
The Legendary Soul Overlord

Kilat Roi dies and gets transmigrated into an entirely new body. He finds himself inside the body of a Monpoe (Monkey/Human). In this life, Kilat wants to experience the crests and the troughs of life. He wants to create things that people have never created, go places people have never been to. Reach heights that have never been reached. With his cheat like ability to transform his weapon into any other weapon he has seen before Kilat sets out to explore the world. The distorted space-time continuums, the dangerous dungeons and of course the depths of the seas. Kilat wants to see it all. Kilat has big ambitions, the question is will he be able to achieve them?

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5 Chs

Soul deliverance

The type of essence that the wolf was cycling within himself was red essence. Other than red there was blue, yellow, green, white and black essence. Each essence was used to cultivate something different. Red was used to increase the strength of skills. Green increased longevity and strengthened the body, white the mind, black the soul. Yellow was natures stabilising agent and blue was the essence of control. The reason the wolf was amassing red essence was cause it was the most powerful of all the essence but also the most volatile.

In order for Kilat to counteract it, he needed its direct opposite, this was blue essence. Blue essence was stable and reliable yet all so very weak, nonetheless, it was what he needed to inject into the wolf. Normally you couldn't inject essence into an individual because they wouldn't allow it. However, this was a special case because the wolf was dying thus didn't have the energy to counteract his counteract.

Kilat looked in the air and drew the blue essence from the sky and pressed into the wolf. Because Kilat could actually see the essence, the rate at which he could inject blue essence was much faster than the speed, the wolf could amass red essence. As the blue essence entered the body of the wolf it combined with the red slowly changing it into a purple colour. This was actually a cultivation method called, <Purple Essence> whereby you combine red and blue to gain the stability of blue plus the power of red.

Once the red had turned to purple, the bomb had been defused and by then the wolf had already died. Kilat heaved a sigh of relief and lied in the grass-covered in sweat. He deactivated his abilities as his heartbeat slowed down. Within ten minutes he had received more stress than he had his entire life.

It was then that Kilat realized he didn't want to be King. He didn't want to be tasked with taking care of his people and having people protect him. He had lived a life like that and it got him nowhere. He wanted to go out and see the world. Explore ancient ruins that had not been discovered, enter the depths of dungeons that would test him to the brink. He also wanted to create things no could ever dream of. In this life, he was going to live life the way life was supposed to be lived. Yes, going out and fighting could be the reason he died an early death too. However, it would have been his choice.

Fighting was still stressful for him and he was still getting used to this body. It was a lot stronger than his previous body, not to mention, a lot different (the hair and the tail). Yet, he knew deep inside once he got the hang of it, even his tail could be used as a weapon if used well. He could hook it on someone's feet and drag them to the ground then he could stab them with a weapon of his choice.

After much time, Kilat come out of his thoughts and looked at the carnage in front of him. He had been in this world for less than an hour and already he was surrounded by so much death. He looked at the creatures and saw that they were all dead. That was when he decided to use his new skill, <Soul Deliverance>. They were all dead and thus the conditions had been met.

He looked at the white wolf (Alpha) that was lying on the crimson tinted grass and walked up to it. Kilat placed his hand on the soft fur then activated, <Soul Deliverance> immediately the world before him changing from colour to black. However, he could see the fist-size flames of different colours within the darkness. These flames were the souls of the living and the deceased. The ones that were moving were the ones that were alive and the ones that were in front of him were stationary.

Seeing the blue soul in front of him, Kilat stretched out his hand and touched it. When he did, he got a prompt.

[Would you like to improve your cultivation or gain a random equipped skill?]

Kilat thought for a while then decided to increase his cultivation. Of the six skills the wolf had, four of them he didn't have the affinity four. Nor did he have any intention of howling or biting someone to activate the skill. Coming to this conclusion, Kilat thought, 'Increase cultivation.'

Immediately, the soul drew near to his and began emitting pulsing wave-like circles. When the circles reached his soul it was as if the souls were communicating with each other. After a few pulses, the world before him changed again. Now he was in an African savannah with yellow grass and a few trees. The sky was painted in beautiful yellow-orange as the sun began to set.

On the grass was a lone wolf walking around aimlessly. When the wolf saw another creature appear it sprinted towards it. However, it was disappointed when it saw that the creature wasn't its kin but a Monpoe. The wolf snorted with disdain then tilted its head as it looked at Kilat, "I take it my minions were able to kill you in the end."

When Kilat heard the wolf's voice he was surprised, 'Since when could I understand the language of the wolves. Oh, this must be because our souls are communicating directly. I probably have to convince him to have his soul delivered. Because the message explicitly said, 'Willing soul' thus if the soul is not willing to be delivered it won't work.'

Kilat looked at the wolf with a resolute expression, "They did kill me. Well, technically they killed the previous me. When he did my soul was transmigrated to this world now I live within his body. Therefore we haven't met yet... As for the reason I'm here is to bring you peace.

It must be lonely living in this world all by yourself. I can bring you to a world where you won't be alone. You won't necessarily be with you ilk again but I'm sure it beats wandering in the unknown for all eternity."

When the wolf heard it could leave this place, its ears perked up. The time flow within the soul world was a hundred times slower than the outside world. 100 hours in the soul world was 1 hour in the real world. Yet, to the wolf it felt like he had been in there for over a decade, wandering alone.