestor did to her. The Puritan Defense has been on a downfall since Edwards involvement, people left the organization knowing that this would happen."

Deborah lifts her head and continues to speak:

"I am fully prepared to die; I lived a wonderful life with you all, now I must fulfill my duty and pass downed the spell that can save this world."

One of the older members looks at her and asks:

"Are you saying the one that separated Alexandria's body and soul?"

"Indeed, that spell must be passed down to a chosen one, if I can pass this information to the SIA in the headquarters, then I will fulfill my duty."

Deborah's eyes fill with tears; she says her last orders to her organization:

"This is the last order not as the leader, but as a friend; please let me do my last assignment from Edward Williams, and live your life to the fullest. Thank you all for these wonderful years. Good bye."

The 11 members vow their head and say; "THANK YOU!"

Part 2 – Outside the Puritan Headquarters

Uriel and Johanna wait outside the building, a cool breeze passes through the buildings. Uriel who has his hands looks at the sky; Johanna hugs his arm and stands next to him. Uriel begins to ask:

"What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious, I'm really cold, and I need to warm up." Johanna replies to Uriel, Uriel sighs with his eyes close and says; "Okay, just because you are cold." Johanna begins to feel her heart rising, she looks at Uriel who is observing the cars pass.

"Hey Uriel, have your feelings change towards me?" Johanna asks Uriel with a gentle tone. Uriel looks surprise and ask; "Why are you asking me that?"

"I just wanted to know, so, have they change?'

Uriel avoids looking at Johanna and replies; "To be honest, at first I hated you for what you did to my mother, but later on, as time passed and we got into all these events. I started liking you, but just a little."


Johanna blushes and lets go of Uriel, she begins to walk a little and touches her chest feeling that her heart beat rose up.

"Hey what's wrong, are you okay?" Uriel asks Johanna, "Y-Y-Yes everything is fine." Johanna replies with a shivering voice.

Uriel tries to walk toward her when suddenly, -BADUMP- Uriel feels pain in his head and hears a voice saying:

"Meet me at the top of the tallest building located two blocks from you, in 5 minutes."

Uriel begins to walk towards the direction the voice said. Johanna looks at Uriel and says:

"Where are you going?"

"I need to looks at something; I will catch up later okay." Uriel walks faster and turns into a corner. Johanna runs to the corner to try to catch up, she turns in the corner and sees that Uriel was gone. Johanna begins to laugh and comments:

"You never change Uriel."

Part 3 – In the ceiling of a certain building

In ceiling of a tall building, a young woman looks down at the lights of the street, she observes people walking along the sidewalk, and her eyes are lightless as she puts her hands on her pockets.

"So, you really came, Horseman of War." The young woman says to Uriel who stands behind her. Uriel with a serious tone asks:

"So, why did you want me to see you, Alexandria?"

"For no reason in particular" Alexandria replies as she walks towards Uriel and hugs him, Uriel blushes and exclaim:

"W-W-Wait, why are you hugging me out of the blue?"

"It appears this body still feels affection towards you, I can't help to be attracted to you." Alexandria says as she hugs Uriel with her eyes close. Uriel begins to remember the sensation he felt when he was with Samantha; Uriel feels regret on not being able to help Samantha.

"Are you planning to attack Deborah Williams?"

Alexandria opens her eyes and lets go of Uriel, she begins to walk once again to the cliff and sees below. She looks at Uriel and says:

"Come take a look over here."

Uriel walks towards the cliff and sees the view, a street filled with lights, a large crowd of people walking down the sidewalks, with lines of cars waiting to move forward. In the buildings, many publicity and colorful lights decorate the city's reputation.

"This is beautiful, I never seen anything like this." Uriel says with his face full of excitement. Alexandria looks down as well and begins to speak:

"Did you know that when this city first began, I was one of the founders?"

Uriel looks at her surprised as she continues to speak:

"I came to this continent in search for a peaceful life. However, unfortunately, God did not want that to happen. Instead, I have been facing one tragedy over another. Every time I look at the people who walk along following the rules, I feel jealous."

Uriel also looks down and begins to think; "I also feel that way, I always to live a normal life with Marjorie and my family."

"Uriel, why are you doing this? You know that this is none of your business right?" Alexandria asks Uriel, he begins to wonder why he is helping, and Alexandria continues to ask:

"Are you doing this because Johanna put poison on your mother's heart?"

Uriel looks at her with shock as Alexandria explains; "I preserved all the memories that Samantha once had, I know what that woman did to you, so why are you helping her? If you help me, I can get rid of the poison that is in our mother's heart."

Uriel hears Alexandria's proposal and his mind goes blank. Alexandria begins to put her arms on his chest and says:

"Just be with me, and I can lift that curse you have in being a horseman, cure your mother and grant you everything you want."

Uriel begins to think about what Alexandria was saying; he begins to tremble as he think:

"Can Alexandria do that? If I join her now, my mother would be safe, and I would stop being the Horseman of War."

Uriel begins to remember her mother and his siblings; Alexandria slowly puts her hands on Uriel's face and says:

"Now join me, and you will be free."

Uriel stops her from getting close, he puts his arms on Alexandria's shoulder, and he smiles:

"Thank you, but I will have to refuse for now."

Alexandria begins to walk backwards, and she smiles and says:

"Well, once you are betrayed by those you care about, you will eventually come to me. But for now I want to entertain myself."

Uriel looks at her as her aura begins to increase, and Alexandria continues to speak:

"I need Deborah's heart in order to gain another part of my power back. In order to do that I will need hunt her down."

Uriel grabs his hand that has his ring; Alexandria begins to laugh and says:

"Don't bother, I don't want you to waste you energy on me."

"And why is that?" Uriel asks nervously to Alexandria.

"I want to play a game with you." Alexandria smiles, Uriel begins to sweat and asks:

"What type of game? Are you toying with me?"

"I will give you guys 30 minutes. In that time, I want you guys to go as far as you can before I sent my pet to attack you."

"You're pet?' Uriel asks nervously, he begins to hear a loud roar in the sky. Uriel looks up and sees a silhouette of a monster flying above them. Uriel begins to think; "What is that thing?"

"My pet, now then the rules are simple, if you can get Deborah to their airport before my pet attacks her, you win, but if can't manage to evade my pet. I will personally kill Deborah, have I made myself clear?"

Uriel nods in agreement, Alexandria smiles and begins to fade away saying:

"Uriel, if you change your mind about my proposal, you are always welcome to search for me."

Uriel smiles and replies; "Thank you, but I will still go on with my own ideals okay."

"Well then, let this game begin!" Alexandria says as she disappears completely.