

After all the events the night before, my sister and I talked for a long time. She and Uncle Azha planned to take me to the Capital when the thugs took Arthur, so they let everything happen to test me, but when they saw that it was out of control they intervened, but it was late. Apparently, the explosion I caused by using the magic bomb so close to my body made my eyes literally melt. She tried to heal them, but even though she was a ruby heavenly Essence, she could not restore them with her magic, so she used the magic fusion to fuse an artifact known as "Dragon's Eye" on me. The fusion worked, and for a few moments I could actually feel a powerful spiritual essence coming from inside of me when I woke up, but when I calmed down, I could no longer control it. She took me and Arthur to an inn so we could rest the night. When I woke up, she told me that we would go to the Capital of Rashaka, known as Azeroth. We are currently in a carriage driving to Azeroth. I always thought I would never see that place in my life.



"What happened? Why do we stop, Sister Eleanor? "


"It's time to eat, little brother!"




"She's very lively, isn't, Uncle Azha?"

"Hahaha. Yes, the princess is usually agitated, but a few weeks ago she was quite concerned when she discovered where a parchment contained a clue to the location of the Moonlight Amulet. She then asked some of the Kingdom journalists to publish false news that she had the parchment, and left a look-alike of her in her castle so she could go out and look for that track without any complications. "

"So, the parchment was not with her, was it? It seems like I was right after all. But it's a shame that parchment got lost, didn't it, Uncle Azha? "

"Esdra ... I think you need to know about one thing ..."

"Hm, what is it?"

*knock knock*

"Let's eat, boys. Oh, and Esdra, go wake up your lazy friend Arthur! "


Arthur has been asleep since we got to the inn. Sister Eleanor said that even though she had healed her most serious injuries, there were still a few lighter sequels left, and he needed to rest so his body could naturally recover.

"Arthur! Wake up! ARTHUR!!!


"I think it's time for revenge, huh." * evil grin*




Meanwhile, out of the carriage ...

"Princess, we need to tell him. If you want him to really help us, we have to tell the truth to the boy. "

"Do you think he will forgive us, Azha? When he finds out we bait him to get the mercenaries from the east and get the parchment that was with one of them without their leader knowing? "

"Even if he does not forgive us, we must tell the truth. They almost lost their lives, Princess! "

"I would not let him die like this, Azha. He's important to my plan. Now enough of that conversation. "


"Ara, what was that?"

* door opens *

"Alright, Alright, he's already awake, sister Eleanor. Now let's eat! "

Far away, in the Azeroth Capital. Castle of Princess Eleanor. An important figure comes on the scene...

"Prince Esmar, you can't enter the castle like this! Please reconsider and come back another day. Princess Eleanor is sick, so she will not be able to attend you. "


"Sick? Hell she's sick! I can feel the spiritual essence of that girl anywhere in this city, and I know damn well that it's not Eleanor inside that room. So, you shit butler, tell me where she is, or I'm going to destroy this whole place! "



Nightfall. Having already left the city of Alabah and entering the Level 1 Beasts Plain. Esdra and his companions are slowly approaching Azeroth.


"So, Sister Eleanor. Where are we now?"

"We are in the Level 1 Beasts Plain. A place where there are several level 1 beasts and monsters. Levels of beasts and monsters have been cataloged according to the texts made by King Ecnoyi, our father. Altogether he rated 15 types of levels, with 15 being the highest. A level 15 beast could be considered a deity, as were the Acnoyi Dragon and the Dragon Salabar, both of which were level 15 beasts.

"And what are Emblems? I heard from Uncle Azha that you are a ruby spiritual essence, I know a little about spiritual essences, but I don't know about that. "

"The spiritual essences already existed long before me, you or even King Ecnoyi. The sages say that it is a power given to us by the gods, and that every living being has a spiritual essence, even if it is small. But there are those who have a sleeping spiritual essence, and because of that, they can't use them, just like you, little brother Esdra. "

"Yes. I have never been able to feel my own spiritual essence, but after I have gained those eyes, I can feel it inside me, even though it is small, I can feel it. "

"Exactly, little brother Esdra." When the magical fusion happened, for some reason, your dormant spiritual essence was aroused, and for a fraction of a second your essential power was ruby level, just like mine.

"You still haven't told me what it means ..."

"Ara, it's true, hahahah.My guilty.Listen well, little brother.Emblems are how we classify the powers of human beings.All in all they are 10 Emblems, you will learn all about them when we get to Azeroth.But for now, know that Ruby emblem, is the seventh of the ranking, meaning I'm very powerful. Hahaha. "

It must be about dawn already. I couldn't sleep. Arthur has been asleep since he gorged himself on lunch. Eleanor said I'll learn everything I need when we get to Capital, which means I'll have to go to a magic academy when we get there. It's not that alarming. Arthur and I can enjoy this. Like me, Arthur never learned to control his powers, so he never used them. I think it will be good for him to attend a magic academy. I'm a little worried about the parchment. Uncle Azha told me the parchment was burned in the blast. But that parchment seemed to be what Sister Eleanor was looking for. But even though he was burned, she didn't look sad. That's weird ... I should have asked her about my new eyes.

*get up*


"Are you awake already, Arthur?"

"Yo, Esdra!"


"Are you better, Arthur?"


"I'm ... You know, Esdra. We're the same age, but I've always considered you my big brother. But you know, you don't have to take such a risk for me. "

"For you? Who the hell would risk it for you? Idiot! I just didn't want to waste the meat I stole, since I can't eat a piece of that size "

"Hahahahaha, of course! So, where are we going, Esdra? "

"We're going to Azeroth, the Capital of Rashaka."

"Rashaka, huh."

"Are you thinking of your parents, Arthur?"

"Yes, a little. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if they had refused Azeroth's proposal. If they would still be alive, and taking care of me. "


"If you don't want to go there, we can jump here and go to anywhere we want, Arthur."

"Nah. It's all right. I've always wanted to travel to the Capital of Rashaka, they say there they have all kinds of delicious foods and the girls are the hottest in the whole Kingdom. "

"As always you only think of food and girls, Arthur."

"Hahaha, you're right. And you, Esdra? You don't think about your parents and what your life would be like if they were well ... You know. "

"I don't think much about it. My mother died at my birth, and the King died a shortly thereafter, and I think even if he was alive, I wouldn't have the opportunity to meet him. "

"I'm sorry, Esdra."

"Don't feel it, Arthur. It's okay ... I hope we get there soon. "



"Well well. What sad stories you both have, huh. Kikiki "



*draw back*

"Who are you?"


A strange fellow. Who is he? What is he doing here? How did he get here after all? And why the hell I didn't notice your presence here with us?

"Who are you? How did you get in here? What do you want here? "

"Kikiki. I was just looking for my lovely little sister, Eleanor. But look who I just found. The bastard of the family. "

Shit ... He's one of the Princes.

Hello, guys, one more time. I bring another chapter of the Moonlight series. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Calebatariocreators' thoughts