
Pitiful humans

" Yep, what do you wish my boy ? " the father asks his son.

The boy said, " I wish to end up the war between demons and humans.... "

Every hostage (humans ) wondered after hearing his words.

His father shockingly asks, " Why ?? "

The boy said, " If the demons and humans become friends then no one will going to die like us and no one will get hurt... I am Right, dad.... "

" You are right, my boy... ", the boy's father cries by hugging his son.

Heyden accidentally looked at the hostages. That time, The boy looking at him. the boy's eyes, his way of looking kill, that makes heyden suffocate and makes him feel guilty.

As, soon as he ignores the boy, " It's as usually... The persons who are going to die their eyes always be like this heyden so just avoid it. " Heyden calm down himself.

King shows his hands to start the game.

The game was going to start.

The Warrior from the Jekovin wants to choose a card to select his opponent.

The audience is too excited to know the monster.

The audience shouted, " Craven, Craven... " They shout the monster name Craven a dangerous monster in the Aniezra kingdom. No one can get alive in that monster and no one saw that. But, the excitement among them about the monster is too high.

King said, " " Craven... " I am also so excited to see how it looks..."

They unlock a door in the stadium. The room looks too dark.

The warrior gets ready to fight.

The hostages were scared to death.

Everyone was too excited to see the monster.

A small and cute puppy comes out from the cage. It looks so cute...

Hostages breathe out...

The warrior calms down.

A monster's hand took the puppy inside.

King said, " I know it must be "Tigo " Ha ha ha ha.... "the king was too excited.

The audience shouts the monster's name " Tigo... Tigo... Tigo..."

Tigo appearance: it looks like a black coloured crab. Which is bigger taller, and stronger. it has no eyes. Which uses its antenna and finds the opponent. His antenna is used as a motion sensor.

The warrior chooses Tigo as his opponent by selecting the card.

King says, " Tigo, not bad. Whatever, Poor warrior, poor Humans .... "

The worrier took his sword out and starts fighting with Tigo.

Tigo was a lower-level demon. It looks like a Big Crab. I don't know about its taste. The warrior swings his sword at Crab. The crab shell was too hard. The sword can't penetrate its skin.

The warrior tries too hard to defeat Tigo.

But, his sword even can't make any scratches on Tigo.

In a final step, the warrior uses his sword to stab the Tigo. But, the sword broke into pieces.

Finally, The warrior loses the match. Tigo kills the warrior. The game ends.

The hostages saw each other and look at the soldiers. They understand, that this was their end and they are ready for their end.

The demon soldiers kill the hostages without mercy.

Everyone except Heyden enjoys the game.

" A boring game, dad... " Heyden comments.

" What?? " King wondered.

" Nothing wonder in this game, Waste of time. " Heyden drifted away.

On another side,

Luna expects someone and waiting for him by sitting under the tree un usually.

Footsteps towards her.

She senses the footsteps. With a smile turns back.

After seeing that, she was disappointed.

Which was Heyden. She expects Kadan (Leo) there.

" It's you... " a bitter voice.

" why?? What about me?? " Suddenly he realises something and asks, " Who's that?? "

She smiles and says, " Hey... Stop overreacting. There is nothing like that. "

" Oh... Ok ok.... "

" hey, heyden..."

" Hmm... Yes "

" What do you think about love? " Luna asks Heyden.

After long thinking, he answered, " Which makes someone weak and mad. But, you don't want to worry about that. "

" oh !!! .. ." After she realizes the means. " That means, you telling, I am mad and weak ... "

With a smile, he steps from that place.

By shouting, she follows him.

He stops walking and stands, looking at the sunset.

" She looks like a sun. " By spoking something heyden turns and get his face near to her face. He again said, " the moon and stars don't glow as bright as your eyes, you are extremely beautiful "

Romantic eye contact between them.

Heyden was too close to her.

Heyden says, " I will say this poem after I meet her again. How is this?? "

Suddenly Luna pushes him away from her.

"What you are doing?? " Luna was infuriated

"What did, I do?, " Casually Heyden asks.

" Ok, just leave that... Aren't you talking about me...?? " Luna asks Heyden.

Heyden starts to laugh...

" What?? Me....?? You??... "

" What I ask? Why did laugh like this? Ok, laugh here alone... I am leaving... " Luna decided to leave.

Heyden holds her hands and stops her. He said, " She died, I saw her burning..., So stop dreaming Ok... You are not my type. "

Heyden mentioned the joulton village incident. He means, " Alicia "

Luna pissed off..., " what I am dreaming on you...?? "

And suddenly, she ask, " Did you love her "

Again Heyden starts to laugh... " what me?? No ... No... I just wonder about her power, she kills everyone... Everyone in that village disappears, If she is alive I will make sure, I will put her in a higher position in my kingdom. But, unfortunately, she died unknown to handle her power properly. "

" Damn it, I am wrong. " Luna leave that place.

After Luna moved.

Heyden saw Luna cunningly. . " My thought is right... "

He speaks suspiciously.

In the nighttime...

Luna returns to her home.

She felt someone following her.

She checks but, no one is there...

She calls, " Heyden, I know it must be you. Stop following me "

Luna's yelling sounds.

A few hours later.

" Luna. Luna... Luna... " A voice.

" Luna. Where are you??.. " Luna's Grandma searching luna everywhere?

In Dr Ryan's clinic.

" Luna. Luna. Come out. Stop playing "

Ryan asks the grandma, " Grandma luna wasn't in there. "

" What?? " Grandma was shocked and sad.

Finally, Luna was kidnapped by someone.

What was going to happen to luna?

Let we see in the next episode.


To be continued.