
The Legendary Soul Overlord

Kilat Roi dies and gets transmigrated into an entirely new body. He finds himself inside the body of a Monpoe (Monkey/Human). In this life, Kilat wants to experience the crests and the troughs of life. He wants to create things that people have never created, go places people have never been to. Reach heights that have never been reached. With his cheat like ability to transform his weapon into any other weapon he has seen before Kilat sets out to explore the world. The distorted space-time continuums, the dangerous dungeons and of course the depths of the seas. Kilat wants to see it all. Kilat has big ambitions, the question is will he be able to achieve them?

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Soul world

It was elated to hear that it could leave this solitary place, however, it didn't trust the Monpoe completely. The Monpoe were notorious for their mischief so if he was going to believe, he needed proof, 'If such a world truly exists, I will go but I need some proof first...'

Kilat smiled then showed him his status screen which showed him the skill. When the wolf got the proof it needed it bowed its head and immediately the world returned to its black state. Then the two souls that were resonating with each other vibrated while shocks of lightning emitted from each other. Until the two began merging and then they became one. Although the souls merged, it was more Kilat's soul-devouring the other than an actual fusion.

After the two had become one, a new world awoke within Kilats mind, this was his soul world. In this world was waterfalls falling from the sky. Verdant fields of trees and grass as far as the eye could see. Deep blue skies and beautiful trees, plants of all shapes and colours.

Then roaming this world was the wolf, currently, it was the only creature within this world as it was his first time he used the skill. Kilat spoke to the wolf within his soul world and told it, it would have a partner soon enough.

Then Kilat exited his soul world and returned to the real world. Because of the time difference although it felt like he was gone for a while it wasn't even a second in the real world. Kilat walked around and then used his skill on all the remaining wolves. One by one they entered his soul world and increased his cultivation.

He did the same for the shadow corps cadavers that were lying beside him. He didn't take a skill from them because all of them had moves with affinities he didn't have. He knew that you couldn't use flame control or any flame related art without the affinity for it. In order to get this affinity, you had to eat a flame fruit. There were either methods as well such as completing the flame inheritance trail. However, inheritance trails were very dangerous and fruits that could give you an affinity were extremely rare.

After he had absorbed all the souls his soul world had expanded and it was now populated with wolves and humans. Kilat could converse with them but that was as far as it went. The creatures within the soul world all lived together in harmony. Because they were just souls they didn't need to eat anything, nor, was their reason to be bitter with one another. In this world there were no resentment or hatred, it was if it was heaven, an afterlife for the deceased.

Kilat checked his stats to see how much his cultivation had risen. He could feel was a lot stronger after eating more than 12 souls.

[Name: Kilat Roi

Title: 1st Prince of the Monpoe

Essence Tier: Essence Noble Stage 9

Health points: 250/800


Skills:< Eyes of Heaven>,< Soul deliverance>, <Weapon Transmutation>

Affinity: Time-space, light, darkness


Credits: 2000]

From eating all those souls, his cultivation had soared all the way from stage 1 stage 8. This was because he had eaten four human souls that were at Essence King and one wolf soul of Essence King Stage 5. Essence King was a whole tier higher than his. Furthermore, the gap between Essence King stage 1 and Essence King Stage 5 was bigger than the gap between Essence noble and Essence King. Thus the main reason for the big leap in cultivation was because he was able to consume the soul of the dead wolf.

Once Kilat saw his increase in cultivation, a big smile came about his face. He had come out the victor and he was rewarded greatly for it. Now all he had to do was to go back home and break the news to his parents. Thus Kilat returned to his Kingdom.

Technically he could have returned anyway since he had already been in the forest for a year. However, when he returned home he wouldn't be made King for he would decline it. It would then be passed on to his 16-year-old brother if he could complete the trail when he was 18.

Although the title could be passed on it had never happened before. The Monpoe were a terrestrial species thus the jungle was their home. The world was so much bigger but they didn't like to explore it. This made them miss out on all the treasures the world had to offer but conversely, any treasure that bloomed in the forest was essentially theirs. If a rare flower bloomed within the jungle of Azande no other race entered the forest trying to claim it. That would be walking to certain death.

Albeit not the most intelligent race, the Monpoe were one of the strongest beastkin of this world, second only to the Dragons. The Monpoe used to be the strongest when the Monkey King was alive. However, as generations came and went the bloodline thinned out causing them to fall from first to second. They fell from first but were still a formidable race not to be trifled with. The Monpoe had outstanding memory and thus could hold grudges for a long time. If you thought the offence you committed 50 years was forgotten, think again.

Killat Roi walked along the path back to his kingdom. He could see it in the distance. As he got closer the structures became visible. The jungle was thick with vegetation, however, in this area that was in the centre of the jungle; there were no plants so to speak of. Instead, there were roads paved with stones and houses made from the same substance. Then in the far centre was a colossal palace reserved for royalty.

The skies were blue with black dots in the sky. The black dots were the cities air force flying on their black star falcons. The black star falcons were one of the fastest birds and had extremely sharp talons. The air force were trained from a young age and were able to fly their creatures through the small gaps of the vines.

The streets were filled with his ilk all selling stuff or advertising their shops. Different smells loomed in the air depending on where you were standing. It could be the pungent aroma of the sewer or the meat enriched smell of a restaurant. Whatever, the smell, Shiyca the Kingdom of the Monpoe had it all.

As Kilat drew closer to the village he was amazed, on one side it felt good to be home. The other was as if he was seeing it for the first time.