
A last wish of a pitiful boy.

With a smile, Leo said," BLUE EYES "

The girls who all are missing had blue eyes... And he said to Kang, " I want to go to the village Kanso "

" Why that village?? " Kang doesn't know why he asks to go to that village.

Leo marks some places on the Perdian kingdom map .... And explains... " These are the places where the girls are missing and the first missing girl was in Kanso and the next, next girls are missing nearby the village Kanso ... We can get some lead on Kanso village.

Kang feels he is right...

On another side...

In the Aniezra Kingdom:

Aniezrians are gathered in a stadium.

( The people of those nativities is Aniezra kingdom then they are called Aniezrians. And the Aniezrians are Inhumans. )

They look so excited.

The Aniezra King Neyden Giffson and the Crown Prince arrived at the stadium ...

King Neyden, Crown Prince Heyden and Aniezra King's advisor " Deuce Efron " are the chief guests for the show.

The match will start when the king shows his hands.

The theme of the match :

Recently a war ends between Aniezra and the Jekovin Kingdom. Finally, Aniezra's kingdom Won the war.

In the name of winning the Aniezra kingdom conduct a sports event.

Normally, If a war between two countries or a kingdom. The war will end after defeating or killing the King. That means the kingdom which wins the war they have full rights over the kingdom which loses.

In that event, The Aniezra kingdom won the war. So the peoples in Jekovin are their slaves.

But, The aniezra kingdoms have a culture, and They give a chance to save their people who were arrested as hostages by the Aniezra kingdom. If the warrior in the kingdom wants to defeat a monster. that means, they had a chance to live in the kingdom or if they want means, they can be set free and the warrior was honoured by the Aniezra kingdom. If not, the warrior and the hostages all will die if not they will be forced to slave them for their life long. The Aniezrians celebrate this event or match as a like festival. This tradition was followed by the Aniezrians.

The above was the history and rules of The match.

The Match was going to start.

The soldiers in the Aniezra kingdom took the Warrior of Jekovin inside the stadium onside.

On another side,

The soldiers Bring Jekvoian peoples to another side. The people like Women, men, kids, old ladies, etc etc...

The head of the jekovin King was placed on a pillar For insulting the people of Jekovians.

The warrior getting frustrated .

In the hostages, A family of members like Dad, mom and their son. The mother hugs his son tightly. The hostage's body starts to tremble in fear. They are afraid of seeing the demons.

The soldiers in the aniezra kingdom played with the hostages by making the hostages scared and pretending to kill them.

The audience laugh by seeing the hostages and they shout to kill the humans... " Kill them .!!!! Kill them !!!!! ".

A kid in the hostage, asks his mother, " Mommy, why are they shouting to kill us... If They are going to kill us ... If We are going to die. If we did something wrong "

Her mother was broken, she can't answer him.

On another side,

King said to Heyden, " I am too excited to see, what the warrior going to do...?? "

Heyden looks at his father with bitter eyes, Heyden was not interested in this match. He feels boring.

Deuce said, " The bloody humans kill many of them from our kingdom. The thing we are going to do, the bastards will never forget. They were too afraid before touching and thinking about us. "

" You are right.. Deuce " King agrees with him.

On the hostage side,

The boy's father lifts his son. He said to his son... " We are not going to die my dear brave boy, we are going to meet our ancestors with their help. They cheer up for us. The thing we did is, get birth in this timeline... do you know a thing we are lucky. so you don't feel bad, we are going to be set free from this world and so on. "

( Their, they - mentioning the demons )

" Gurr ..... grrr ..... "

A weird sound from the boy's stomach, the boy touches his stomach and says, " Daddy I am hungry.... " the kid asks Pitifully.

With eyes of tears... His dad replied, " After we reach the Ancestors, I will buy whatever you ask ... And all your wishes will be fulfilled. "

" Really, " the kid asks with a cute expression.

The boy's mother is yelling on another side.

" Yep, what do you wish? " the father asks his son.

With a smile, the boy said, " I wish to end up the war between demons and humans.... "

On another side,

Luna Writting's diary,

Dear, Mom and dad...

" I am Juno,

Today I saw many of them, they are kind to me. And... I saw a boy, he looks handsome. But, I can see some pain and guilt in his eyes. His name is kadan... Became of him I realised a thing, I decided, to keep moving forward whatever happens. I experienced a lot in this timeline. Even, I learn to live without my mobile phone. No homework, no test, No report cart ... I like it.

But, I miss you daddy and mommy.

To be continued...