
The Legend of The new Dawn

Wise_man_zeno · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1       Got thrown in the rift and rebirth [reedit]

He was sitting on the desk of his father's shop studying for his upcoming exams, when suddenly the building started shaking . He got startled and got up from his seat and walked outside of the building but the moment he came to the doorstep he saw a blackish energy like thing . What is this right at doorstep at such a time, he tried touching it, the moment he put his hand inside he felt like himself getting sucked inside it. He panicked and tried getting away but it was too late to regrt it now he got sucked in and disappeared from the spot . he never regretted his decision ever before than he did now.

When he opened his eyes he saw flames he felt himself burning and started twisting in pain and cried in agony. He wanted to get away, but he couldn't. He burnt and continued to burn . Slowly his senses started going numb and he lost track of time . Very slowly but surely he felt the hellfire getting absorbed by him. And the fire slowly started reducing . He started feeling is limbs again . He moved further he just wanted to get away from that place .

In front of him was a vortex of flames. His senses had gone numb long ago. He directly went inside, and Found a beautifully red fiery gem he picked it up and tried checking it his senses felt strong attraction towards it he felt his desire to eat it and he subconsciously put it in his mouth and swallowed it . And all the flames inside the plane started entering his body with the space disappearing in it.

After absorbing fire plane he saw a rift similar to the rift which sucked him before and he got sucked inside it and when he came to his senses again he found himself in a new plane of lightening. And he felt himself being electrocuted his senses of pain were already going numb they then got completely numb . Then the same way he started absorbing the lightening and in the end ate the golden lightening gem and got thrown in another rift .

The new plane was filled with cold water and ice he felt the fire and lightening inside him running amok . The same way as before he started absorbing the water source an the ice and in the depth he saw a beautiful blue gem which he ate and absorbed and the space got absorbed by him . And he entered the new rift .

Just like that he moved from one plane to another plane with different elemental energies. Slowly his memories started to blur. He exclaimed with a excessive feeling of loss. He panicked and tried to recall his memories but to no avail. Helplessly he kept drifting in those vast planes while absorbing those planes.

Just like that a long time passed in darkness he finally saw a ray of light he moved in that direction of light with all the strength he could muster. As he reached the light he finally heard a voice with a wave of unexplainable emotions he heard 2000 years synchronization complete soul body system attached with the host. When he heard this anger started to well up in his mind as he yelled," What's the point of this system when such a long time has passed, my body destroyed, no memories of my past, no idea about my identity, he yelled with all his might as he let out all his frustrations as he said,' I didn't even wanted to synchronize with you when you just dragged me into this?!

I never wished for this to happen what's the point in hearing this now that I've already lost everything precious to me! He panted as heard, due to host's excessively strong soul instead of being destroyed it synchronized with the system. He gasped as he learnt about himself getting destroyed.

'Initiating rebirth reconstructing the body compensating as immortal physique and void physique, unparalleled charm ' he felt himself getting sucked in that light as his surroundings got brighter as he found himself in a large white room upside down slap! He felt a sudden pain as he tried to yell in anger only to hear a baby's cries from his mouth as he got stunned and froze in surprise.

In a fairly large hospital room he opened his eyes to see a big and cute chubby face close to him observing him. He was confused, he looked around trying to guess what happend to him when he heard the chubby faced woman say something which he couldn't understand as he tried to look around and trying to spread his consciousness to surroundings as he was hearing different voices he tried to concentrate as he heard 'body transformation' as his entire body started to heat up as hi wriggled in pain. As a baby's body are weak he couldn't even move properly as he felt his consciousness fading and he heard a voice 'since host is a baby so host's body couldn't handle the pain so host is in temporary coma state' he cursed in his mind 'Damn you system', as he passed out the last thing he saw was a blurry silhouette with long hair with a voice saying Ivan!Ivan!!