
How its going to end

In prison,

Prince jenro was floating in blood with a bruised body.

A shadow moves towards prince jenro. He slowly opens his eyes... A shadow entered the wall and came to where he was.

Jenro asks, " Everyone thinks you came here to mend a broken relationship, but I know your intentions "

With an evil smile, a man came out from the shadow. The man was Shavion Prince Morgan.

"That's why you are here... Under my foot. What do you think?? If no one can find out your true face... Everyone is thinking that you stay at a bordello just for fun. But I know the truth, I know that everyone in the bordello deals with you, they are all your puppets. Messaging, group meeting... Etc... Etc... Everything is held in a bordello... Am I right... "

" Who are you?? Why you are interfering in my life??, How long have you been planning for this?? .. And where is the real Shavion Prince Morgan?? What do you do to him?? "