

A place looks like a Jail,

A voice, " Hey you... How dare you? Do you know who I am? If my dad knows these.. He will kill you all... You bloody rascal.. Leave me... I will kill you.. You don't know who I am... ". The voice looks familiar.

A man pushes the girl inside the jail,...

The girl was Luna. Luna was kidnapped. Not only Luna 9 girls were kidnapped including Luna. She shouts to leave her.," Leave me out... You bloody rascals... Leave me out... Leave me out .... " she shouts continuously.

The man shows a knife, and shows a sign, " If you shout I will kill you. "

She slows down her voice, and with cute puppy eyes, she says, " Excuse me... Sir leave me out...You don't know who I am?"

The kidnapper casually says, " I don't wanna know who the hell you are? "

Again Luna starts to shout.

As usually, the Kidnappers ignore Luna.

" These are useless Idiot." A voice.

" What idiot?? " Luna Pissed off.

She turn and saw the voice. She stunned. She can't believe her eyes rubbing her eyes and looks again and again. She looking her sister. She hugs her sister and starts to cry, " Jeni, how you are here... Did you come here for me... Did you miss me a lot "

Alicia pushes her away.

Luna feels down. " Ouch, .... "

The girl was not Jeni she is Alicia. She looks like Jeni. (Jeni ~ Juno sister. )

" Are you mad ... Who the hell you are? ".. Alicia shouts.

Luna looked at Alicia properly,

Alicia looks too weak,

Luna asks, " What happened to you? Why do you look soo weak? "

Luna still treats Alicia like her sister Jeni. Her brain said she was not. But, her heart refuses to accept that.

Again Alicia shouts, " You dump... I am not weak... You are only weak... Bloody human. " Alicia turn out and lay down.

Luna felt sad. She said to Alicia, " Sorry for disturbing you. You look like my sister, But, I know you are not... I am sorry ".

Alicia heard everything.

Alicia wept because she remembered her Sister Zandra.

On another side,

Two man's drunk and talk about the boy and his mother badly, " The bloody Punk, He was a headache before and after he died. " Like that.

An Eyes, follow them...

The next day,

The villagers gathered around a neem tree...

Two persons died by hanging. They are the drinkers who talk badly about the mother and his son's last day.

Leo and Kai arrived. They send the body for forensics.

Leo finds a bit of cloth with a blood stain.

By analysing the body he understands, There is no clue for struggle. They drank over. It's like a Suicide. But, it is not a suicide.

The villagers were afraid after seeing the incident.

In the blood-stained cloth, he finds a trace of Serpentine soil ...

Leo confused... This village was not Serpentine-type soil land.

Even the villages near the village Kanso did not have this type of soil...

A small girl wearing a different ring in her hand. The girl makes a flower as a ring which looks cute.

Leo asks the girl to give the ring to him, She refuses to give that... Finally, Leo took his weapon out, give some money to the girl and buy the flower ring. With a smile, Leo whispers something to the girl Return the girl whispers something to Leo.

By Kissing Leo the cute girl says, " Bye " and drifted away.

Leo smiled a bit.

Kai can't believe his eyes. Because he didn't see Leo like this before.

Kai looks at Leo shockingly.

Kai asks Leo about the flower, " Why that flower, If you want means you can buy a garden of flowers... Captain "

Leo feels bored after hearing his words, " Can you stop it.. "

" Look at this flower properly,... " Leo commands Kai.

Kai took the flower and look the flower, top, bottom, left, right... Still, he didn't find anything.

" serpentine Linanthus,"

" Sapdriya va... " Kai miss spelt the words.

" serpentine Linanthus," Leo explains to Kai clearly. "The flower name... "

"Oh.. , What do you find special in " Serupp...... " flower ... Ha... Whatever... In that flower captain. " Kai asks polity.

" Serpentine soil."

" Han... What captain "

" The flower grows on Serpentine soil "...

By talking they reach a temple in that village.

Kai, " Captain we missed our path. By talking we wrongly reach Temple ''

Leo smile..

By seeing Leo's expression Kai understands. He asks Leo " Captain, Could you believe in God?? " Kai asks Leo

Leo said, '' No... Believing others is useless ... " with a smile he keeps surrounding the temple.

What did Leo and the girl whisper to each other before ??

Leo whispers to the girl, " Where did you get this flower?? "

The girl replied, " In the temple ".

Now present time.

Leo saw a painting on the temple.

In that painting, A girl has 9 tails she had flaming eyes. The girl in the painting was a legendary fox. A man with an ancestor sword. His eyes flashed with rage, Sword punched her heart.

Kai knows about the painting he said, " this sword was an Ancestor sword right... After the great King Zayden, Prince Leo can only control the power of the sword. "

" Yeah, you are right... You look smart " A priest in the temple.

Kai smile...

Leo didn't care about their words. He keeps looking at that painting.

He feels something in that painting.

We call this painting a " secret painting. In this painting, a lot of secrets were hidden. "

Kai was surprised," But, this was a fake one. "

the priest said, " Yeah, No one knows where is the original painting. "

An informer brings Information from the castle for Leo.

"Captain Leo, I got information from King advisor Kang ... A girl missing in our village, she also had blue eyes. I wish it will use for you. "

Again a girl where kidnapped...

To be Continued...