
The Legend of the Last Emperor

Surya was 12 years old when his village was destroyed By the Yaksha, who was passing from his village but, he survived because of his mother. That day he decided to become a Monster hunter and vowed in front of his mother's corpse that he would find his mother's killer and use his blood as offering to her. After which he left his village in the direction where that Yaksha had gone. From there his journey of Monster Hunter began, but unknownist to him, a mysterious fate was waiting for him because of which he would became the last Emperor.

Daoistl8aZOD · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


"Amma, are we going to die" asked Surya to his mother.

"No, my son. who told you that?" asked his mother in her gentle voice.

"every one of my friends were talking about this. they said that a Yaksha gonna attack us soon."

"No, My son no Yaksha is coming and even if it came you don't have to wary, your mother will protect you." said Savitri Surya's mother.

"But, you're so, weak that I even have to help you in lifting Earthen pots. How would you protect me?" asked Surya with his innocent face.

"Oh!! My stupid son of course I could lift those pots. it's just that I want you to be strong."said Savitri while avoiding eyes with Surya.

"mother do we became stronger by lifting Earthen pots??" asked Surya with his tilted head.

"No, my son, not by lifting Earthen pots but, a man becomes stronger by helping others.

do you know?

your father also came to this village to help us." said Savitri.

"really!!! Amma please tell me more about father. you rarely talk about him." said Surya with excitement and stars in his eyes.

"Ok!! , then listen, almost 15 years from now, a powerful Rakshas attacked our village.

That Rakshas had three heads and six horns on his heads each horn curving inwards.

He had body of about 30 feets and he used to carry a big blade, enough to slice a mammoth in two pieces.

all the villages in the surrounding were also in terror because of that Rakshas so, we decided to request help from nearby City.

Your father came with his team of seven. he was called..."

"Hatim.Hatim.Hatim!!!!!! Right?" said Surya with excitement.

"Yes, Hatim, that was his name." said Savitri who had years in her eyes.