
The Legend of the red eyed girl

Larisa, the sole daughter of the king, has grown up in solitude. Her father, frequently absent on expeditions, leaves her and her brother in charge of the state. In this isolation, her only solace is found in the company of Maynard, the duke's gentle son. Over the years, an unexpected love blossoms within her. As she navigates the complexities of love, Larisa is also thrust into a position of power, with all its responsibilities and challenges. Her journey is marked by a determination to pursue love while adapting to newfound authority, and she is prepared to overcome any obstacle that stands in her way.

Swaaan_dawn · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

call Lifar for me

"What happened to your sister," demanded the king in a not too pleased voice as soon as Dario entered the tent.

"Father please calm down I...," Dario tried to explain but was cut off

"You're telling me to calm down? Do you see the state that your sister is in, if you don't give me a satisfying explanation this instance, I will break your leg too," the king threatened even if he knew he couldn't carry through with that threat.

"Father, I was just about to explain when you cut me off," Dario said as he poured a cup of water and presented it to his father who sat behind his desk.

"I'm listening," urged the king as he took the cup of water and took a few sips before putting in down on the table.

Dario relayed out the version that the Wormwood sister's had told him since even he didn't know exactly what happened, and him accusing them was only due to his suspicion of their involvement, after all a horses couldn't just go crazy out of the blue and this has never happened before. So even if he was sure, but without evidence he couldn't confidently say it was them.

He did however, tell the king of the suspicions he had concerning the Wormwood sisters. "Has the horse been found then?" the king inquired.

"Yes, Brennon has already gone to give the horse a check and find out the cause, I will inform you when the results are out,"

"That's goon then," said the king as he got up to leave.

Dario bent and folded his arms in salute as he left, "Father, please take care."

At this moment it had already gotten completely dark outside, Brennon could not examine the horse in dim light as it would hinder them from finding the real cause. He decisively placed the horse into its separate pane and assigned six guards to guard it throughout the night in turns in case someone may try to get rid of it to remove the evidence.

He then reported it to Dario. By now, what happened to the princess had already spread throughout the camp, most where very happy at the news. They didn't like this wannabe Marquis trying to use the back door to be like them, the real nobles. While others couldn't care less, no matter what tricks he played, he would never have the power that they have, at most he can receive rewards but what else?

In spite of their personal opinions though, they were all busy preparing gifts to give to the princess to show their good will in wanted her to get better. They don't have to really feel sorry for her, they just needed to show that they felt sorry. Thus began a war of gifts between the noble ladies, every noble family wanted their gift to be better than the rest and to also show off their wealth in the process, so every family meticulously prepared the most beautiful gifts that they would present in-front of everyone the next day. Why they even brought so much money and treasures to a hunting trip is beyond imagination.

Larisa woke up to an unfamiliar bed canopy, the canopy of the bed she was sleeping on was black with strings of white peals hanging on the edges of the black silk, her bed always had a turquoise canopy with coloured bead strings. She sat up on the bed and called for Lifar.

The tent was very big and was divided in two by a tapestry, the back of the tent is where the sleeping area was, while the front had Dario's desk with a couple of files spread on it. Dario had been summoned by his mother soon after the king left and only Brennon was left in the tent.

He sheathed his sword into its black leather scabbard after he heard Larisa's call, should he go directly to inform the prince that she is awake, but won't the princess panic in an unfamiliar environment without anyone to clear her confusion of where she is. He stood infront of the divider and called out hesitantly.

"Princess, You are in the prince's tent."

Larisa became quite for a moment to recollect her memories before asking, "Where is my brother?"

"His highness was summoned by the Consort, I will go and report that you are awake." He said as he turned to leave.

"Don't!" Larisa declined in agitation. How could this person even be thinking that disturbing a conversation between the prince and his mother for such a trivial thing as her waking up would be alright?

Brennon turned back, "But those were the Prince's instructions."

"Don't bother him, I am perfectly fine." Larisa said as she got off the bed forgetting she just hurt her leg. "Ah!," she exclaimed as she tumbled to the ground after putting pressure on her injured leg.

Brennon entered without much thought at hearing her scream thinking she might be in danger, Larisa was on the carpeted floor on her belly trying to get up, and her dress had ridden up a bit revealing one leg in bandages while the other was long with skin as white as milk.

"Princess, do you need any help?" he asked hesitantly as he looked away from her legs and focused his attention on her face.

"Yes, please." Larisa answered as she looked up at the black clothed man, etiquette could be followed later, she didn't want to keep sitting on the floor.

As her eyes focused on him, Brennon finally got a clear look of the infamous blood eyes. In the dim light of the candles, he only saw eyes that were a perfect represent of shining rubies, what blood red eyes?

Brennon squatted in-front of her, "Pardon me princess," he said as he moved to pick her up from the floor with one of his hands under her knees and the other on her back. She was way too light and thin.

He placed her back on the bed gently and took a pillow to place behind her back.

"Thank you," said Larisa as he set the pillow in place.

Her hot breath brushed his neck when she spoke making him feel uncomfortable.

"You're welcome Princess," he said as he moved away, then he went on say, "If there is nothing else then please excuse me Princess,"

"Actually there is," Larisa said guiltily at having to trouble him further.

Brennon looked at her expectantly, "Can you go and call Lifar for me," Larisa asked politely.

"Yes Princess." Answered Brennon as he went out quickly to carry out the orders,