
Looks like an hell

In castle...

In jail...

The man who was getting caught earlier. He was in there. His name was "Dolion" and he was a mysterious and strange man. He took a rest in the jail like a guest.

A soldier pats the Dolion's foot using a stick.

" Hey, Dolion wake up, You are not a guest here...."

Dolion shouts in pain and asks the soldier..., "Ouch... **control emotion. Well, I am here... Because of my karma... Then why you are here??... What did you do???? "

The soldier tries to beat him after bearing his words.....

Dolion says... " First of all, call your prince Leo... I want to meet him. Me not have enough time. Go go and call him "

"How dare you call our prince by his name.. ...I will kill you''... Soldier shouts...

Prince Leo enters.....

"What's going on???" (..Prince lee..)

" prince Leo He calls you by your name... Then..." The soldier tries to say something.

"You can leave now... " Order thr soldier to leave that place.

Now prince Leo and Dolion are there...

"What do you see there???... What happened to the village " leo asking Dolion about a village.

Dillon with a sinister smile.....

The next day:

Early morning 5 Am.

"Luna... Luna... Wake up ma..." Her grandmother woke up kindly.

"Mom...I will not go to school. I didn't finish my homework..." Luna moaned in dreams.

"Aiigo... What happened to her? What she's saying???... " grandma gets infuriated and beat her..."Hey, lazy grandchild wakes up....."

She slowly, awake...."What happens, grandma, why did you wake up me at this time?? "

Grandma: Hoof... Thank God .you are awake... Let's get ready

Luna: Why?? where???

Grandma: don't talk go and bathe first. I can't sit near of you. Bad smell from you. Go go...

Luna smell his dress... Grandma shouts her to bathe...

Luna: what?? No... I will not...

A cold breeze makes her freeze.

She asks grandma..."I really want to do that??? "

Grandma: I never and ever saw a girl like her...

Inside the bathroom...

The water was too cold. She touches the water and gets freezes. Her lips started to tremble in cold. Suddenly she got an idea... She pours two mugs of water down and pretends to bathe. After a few seconds, she came out.

"Grandma... The water was too cold. But, I obey your words and bath. How good I am right...."** Luna smile like an innocent.

Her grandmother takes out a mug of water and pours it onto her...

" Grandma....hm hum..."Weeping like a kid ...

Her grandmother finds he was lying "Don't try to fool me. I am your grandma... I know you when you are kid... ....now go and bath properly..."

"Hoof. How dangerous grandma I have... She does not have eyes. But, she finds out I am lying." **luna wondered.

A few hours later...

"Grandma... I am back..." A trembling voice...

"Hmm... Good girl...." Her grandma appreciate her by rubbing luna's hair...

She feels good... "For why I have to get ready "...a question rise...

"Hmm... That you are going to serve in the palace.... And today was your first day"... Grandma was soo excited.

But luna does not feel like that... "No grandma... Never.. I can't, And then why?? you say about this now?? ".

"If I say about this before... You already runoff from this place. So only I didn't tell.." **grandma

"Whatever, I will not. I will not leave you. And I heard that palace was very dangerous, And some of them told... They saw a ghost in the night time. I will not please..." She tries to change her grandma's decision...

Grandma stares at her...

On another side...

Leo thinking about Dolion's words... He can't understand whom he says?? And why does it happened in that village ??

An village joulton was completely burn... Except Dolion everyone died...

An hours ago:

Dolion says to lee, " I saw fire... The village was surrounded by fire. I hear screaming sounds of Womens and childrens also... And everyone burning in the fire. At that time the village looks like hell. "

How does he looks? Why he didn't kill you? Why??... **Leo was curious.

"I don't know....maybe he loves me... " Dolion laughs loudly...

Dolion give some clues to Leo.

Leo was fully confused... He tries to know what happens to the village of Joulton. But, their is no evidence. He understand their is something bad happened.

This episode was going to end with these questions who?? And why???

To be continued....